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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 27 November 2021

                             Biden sets out oil, gas leasing reform, stops short of ban

            (AP) — The Biden admin-      criticism  from  congressio-  proximity to existing oil and
            istration on Friday recom-   nal  Republicans  and  the  oil  gas infrastructure, the report  Energy companies including  Emissions from burning and
            mended  an  overhaul  of  industry, even as many envi-    said.                        Shell, BP, Chevron and Exx-  extracting  fossil  fuels  from
            the  nation’s  oil  and  gas  ronmentalists and Democrats                              onMobil offered a combined  public  lands  and  waters  ac-
            leasing  program  to  limit  said  Biden  should  make  the  The  White  House  declined  $192  million  for  offshore  count for about a quarter of
            areas  available  areas  for  leasing pause permanent.    to comment Friday, referring  drilling  rights  in  the  Gulf,  U.S.  carbon  dioxide  emis-
            energy  development  and                                  questions to Interior.       highlighting   the   hurdles  sions,  according  to  the  U.S.
            raise costs for oil and gas  The new report seeks a mid-                               Biden faces to reach climate  Geological Survey.
            companies to drill on pub-   dle  ground  that  would  con-  The  federal  leasing  program  goals dependent on deep cuts
            lic land and water.          tinue  the  multibillion-dollar  has  drawn  renewed  focus  in fossil fuel emissions.  Environmentalists hailed the
                                         leasing  program  while  re-  in  recent  weeks  as  gasoline                          report’s  recommendation  to
            The  long-awaited  report  forming it to end what many  prices  have  skyrocketed  and  The leases will take years to  raise  royalty  rates,  but  some
            by  the  Interior  Department  officials  consider  overly  fa-  Republicans   complained  develop,  meaning  oil  com-  groups  said  the  report  falls
            stops  short  of  recommend-  vorable terms for the indus-  that  Biden  policies,  includ-  panies could keep producing  short of action needed to ad-
            ing an end to oil and gas leas-  try.                     ing  the  leasing  moratorium,  crude  long  past  2030,  when  dress the climate crisis.
            ing on public lands, as many                              rejection of the Keystone XL  Biden has set a goal to lower
            environmental  groups  have  The report recommends hik-   oil pipeline and a ban on oil  greenhouse gas emissions by  “Today’s report is a complete
            urged.  But  officials  said  the  ing  federal  royalty  rates  for  leasing in Alaska’s Arctic Na-  at least 50%, compared with  failure  of  the  climate  lead-
            report would lead to a more  oil  and  gas  drilling,  which  tional  Wildlife  Refuge,  con-  2005 levels. Scientists say the  ership  that  our  world  des-
            responsible  leasing  process  have not been raised for 100  tributed to the price spike.  world needs to be well on the  perately  needs,″  said  Taylor
            that provides a better return  years. The federal rate of 12.5                         way to that goal over the next  McKinnon of the Center for
            to U.S. taxpayers.           percent that developers must  Biden on Tuesday ordered a  decade  to  avoid  catastrophic  Biological Diversity, an envi-
                                         pay to drill on public lands is  record  50  million  barrels  of  climate change.     ronmental group.
            “Our nation faces a profound  significantly lower than many  oil  released  from  America’s
            climate crisis that is impact-  states and private landowners  strategic  reserve,  aiming  to  Yet  even  as  Biden  has  tried  The  report  “presumes  more
            ing  every  American,″  Inte-  charge  for  drilling  leases  on  bring  down  gas  prices  amid  to  cajole  other  world  lead-  fossil  fuel  leasing  that  our
            rior  Secretary  Deb  Haaland  state or private lands.    concerns  about  inflation.  ers into strengthening efforts  climate  can’t  afford”  and
            said  in  a  statement,  adding                           Gasoline  prices  are  at  about  against  global  warming,  in-  abandons  Biden’s  campaign
            that  the  new  report’s  rec-  The report also said the gov-  $3.40  a  gallon,  more  than  cluding at this month’s U.N/  promise to stop new oil and
            ommendations  will  mitigate  ernment  should  consider  50% higher than a year ago,  climate talks in Scotland, he’s  gas  leasing  on  public  lands,
            worsening  climate  change  raising  bond  payments  that  according  to  the  American  had difficulty gaining ground  McKinnon said.
            impacts “while staying stead-  energy  companies  must  set  Automobile Association.   on climate issues at home.
            fast in the pursuit of environ-  aside  for  future  cleanup  be-                                                   The  American  Petroleum
            mental justice.″             fore  they  drill  new  wells.  The  Biden  administration  The administration has pro-  Institute,  the  top  lobbying
                                         Bond rates have not been in-  conducted  a  lease  sale  on  posed  another  round  of  oil  group  for  the  oil  industry,
            The  report  completes  a  re-  creased in decades, the report  federal  oil  and  gas  reserves  and gas sales early next year in  said  Interior  was  proposing
            view  ordered  in  January  by  said.                     in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  last  Wyoming,  Colorado,  Mon-  to “increase costs on Ameri-
            President Joe Biden, who di-                              week, after attorneys general  tana and other states. Interior  can energy development with
            rected  a  pause  in  federal  oil  The  Bureau  of  Land  Man-  from  Republican-led  states  Department  officials  pro-  no clear roadmap for the fu-
            and gas lease sales in his first  agement, an Interior Depart-  successfully  sued  in  federal  ceeded  despite  concluding  ture of federal leasing.”
            days in office, citing worries  ment  agency,  should  focus  court  to  lift  the  suspension  that burning the fuels could
            about climate change.        potential leasing on areas that  on  federal  oil  and  gas  sales  lead  to  billions  of  dollars  in  Other groups were more up-
                                         have  high  potential  for  oil  that Biden imposed when he  potential future climate dam-  beat.
            The moratorium drew sharp  and gas resources and are in  took office.                  ages.

                         South Carolina abortion appellate hearing moved to January

            (AP)  —  Appellate  argu-    abortion  can  only  be  per-  Mississippi’s  new  abortion  Texas  —  to  sue  an  abortion  the entire measure instead of
            ments over a lawsuit chal-   formed if the pregnancy was  law. South Carolina’s law has  provider, or anyone else who  just the provision being chal-
            lenging  South  Carolina’s  caused by rape or incest, or if  been  blocked,  pending  the  may  have  helped  someone  lenged. Several months later,
            abortion  law  have  been  the mother’s life is in danger.  outcome  of  that  legal  chal-  get an abortion after the limit,  20  Democratic  attorneys
            pushed into the new year.                                 lenge.                       and seek financial damages of  general  voiced  support  for
                                         Opponents    have   argued  Mississippi  wants  the  high  up to $10,000 per defendant.  the  legal  challenge  to  South
            Oral  arguments  in  the  case  many  women  do  not  know  court  to  uphold  its  ban  on                         Carolina’s  law,  arguing  that
            had  originally  been  planned  they  are  pregnant  at  six  most abortions after the 15th  In  July,  20  mostly  Republi-  the restrictive measure could
            for next month, but the 4th  weeks. And, they argue, with  week  of  pregnancy,  telling  can-led states went on record  harm their states by taxing re-
            U.S.  Circuit  Court  of  Ap-  such  an  early  deadline,  the  the  court  it  should  over-  in  support  of  South  Caroli-  sources if women cross bor-
            peals  has  rescheduled  them  law  gives  women  little  time  rule  the  landmark  Roe  v.  na’s law, arguing that a feder-  ders to seek care.
            for the last week in January,  to consider whether to have  Wade  decision  guaranteeing  al judge was wrong to pause
            according  to  an  order  from  an abortion.              a woman’s right to an abor-
            the  court.  Earlier  this  week,                         tion, and the 1992 decision in
            attorneys for the state also re-  Medical  experts  say  the  car-  Planned Parenthood v. Casey
            quested that the case be heard  diac  activity  is  not  an  actual  that prevents states from ban-
            toward the end of that week,  heartbeat  but  rather  an  ini-  ning abortion before viability.
            due to a scheduling conflict.  tial flutter of electric activity
                                         within  cells  in  an  embryo.  South  Carolina  is  among
            Planned Parenthood is suing  They  say  the  heart  doesn’t  a  dozen  states  awaiting  the
            South  Carolina  to  over  the  begin to form until the fetus  U.S. Supreme Court’s deci-
            measure,  which  was  signed  is at least nine weeks old, and  sion  on  Texas’  abortion  law
            into law by Republican Gov.  they decry efforts to promote  — the most restrictive in the
            Henry  McMaster  earlier  abortion  bans  by  relying  on  nation  —  which  bans  abor-
            this  year  and  requires  doc-  medical inaccuracies.    tions as early as six weeks and
            tors  to  perform  ultrasounds                            has no exceptions for rape or
            to check for a so-called “fetal  The  4th  Circuit  had  origi-  incest.
            heartbeat.”  If  cardiac  activ-  nally planned to hear the case
            ity — which can typically be  the week of Dec. 6. That’s a  Its   unique   enforcement
            detected about six weeks into  week after the U.S. Supreme  mechanism  also  allows  any-
            pregnancy — is detected, the  Court  hears  a  challenge  to  one — even someone outside
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