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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 31 Maart 2021

                        With ship now freed, a probe into Suez Canal blockage begins

            (AP)  —  Experts  boarded                                                                                           Ismailia  to  praise  those  who
            the massive container ship                                                                                          freed the vessel.
            Tuesday that had blocked                                                                                            Speaking  to  a  small  group
            Egypt’s  vital  Suez  Canal                                                                                         of reporters on a dock over-
            and disrupted global trade                                                                                          looking the waterway, el-Sissi
            for nearly a week, seeking                                                                                          deflected questions about the
            answers  to  a  single  ques-                                                                                       investigation,  saying  Egypt
            tion  that  could  have  bil-                                                                                       would  not  interfere  in  a
            lions  of  dollars  in  legal                                                                                       probe that will be left to “the
            repercussions: What went                                                                                            specialists.”
            wrong?                                                                                                              “We  want  to  confirm  to  all
                                                                                                                                the  world,  that  things  are
            As  convoys  of  ships  again                                                                                       back  to  as  they  were,”  he
            began  traveling  through  the                                                                                      added. He stood before a sign
            artery  linking  the  Mediter-                                                                                      that  said:  “Welcome  to  the
            ranean and Red Seas, a canal                                                                                        Suez  Canal:  Egypt’s  lifeline
            service  provider  said  more                                                                                       of  peace,  prosperity  and  de-
            than 300 vessels carrying ev-  on  condition  of  anonymity  then  determine  that  it’s  safe  a day in maritime commerce.  velopment.”
            erything  from  crude  oil  to  because  he  was  not  autho-  to sail either by itself or with  Analysts expect it could take  On Monday, a flotilla of tug-
            cattle  were  still  waiting  for  rized  to  talk  to  journalists,  a tug escort to the next port,”  at  least  another  10  days  to  boats  helped  by  the  tides,
            their  turn  in  a  process  that  told  The  Associated  Press  he added.             clear  the  backlog  —  though  wrenched  the  bulbous  bow
            will take days. Egyptian gov-  that experts were looking for  The  ship’s  owner,  Shoei  Egypt’s  president  said  Tues-  of  Ever  Given  from  the  ca-
            ernment  officials,  insurers,  signs of damage and trying to  Kisen Kaisha Ltd., said Tues-  day it would take just three.  nal’s  sandy  bank,  where  it
            shippers and others similarly  determine why the vessel ran  day  that  it  would  be  part  of  The  losses  to  shippers,  as  had been firmly lodged. The
            waited for more details about  aground.                   the  investigation  along  with  well  as  any  physical  damage  tugs blared their horns in ju-
            what  caused  the  skyscraper-  There  could  be  significant  other  parties,  though  it  did  to the vessel itself, likely will  bilation  as  they  guided  the
            sized Ever Given to become  damage to the the ship, Kon-  not  identify  them  by  name.  see lawsuits.             Ever Given through the wa-
            wedged  across  the  canal  on  rad  warned.  Stuck  for  days  It also refused to discuss pos-  Shoei  Kisen  Kaisha  Ltd.  is  ter  after  days  of  futility  that
            March 23.                    across  the  canal,  the  ship’s  sible causes of the grounding,  covered with some $3 billion  had  captivated  the  world,
            When blame gets assigned, it  middle  rose  and  fell  with  including  the  ship’s  speed  in liability insurance through  drawing  scrutiny  and  social
            will likely lead to years of liti-  the  tide,  bending  up  and  and the high winds that buf-  13  Protection  &  Indemnity  media ridicule.
            gation to recoup the costs of  down under the tremendous  feted  it  during  a  sandstorm,  Clubs. Those clubs are not-  The Ever Given had crashed
            repairing the ship, fixing the  weight  of  some  20,000  con-  saying it could not comment  for-profit  mutual  insurers  into  a  bank  of  a  single-lane
            canal and reimbursing those  tainers  across  its  400-meter  on an ongoing investigation.  used by the vast majority of  stretch  of  the  canal  about  6
            who  saw  their  cargo  ship-  (quarter-mile)  length.  On  Initial reports also suggested  global shipping firms.  kilometers  (3.7  miles)  north
            ments  disrupted.  Since  the  Monday, when workers par-  a  “blackout”  struck  the  ves-  Global  legal  firm  Clyde and  of  the  southern  entrance,
            vessel is owned by a Japanese  tially floated the ship, all that  sel, something denied by the  Co.  said  the  Ever  Given’s  near  the  city  of  Suez.  That
            firm, operated by a Taiwanese  pressure came forward to its  ship’s technical manager.  owner  likely  would  pay  forced some ships to take the
            shipper,  flagged  in  Panama  bow.  “Structural  integrity  is  The  company  added  that  Egypt’s  canal  authority  for  long,  alternate  route  around
            and now stuck in Egypt, mat-  No. 1. You know, there was a  any  damage  to  the  ship  was  the  assistance  already  ren-  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  at
            ters quickly become an inter-  lot of strain on that ship as it  believed  to  be  mostly  on  its  dered to the vessel. The au-  Africa’s  southern  tip  —  a
            national morass.             was sagging in the waterway,”  keel.  It  said  it  was  not  im-  thority  also  could  fine  the  5,000-kilometer (3,100-mile)
            “This ship is a multinational  Konrad  said.  “They  have  to  mediately  known  whether  Ever Given.               detour that costs ships hun-
            conglomeration,”  said  Capt.  check  everything  for  cracks  the vessel will be repaired on  “We anticipate a detailed in-  dreds of thousands of dollars
            John  Konrad,  the  founder  and  particularly  that  rudder  site  in  Egypt  or  elsewhere,  vestigation will follow which  in fuel and other costs.
            and  CEO  of  the  shipping  and the propeller in the back  or whether it will eventually  will  determine  the  cause,”  The  unprecedented  shut-
            news website   that’s  connected  to  the  en-  head to its initial destination  the firm said. ”Evidently the  down,  which  raised  fears
            Experts  boarded  the  Ever  gine room.”                  of Rotterdam. That is a deci-  cause  will  impact  upon  the  of  extended  delays,  goods
            Given as it idled Tuesday in  “And  then  they  have  to  go  sion to be made by its opera-  legal liabilities of the ship and  shortages and rising costs for
            Egypt’s  Great  Bitter  Lake,  through  all  the  mechanical  tor, rather than the shipown-  cargo interests.”      consumers,  added  to  strain
            just north of the site where it  equipment,  make  sure  they  er, the company said.   Egyptian  President  Abdel  on the shipping industry al-
            previously blocked the canal.  test the engines, all the safety  The  grounding  of  the  ship  Fattah el-Sissi traveled Tues-  ready  under  pressure  from
            A senior canal pilot, speaking  valves, all the equipment, and  had halted billions of dollars  day  to  the  canalside  city  of  the coronavirus pandemic.

                       Japan, Indonesia sign arms transfer pact amid China concerns

            (AP) — Japan and Indone-     “It  has  become  difficult  to  tempt  to  change  the  status
            sia signed a pact on Tues-   take for granted the premises  quo by force” and agreed on
            day  allowing  the  trans-   that have supported the peace  the  importance of  observing
            fer  of  Japanese  defense  and prosperity of the interna-  a rules-based maritime order
            equipment  and  technol-     tional  community,”  Japanese  and respect for international
            ogy  to  Jakarta  as  the  two  Foreign Minister Toshimitsu  maritime  laws,  Japan’s  For-
            countries strengthen their  Motegi  said  in  opening  re-  eign Ministry said in a state-
            military ties in the face of  marks at the talks.         ment.
            China’s increasingly asser-  Motegi  and  Defense  Min-   “Together  we  will  maintain
            tive activity in the region.  ister  Nobuo  Kishi  and  their  and  strengthen  a  free  and
                                         Indonesian     counterparts,  open  maritime  order,”  Kishi
            The  agreement  came  dur-   Retno Marsudi and Prabowo  said  at  a  joint  news  confer-
            ing  “two  plus  two”  security  Subianto,  also  agreed  to  ac-  ence  after  the  talks.  He  said
            talks among the foreign and  tively participate in multina-  the two countries will speed   security  talks  in  which  they  killings  of  pro-democracy
            defense ministers of the two  tional  military  exercises  and  up a decision on the details of   condemned  Chinese  “coer-  protestors  by  the  Myanmar
            countries,  which  share  con-  jointly  develop  remote  is-  Japanese  exports  of  defense   cion and  aggression” toward  military,  agreeing  to  closely
            cerns  about  China’s  grow-  lands in the South China Sea.  equipment to Indonesia.   its neighbors in Asia.       cooperate  in  efforts  to  im-
            ing  influence  and  territorial  The  ministers  “shared  grave  The security talks come two   The Japanese and Indonesian  prove  the  situation  in  that
            claims in the East and South  concern  over  the  continua-  weeks after Japan and its key   ministers  also  shared  (aster-  country.
            China seas.                  tion and escalation of an at-  ally,  the  United  States,  held   isk)serious concern” over the
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