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                                                                                                        sports Diaranson 9 December 2020

                      Michigan’s COVID-19 outbreak cancels game against Ohio State

            (AP)  —  Michigan  can-      break” on Saturday in a 52-12  least  12  positive  COVID-19
            celed  its  annual  rivalry  win  at  Michigan  State  after  cases within the football pro-
            game  at  Ohio  State  on  he was relegated to watching  gram, a person familiar with
            Tuesday  because  of  the  the game from home. Day is  the situation told The Asso-
            COVID-19 outbreak with-      among the coaches and play-  ciated Press. The size of the
            in the Wolverines football  ers in the program that tested  outbreak  has  not  been  dis-
            program.                     positive  for  the  coronavirus,  closed by the school and the
                                         leading to Ohio State cancel-  person spoke to The AP only
            “The  number  of  positive  ing a game at Illinois.       on condition of anonymity.
            tests  has  continued  to  trend  Earlier  Tuesday,  the  regular-  While  outbreaks  have  dis-
            in an upward  direction  over  season football finale between  rupted more than 100 games
            the  last  seven  days,”  Michi-  No. 7 Cincinnati and No. 18  across major college football
            gan  athletic  director  Warde  Tulsa was alsocanceled due to  since  late  August,  the  prob-
            Manuel  said.  “We  have  not  COVID-19 cases and contact  lems  with  the  Wolverines
            been cleared to participate in  tracing  within  the  Bearcats’  were closely watched in part
            practice at this time. Unfor-  program. The two teams are  because the Buckeyes have a  conference  doesn’t  want  to  Harbaugh  fell  to  0-5  in  the
            tunately, we will not be able  scheduled to play Dec. 19 in  lot to gain.              hurt the Buckeyes chances of  rivalry last year, continuing a
            to field a team due to COV-  the  American  Athletic  Con-  The  Buckeyes  have  missed  earning a playoff berth.   trend that has seen Michigan
            ID-19 positives and the asso-  ference title game.        two games in this pandemic-  With the move to cancel the  lose 15 of its last 16 games to
            ciated  quarantining  required  Last  week,  Michigan  coach  shortened  season  because  of  game  in  Columbus,  Ohio,  Ohio  State  to  knock  some
            of  close  contact  individuals.  Jim  Harbaugh  said  team  COVID-19  issues  and  one  it  spares  Harbaugh  what  luster  off  one  of  the  great-
            This  decision  is  disappoint-  meetings  that  were  sched-  more would leave them un-  would likely be another lop-  est  rivalries  in  sports.  Har-
            ing for our team and coaches  uled  to  be  done  in  person  able  to  reach  a  conference-  sided loss. The Buckeyes beat  baugh’s  winless  record  as  a
            but their health and safety is  would be conducted virtually  mandated minimum to be el-  Michigan  56-27  at  the  Big  coach in The Game is often
            paramount, and it will always  after an increased number of  igible for the Big Ten cham-  House last year in Day’s first  scrutinized. That’s especially
            come  first  in  our  decision-  presumptive  positive  CO-  pionship game.            game as head coach in the se-  true this season because Har-
            making.”                     VID-19 tests.                The Big Ten, however, could  ries and extended their win-  baugh has one year left on his
            The  third-ranked  Buckeyes  The  Wolverines  canceled  decide  Ohio  State  will  still  ning streak over the Wolver-  contract at the school he led
            played  through  what  coach  last  weekend’s  game  against  represent  the  East  Division  ines to a school-record eight  as a quarterback in the mid-
            Ryan Day called a “mini out-  Maryland because they had at  at  least  in  part  because  the  straight.            1980s.

                             Qatar links into Euro World Cup qualifying for friendlies

                                                                                                   The  arrangement  provides  League  finalists,  while  the
                                                                                                   Qatar  with  10  friendlies  in  other groups in Europe con-
                                                                                                   Europe, with the results not  tain six sides.
                                                                                                   counting  in  Group  A  as  the  The  Qataris  are  also  set  to
                                                                                                   Asian  champions  qualify  as  play in both regional tourna-
                                                                                                   World Cup hosts.             ments covering the Americas
                                                                                                                                next year.
                                                                                                   The  other  opponents  in
                                                                                                   Group A are Serbia, Ireland,  They  will  first  contest  the
                                                                                                   Luxembourg and Azerbaijan.   Copa América from June 11-
                                                                                                   “As  Qatar  has  already  quali-  July 10 as part of a group with
                                                                                                   fied for the 2022 FIFA World  co-host Colombia as well as
                                                                                                   Cup as hosts, UEFA has in-   Brazil,  Ecuador,  Peru  and
                                                                                                   vited  them  to  join  with  the  Venezuela.
                                                                                                   teams  of  Group  A  to  help  Then, a Qatari team will be
                                                                                                   their  squad  prepare  for  the  in  the  United  States  for  the
                                                                                                   tournament,”  the  European  July 10-Aug. 1 CONCACAF
                                                                                                   governing  body  said  in  a  Gold Cup, the championship
                                                                                                   statement on Tuesday.        of North and Central Ameri-
                                                                                                   Qatar will play all the matches  ca and the Caribbean.
                                                                                                   in Europe, starting on March
                                                                                                   24 against Luxembourg. Qa-   Qatar won its first Asian Cup
            (AP)  -  Qatar  will  gain  World  Cup  by  effective-    an  champion  Portugal  to   tar  is  joining  the  only  five-  title in 2019 by beating Japan
            more  match  experience  ly  joining  the  qualifying  play friendlies.                team  qualifying  group  not  in the final and is No. 59 in
            ahead of hosting the 2022  group  featuring  Europe-                                   featuring the UEFA Nations  the FIFA world rankings.

                         Monte Morris agrees to 3-year, $27M extension with Nuggets

            (AP)  —  Guard  Monte  season  run  to  the  Western
            Morris  has  agreed  to  a  Conference finals, where the
            three-year,  $27  million  Nuggets were eliminated by
            contract  extension  with  the Los Angeles Lakers.
            Denver Nuggets.
                                         The 25-year-old Morris was
            His  agent,  Ron  Shade,  con-  a second-round draft pick in
            firmed the deal Tuesday. It’s  2017  out  of  Iowa  State.  He
            fully guaranteed with incen-  has become a reliable part of
            tives that can move it closer  coach  Michael Malone’s ro-
            to $9.5 million per year.    tation over the past few sea-
            Morris is coming off a regu-  sons.
            lar season in which he aver-  Morris  dressed  in  all  82
            aged 9 points and 3.5 assists  games  during  the  2018-19
            per  game.  He  played  a  big  season.  He  averaged  10.4
            role  during  Denver’s  post-  points and 3.6 assists.
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