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             Wednesday 14 december 2022

            Massive U.S. storm brings tornadoes to South, blizzard threat

            Continued from Front         from the storms.             lines down” in and around
                                         “So  the  main  thing  is  that  the town, Murrell said.
            An  area  stretching  from  we’ve  got  everyone  in  a  National  Weather  Service
            Montana  into  western  Ne-  safe  place,”  McNew  said  meteorologist  Doug  Spe-
            braska  and  Colorado  was  just  after  noon.  “And  so  heger  said  wind  speeds
            under  blizzard  warnings,  now we’re starting the pro-   reached 111-135 mph (179-
            and  the  National  Weather  cess  of  going  through  the  211  kph)  and  the  tornado
            Service  said  that  as  much  city  looking  at  damage  was rated EF-2. It was likely
            as 2 feet (61 centimeters) of  to  property,  to  businesses,  on  the  ground  for  about
            snow was possible in some  homes  and  then  roads  two  to  four  minutes,  ac-
            areas of western South Da-   to  see  what  needs  to  be  cording  to  the  weather
            kota and northwestern Ne-    closed, what we can open  service.  In  parts  of  Iowa,
            braska. Ice and sleet were  and  how  soon  we  can  Minnesota  and  South  Da-
            expected  in  the  eastern  open them.”                   kota, the National Weather
            Great Plains.                Near  Decatur,  about  70  Service  warned  that  up
            In the south, a line of thun-  miles (113 kilometers) north-  to  about  half  an  inch  (2.5   Adam Lee, left, and Jr. Ibarra, right, carry a table from a friend's
            derstorms    that   moved  west  of  Dallas,  the  Wise  centimeters)  of  ice  could   home  after  it  was  destroyed  by  a  tornado,  Tuesday,  Dec.  13,
            across  North  Texas  and  County Office of Emergen-      form and winds could gust    2022, in Wayne, Okla.
            Oklahoma  in  the  early  cy  Management  said  one  up  to  45  mph  (72  kph).                                                Associated Press
            morning hours brought tor-   person was injured from fly-  Power  outages,  tree  dam-  night, urged people to stay  ment   of   Transportation
            nadoes,  damaging  winds,  ing debris while traveling in  age,  falling  branches  and  off the roads.              said. Interstate 29 was also
            hail  and  heavy  rain,  said  their vehicle and the other  hazardous travel conditions  “There’s  essentially  no  one  expected to close and sec-
            National  Weather  Service  was  injured  when  their  ve-  all threatened the region.  traveling  right  now,”  said  ondary  highways  will  likely
            meteorologist  Tom  Brad-    hicle  overturned  due  to  All  of  western  Nebraska  Justin McCallum, a manag-      become “impassable,” the
            shaw.  Authorities  on  Tues-  high  winds.  One  person  was under a blizzard warn-   er at the Flying J truck stop  department said.
            day  reported  dozens  of  was  taken  to  the  hospital  ing  from  Tuesday  through  at  Ogallala,  Nebraska.  He  Xcel Energy, one of the re-
            damaged homes and busi-      and the other was treated  Thursday, and the National  said he got to work before  gion’s  largest  electric  pro-
            nesses and several people  at  the  scene.  Meanwhile,  Weather  Services  said  up  the roads were closed, but  viders, had boosted staff in
            injured.  In  the  Fort  Worth  a  tornado  damaged  the  to  20  inches  (51  centime-  likely won’t be able to get  anticipation  of  power  out-
            suburbs, photos sent by the  Oklahoma town of Wayne  ters) of snow was expected  back home Tuesday. “I can  ages.  A  middle  school  in
            North  Richland  Hills  police  shortly after 5 a.m. Tuesday.  in  the  northwest.  Winds  of  see to the first poles outside  Sioux  Falls  lost  power  Tues-
            department,    showed    a  There were no deaths or in-   more than 50 mph (80 kph)  the  doors,  but  I  can’t  see  day morning and sent stu-
            home without a roof, a tree  juries  due  to  the  tornado,  at times will make it impos-  the rest of the lot right out-  dents  home  early.  Power
            that  had  been  split  in  half  McClain  County  Sheriff’s  sible  to  see  outdoors,  offi-  side. I’ll probably just get a  outages  affecting  about
            and an overturned vehicle  Capt.  Bryan  Murrell  said.  cials said.                   motel room here tonight.”    1,700 customers in the east-
            in  a  parking  lot.  About  20  But as authorities began as-  The  Nebraska  Department  In Colorado, all roads were  ern  part  of  the  state  were
            homes and businesses were  sessing  its  impact  Tuesday  of  Transportation  closed  closed  in  the  northeast  reported by utility providers
            damaged in the storm, the  morning, it was clear there  stretches  of  Interstate  80  quadrant of the state. And  Tuesday.
            police said.                 was  widespread  damage  and Interstate 76 as heavy  a        260-mile   (418-kilome-  In   southern   Minnesota,
            In  nearby  Grapevine,  po-  to  Wayne,  which  is  about  snow and high winds made  ter) stretch of Interstate 90  winds gusting up to 50 mph
            lice spokesperson Amanda  45  miles  (72  kilometers)  travel  dangerous.  The  Ne-    across  western  South  Da-  (80  kph)  had  reduced  vis-
            McNew  said  there  have  south of Oklahoma City.         braska  State  Patrol,  which  kota  was  closed  Tuesday  ibility  and  in  the  Twin  Cit-
            been  five  confirmed  inju-  “We’ve got multiple family  was  called  to  deal  with  morning  due  to  “freezing  ies  metro  area,  sleet  and
            ries,  yet  no  fatalities  and  structures  with  significant  several  crashes  and  jack-  rain, heavy snow, and high  gravel  mixed  with  rain  on
            no  life-threatening  injuries,  damage  ...  barns,  power  knifed  semitrailers  over-  winds,” the state’s Depart-  the roads.q

                                                                      Biden forms interagency group to draft

                                                                      antisemitism strategy

                                                                      being spread by prominent  House.  "This  strategy  will  in Florida. The rapper Ye —
                                                                      public figures.              raise  understanding  about  formerly  known  as  Kanye
                                                                      Led by the White House Do-   antisemitism and the threat  West — expressed love for
                                                                      mestic Policy and National  it poses to the Jewish com-   Adolf Hitler in an interview.
                                                                      Security  councils,  the  new  munity  and  all  Americans,  Basketball  star  Kyrie  Irving
                                                                      group will consult with com-  address   antisemitic   ha-  appeared  to  promote  an
                                                                      munity  leaders,  govern-    rassment  and  abuse  both  antisemitic  film  on  social
                                                                      ment  officials,  lawmakers  online  and  offline,  seek  to  media.
                                                                      and  activists  as  it  drafts  a  prevent antisemitic attacks  Neo-Nazi  trolls  are  clamor-
                                                                      national  strategy  to  tackle  and incidents, and encour-  ing  to  return  to  Twitter  as
            White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks during   antisemitism and Holocaust  age  whole-of-society  ef-  new CEO Elon Musk grants
            the  daily  briefing  at  the  White  House  in  Washington,  Monday,   denial.        forts  to  counter  antisemi-  "amnesty"  to  suspended
            Dec. 12, 2022.                                            The   action   follows   on  tism and build a more inclu-  accounts.
                                                     Associated Press   Biden's public commitment  sive nation," press secretary  The announcement comes
            By ZEKE MILLER               formed a new interagency  to  healing  the  "soul  of  the  Karine Jean-Pierre said in a  a week after Doug Emhoff,
            AP White House Correspon-    group to develop a nation-   nation"  after  seeing  hate  statement.                  the  husband  of  Vice  Presi-
            dent                         al strategy to combat anti-  groups  marching  in  Char-  Former  President  Donald  dent Kamala Harris, played
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid  semitism,  the  White  House  lottesville,    Virginia,   with  Trump recently hosted Nick  host  to  Jewish  leaders  to
            a  surge  in  hateful  rhetoric  announced.               torches  and  swastikas  in  Fuentes, a Holocaust-deny-   discuss the rise in antisemi-
            and  violence,  President  The action comes at a time  2017, an episode that pro-      ing  white  supremacist,  at  tism in the U.S. and around
            Joe  Biden  on  Monday  when  anti-Jewish  vitriol  is  pelled his run for the White  Trump's  Mar-a-Lago  home  the world.q
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