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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 9 December 2020

                          Russia to establish navy base in Sudan for at least 25 years

            (AP) — Russia has signed                                                                                            established a major presence
            an agreement with Sudan                                                                                             in the Mediterranean, thanks
            to  establish  a  navy  base                                                                                        to a naval base in the Syrian
            in  the  African  nation  for                                                                                       port of  Tartus, currently the
            at least a quarter century,                                                                                         only such facility that Russia
            part  of  Moscow’s  efforts                                                                                         has outside the former Soviet
            to expand its global reach.                                                                                         Union.
                                                                                                                                Russia  has  waged  a  military
            The  deal  published  Tuesday                                                                                       campaign in Syria since Sep-
            on the official portal of gov-                                                                                      tember 2015, allowing Presi-
            ernment  documents  allows                                                                                          dent  Bashar  Assad’s  govern-
            Russia  to  simultaneously                                                                                          ment to reclaim control over
            keep  up  to  four  navy  ships,                                                                                    most  of  the  country  follow-
            including  nuclear-powered                                                                                          ing a devastating civil war.
            ones,  in  Port  Sudan  on  the                                                                                     In  2017,  Moscow  struck  a
            Red Sea. The agreement lasts                                                                                        deal with Assad to extend its
            for 25 years and could be au-                                                                                       lease on Tartus for 49 years.
            tomatically  extended  for  10-                                                                                     After  signing  the  agreement
            year  periods  if  none  of  the                                                                                    that allows Russia to keep up
            parties objects to it.                                                                                              to  11  warships  there,  it  has
            The  document  states  that                                                                                         moved to modernize and ex-
            the Russian navy base should                                                                                        pand the facility.
            “help  strengthen  peace  and                                                                                       As  part  of  Putin’s  efforts  to
            stability  in  the  region”  and                                                                                    beef up the military, the Rus-
            isn’t  directed  against  any  military equipment.        globe.  The  Russian  military  President Vladimir Putin has  sian navy in recent years has
            third parties. In exchange for  The  new  agreement  is  part  footprint  withered  after  the  moved steadily to rebuild the  revived  the  Soviet-era  prac-
            Sudan’s permission to set up  of  Moscow’s  efforts  to  re-  1991  Soviet  collapse  amid  nation’s military might amid  tice of constantly rotating its
            the base, Russia will provide  store  a  regular  naval  pres-  economic  woes  and  mili-  tensions with the West.  warships  in  the  Mediterra-
            Sudan  with  weapons  and  ence  in  various  parts  of  the  tary  funding  shortages,  but  The Russian navy already has  nean.

                          Pressure mounts on Hungary, Poland to unlock EU stimulus

            (AP)  —  The  German  which is so critical for many
            presidency  of  the  EU  member states.”
            said  Tuesday  that  further  Both  Poland  and  Hungary,
            delaying  the  European  which have conservative, na-
            Union’s  landmark  1.82  tionalist  governments,  have
            trillion-euro  ($2.21  tril-  said they fear the EU mecha-
            lion)  long-term  budget  nism will be used to punish
            and  coronavirus  recovery  their values.
            package  would  be  “irre-
            sponsible”  as  diplomats  Hungarian  Prime  Minister
            envisage  a  solution  with-  Viktor  Orban  came  to  War-
            out  Poland  and  Hungary,  saw  on  Tuesday  night  and
            the two EU states holding  held talks with Polish coun-
            up the measure.              terpart  Mateusz  Morawiecki
                                         and  Deputy  Prime  Minister
            German  European  Affairs  Jaroslaw  Kaczynski,  who  is
            minister  Michael  Roth  said  the  main  architect  of  Po-
            the  stimulus  is  crucial  for  land’s politics. Media reports
            many  European  countries  said they were to agree on an
            whose economies have been  acceptable  compromise  as  a
            devastated  by  the  pandemic.  result  of  negotiations  with
            But  Poland  and  Hungary,  German  Chancellor  Angela
            who  agreed  on  the  deal  in  Merkel before the summit.
            July,  are  now  vetoing  the  If  EU  leaders  fail  to  adopt
            package because of a mecha-  the budget for 2021-2027 be-
            nism  that  would  allow  the  fore the end of the year, the
            EU to cut off funds to coun-  bloc  will  continue  to  spend
            tries  that  violate  the  bloc’s  but  function  on  limited  re-
            democratic standards.        sources, with a maximum of
            Germany,  which  currently  one-twelfth of the budget for
            holds the rotating presidency  the previous financial year to
            of the EU, has been deploy-  be spent each month. Many  recovery plan without Poland  agreement  by  the  25  other  Speaking  after  a  video  con-
            ing  efforts  to  find  a  com-  projects for Poland and Hun-  and  Hungary.  A  senior  EU  nations labeled enhanced co-  ference  of  European  affairs
            promise  before  a  summit  of  gary — which are already be-  diplomat who was not autho-  operation.               ministers,  Roth  said  dis-
            European leaders in Brussels  ing  formally  investigated  by  rized  to  speak  publicly  said  Under  the  enhanced  coop-  cussing again the rule of law
            starting Thursday, where the  the  EU  for  their  potential  Poland and Hungary need to  eration  procedure,  a  group  mechanism is not an option
            topic will top the agenda.   violations  of  the  rule  of  law  give a clear indication before  of EU nations can decide to  for EU countries but insisted
            “The  social  and  economic  — could be held up.          the  summit  that  they  have  move  forward  in  situations  that Germany remains com-
            consequences  of  the  crisis  To  break  the  stalemate  and  changed their minds and are  where  all  27  countries  are  mitted to finding a compro-
            become  more  visible  every  ensure  that  at  least  part  of  now ready to compromise.  not on the same page. If the  mise involving all 27 member
            day,” Roth said, “It would be  the  money  is  made  avail-  The diplomat said if there is  standoff  continues,  such  a  states.
            irresponsible  to  further  de-  able, European officials have  no “clear signal” from those  move could at least help un-
            lay  essential  support  to  our  been thinking of options that  two  nations,  then  EU  of-  lock  the  bloc’s  750  billion-  “We hope to be able to achieve
            citizens.  We  need  to  rapidly  would  allow  the  EU’s  25  ficials  will  move  on  to  Plan  euro ($909 billion) economic  success in the next few hours
            unlock  the  financial  support  other  nations  to  launch  the  B,  which  could  include  an  recovery package.  or days,” he said.
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