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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 27 November 2021

                         New omicron variant stokes world fears, triggers travel bans

            (AP)  —  The  discovery  of  a  new  tumbled  in  Asia,  Europe  and  the
            coronavirus  variant  sent  a  chill  United  States.  The  Dow  Jones  In-
            through much of the world Friday  dustrial Average dropped more than
            as nations raced to halt air travel,  1,000  points.  The  S&P  500  index
            markets  fell  sharply  and  scien-  was down 2.3%, on pace for its worst
            tists held emergency meetings to  day since February. The price of oil
            weigh the exact risks, which were  plunged nearly 12%.
            largely unknown.
                                                “The last thing we need is to bring in a
            A  World  Health  Organization  panel  new variant that will cause even more
            named  the  variant  “omicron”  and  problems,” German Health Minister
            classified it as a highly transmissible  Jens Spahn said. The member nations
            virus  of  concern,  the  same  category  of the EU have experienced a massive
            that  includes  the  delta  variant.  The  spike in cases recently.
            WHO  suggested  the  variant  could
            pose  greater  risks  than  delta,  which  EU  Commission  President  Ursula
            is the world’s most prevalent variant  von der Leyen said flights will have
            and has fueled relentless waves of in-  to  “be  suspended  until  we  have  a
            fection on every continent.         clear understanding about the danger
                                                posed by this new variant, and travel-  from  Johannesburg  were  also  being  there’s  any  kind  of  mention  of  any
            Early evidence suggests an increased  ers returning from this region should  isolated and tested.           kind of variation and everyone is clos-
            risk of reinfection compared to oth-  respect strict quarantine rules.”                                     ing  borders  and  restricting  travel,”
            er  highly  transmissible  variants,  the                               “It’s ridiculous. If we didn’t catch the  Ryan said. “It’s really important that
            WHO said. That means people who  She  insisted  on  extreme  caution,  dreaded  bug  before,  we’re  catching  we remain open and stay focused.”
            contracted COVID-19 and recovered  warning  that  “mutations  could  lead  it now,” said passenger Francesca de’
            could be subject to catching it again.  to the emergence and spread of even  Medici, a Rome-based art consultant  The  Africa  Centers  for  Disease
                                                more concerning variants of the virus  who was on the flight.           Control  and  Prevention  agreed  and
            In  response,  the  United  States  and  that could spread worldwide within a                               strongly discouraged any travel bans
            Canada joined the European Union  few months.”                          Some experts said the variant’s emer-  on  countries  that  reported  the  new
            and  several  other  countries  in  insti-                              gence illustrated how rich countries’  variant. It said past experience shows
            tuting  travel  restrictions  on  visitors  Belgium  became  the  first  European  hoarding  of  vaccines  threatens  to  that such travel bans have “not yield-
            from southern Africa.               Union country to announce a case of  prolong the pandemic.              ed a meaningful outcome.”
                                                the variant.
            The White House said the U.S. will                                      Fewer  than  6%  of  people  in  Africa  Yet  the  U.S.  announced  restrictions
            restrict travel from South Africa and  “It’s  a  suspicious  variant,”  Health  have  been  fully  immunized  against  on  visitors  from  South  Africa,  Bo-
            seven  other  countries  in  the  region  Minister Frank Vandenbroucke said.  COVID-19,  and  millions  of  health  tswana,  Zimbabwe,  Namibia,  Leso-
            beginning  Monday.  It  did  not  give  “We don’t know if it’s a very danger-  workers  and  vulnerable  popula-  tho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Ma-
            details  except  to  say  the  restrictions  ous variant.”              tions  have  yet  to  receive  a  single  lawi,  hours  after  governments  took
            will not apply to returning U.S. citi-                                  dose. Those conditions can speed up  similar steps.
            zens  or  permanent  residents,  who  It has yet to be detected in the United  spread of the virus, offering more op-
            will  continue  to  be  required  to  test  States,  said  Dr.  Anthony  Fauci,  the  portunities for it to evolve into a dan-  The U.K. banned flights from South
            negative before their travel.       U.S.  government’s  top  infectious  gerous variant.                    Africa  and  five  other  southern  Afri-
                                                disease  expert.  Abroad,  the  variant                                 can countries at noon on Friday and
            Medical  experts,  including  the  “seems  to  be  spreading  at  a  reason-  “This is one of the consequences of  announced that anyone who had re-
            WHO, warned against any overreac-   ably rapid rate,” he told CNN. And  the  inequity  in  vaccine  rollouts  and  cently  arrived  from  those  countries
            tion before the variant that originated  although  it  may  be  more  transmis-  why the grabbing of surplus vaccines  would be asked to take a coronavirus
            in southern Africa was better under-  sible  and  resistant  to  vaccines  than  by richer countries will inevitably re-  test.
            stood. But a jittery world feared the  other  variants,  “we  don’t  know  that  bound on us all at some point,” said
            worst  nearly  two  years  after  COV-  for sure right now.”            Michael Head, a senior research fel-  Canada banned the entry of all for-
            ID-19 emerged and triggered a pan-                                      low in global health at Britain’s Uni-  eigners who have traveled to south-
            demic  that  has  killed  more  than  5  Showing how complicated the spread  versity  of  Southampton.  He  urged  ern Africa in the last two weeks.
            million people around the globe.    of a variant can be, the Belgian case  Group  of  20  leaders  “to  go  beyond
                                                involved  a  traveler  who  returned  to  vague  promises  and  actually  deliver  The Japanese government announced
            “We  must  move  quickly  and  at  the  Belgium from Egypt on Nov. 11 but  on their commitments to share dos-  that Japanese nationals traveling from
            earliest  possible  moment,”  British  did not became sick with mild symp-  es.”                            Eswatini,  Zimbabwe,  Namibia,  Bo-
            Health Secretary Sajid Javid told law-  toms until Monday, according to pro-                                tswana, South Africa and Lesotho will
            makers.                             fessor  Marc  Van  Ranst,  who  works  The  new  variant  added  to  inves-  have  to  quarantine  at  government-
                                                for the scientific group overseeing the  tor  anxiety  that  months  of  progress  dedicated  accommodations  for  10
            There  was  no  immediate  indication  Belgian  government’s  COVID-19  containing  COVID-19  could  be  re-  days and take three COVID-19 tests
            whether  the  variant  causes  more  response.                          versed.                             during  that  time.  Japan  has  not  yet
            severe  disease.  As  with  other  vari-                                                                    opened up to foreign nationals.
            ants,  some  infected  people  display  Israel, one of the world’s most vac-  “Investors  are  likely  to  shoot  first
            no symptoms, South African experts  cinated  countries,  announced  Fri-  and ask questions later until more is  Fauci said U.S. public health officials
            said. The WHO panel drew from the  day that it also detected its first case  known,”  said  Jeffrey  Halley  of  for-  were talking Friday with South Afri-
            Greek alphabet in naming the variant  of the new variant in a traveler who  eign exchange broker Oanda.     can colleagues. “We want to find out
            omicron, as it has done with earlier,  returned from Malawi. The traveler                                   scientist  to  scientist  exactly  what  is
            major variants of the virus.        and  two  other  suspected  cases  were  In  a  sign  of  how  concerned  Wall  going on.”
                                                placed in isolation. Israel said all three  Street  has  become,  the  market’s  so-
            Even  though  some  of  the  genetic  were  vaccinated,  but  officials  were  called  fear  gauge  known  as  the  VIX  The WHO’s technical working group
            changes appear worrisome, it was un-  looking into the travelers’ exact vac-  jumped  48%  to  a  reading  of  26.91.  says  coronavirus  infections  jumped
            clear if the new variant would pose a  cination status.                 That’s  the  highest  reading  for  the  11% in the past week in Europe, the
            significant public health threat. Some                                  volatility index since January, before  only region in the world where CO-
            previous variants, like the beta vari-  After  a  10-hour  overnight  trip,  pas-  vaccines were widely distributed.  VID-19 continues to rise.
            ant, initially concerned scientists but  sengers aboard KLM Flight 598 from
            did not spread very far.            Capetown, South Africa, to Amster-  Speaking  before  the  EU  announce-  The  WHO’s  Europe  director,  Dr.
                                                dam  were  held  on  the  edge  of  the  ment,  Dr.  Michael  Ryan,  head  of  Hans Kluge, warned that without ur-
            The 27-nation European Union im-    runway  Friday  morning  at  Schiphol  emergencies  at  the  WHO,  warned  gent  measures,  the  continent  could
            posed a temporary ban on air travel  airport  for  four  hours  pending  spe-  against “knee-jerk responses.”  see  an  additional  700,000  deaths  by
            from  southern  Africa,  and  stocks  cial testing. Passengers aboard a flight  “We’ve seen in the past, the minute  the spring.
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