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A30    world news
                Diasabra 27 November 2021

                           France, Britain spiral into crisis in wake of migrant deaths

                                                                      to date in the Channel, Ma-  spokesman Jamie Davies said  we could perhaps have saved
                                                                      cron  and  Johnson  appeared  the prime minister had no re-  them.′ We can’t sleep.”
                                                                      increasingly to be talking past  grets about tweeting the letter
                                                                      each  other  —  or,  in  Paris’  “written in the spirit of part-  While   the   sinking   has
                                                                      case, barely willing to talk at  nership and cooperation.”  brought   long-simmering
                                                                      all.  Macron’s  government                                French-British  tensions  to  a
                                                                      spokesman,  Gabriel  Attal,  He  expressed  hope  for  a  head, it’s not their only issue
                                                                      said  Johnson’s  point-person  French  U-turn  on  the  de-  of discord.
                                                                      on immigration, Home Sec-    cision  to  un-invite  Patel  to
                                                                      retary Priti Patel, was no lon-  Sunday’s ministerial meeting  Adding to the climate of ten-
                                                                      ger  welcome  at  a  meeting  on  the  migration  crisis,  say-  sion: French fishing crews on
                                                                      Sunday  of  European  min-   ing:  “Friends  and  neighbors  Friday briefly blocked French
                                                                      isters  who’ll  explore  ways  need to work together to ad-  ports, ferry traffic across the
                                                                      to  crack  down  on  migrant-  dress  this  global  challenge  English  Channel  and  the
                                                                      smuggling networks.          collectively,  and  we  have  freight  entrance  to  the  un-
                                                                                                   been clear that we need to do  dersea  Eurotunnel.  The  aim
                                                                      Attal described Johnson’s let-  more.”                    of  the  protest  over  post-
                                                                      ter as “fundamentally medio-                              Brexit  fishing  licenses  was
            (AP) — The already frac-     dismissed  the  idea,  and  the  cre  and  totally  uncalled-for  A  French  judicial  investiga-  to  disrupt  flows  of  Britain-
            tious   relationship    be-  French  president  made  his  in  its  manner.”  Suggesting  tion  into  Wednesday’s  sink-  bound  goods  and  travelers
            tween France and Britain  displeasure  clear  that  John-  British  duplicity,  Attal  also  ing  has  been  turned  over  to  and signal that greater distur-
            spiralled  further  down-    son  posted  the  letter  —  ad-  said  it  “doesn’t  correspond  Paris-based prosecutors who  bance could follow amid the
            ward  into  anger  and  in-  dressed  “Dear  Emmanuel”  at  all”  with  discussions  that  specialize in complex cases of  Christmas shopping rush.
            comprehension       Friday,  — on Twitter.                Johnson  and  Macron  had  organized crime. The prose-
            with the two erstwhile Eu-                                Wednesday  after  the  sinking  cutors’ office said it wouldn’t  “The  British  have  access  to
            ropean partners at logger-   “I  am  surprised  by  methods  of  an  inflatable  craft  laden  comment on whether inves-  the  European  market,  while
            heads  about  how  to  stop  when  they  are  not  serious,”  with migrants off the north-  tigators  are  making  progress  we do not have access to Brit-
            migrants from embarking  Macron said on a visit to It-    ern French coast.            on  identifying  victims’  na-  ish  waters.  This  is  not  nor-
            on dangerous crossings of  aly. “You don’t communicate                                 tionalities  or  causes  of  the  mal, the British government
            the  English  Channel  that  from  a  leader  to  another  on  “We  are  sick  of  double-  tragedy.                must respect the agreement,”
            killed at least 27 people in  these matters via tweets and  speak,” Attal said.                                     Olivier Lepretre, president of
            a sinking this week.         letters  that  are  made  public.                         A French fisherman who said  the regional fishing commit-
                                         We are not whistleblowers.”  And  he  dismissed  Johnson’s  he was first to spot and raise  tee, said in the port of Calais.
            Even  as  the  British  govern-                           proposal  that  France  take  the alarm about bodies in the
            ment  insisted  that  the  two  “Come  on,  come  on,”  Ma-  back  migrants  who  cross  il-  water on Friday described the  He  described  the  blockades
            countries   “remain   close  cron added.                  legally  to  British  shores  as  scene  as  “a  horror  movie.”  as “a warning shot.”
            friends  and  partners,”  their                           “clearly not what we need to  Karl  Maquinghen  said  he  is
            words, acts and disputes over  The  letter  and  France’s  re-  solve this problem.”   haunted by the thought that  Calais  —  a  major  jump-off
            migration,  fishing  and  how  sponse were the latest cross-                           people might still be alive had  point for migrants aiming to
            to rebuild a working relation-  ing  of  swords  between  two  Ever-increasing  numbers  of  he and his shipmates reached  reach Britain — is also where
            ship in the wake of Britain’s  nations  with  a  storied  his-  people fleeing conflict or pov-  them sooner.       ministers  from  France,  Ger-
            exit from the EU increasingly  tory of break-ups, make-ups  erty  in  Afghanistan,  Sudan,                          many, the Netherlands, Bel-
            suggested otherwise.         and,  not  infrequently,  of  Iraq, Eritrea or elsewhere are  “To see so many bodies like  gium  and  EU  officials  will
                                         revelling in rubbing each up  risking  the  perilous  journey  that,  next  to  us.  Children.  I  meet on Sunday.
            President  Emmanuel  Ma-     in the  wrong  way.  The  eco-  from  France,  hoping  to  win  don’t know how to explain it.
            cron scolded Prime Minister  nomic,  political,  social  and  asylum or find better oppor-  Horrific,”  Maquinghen  said,  Without the British minister.
            Boris  Johnson  for  making  psychological  earthquake  of  tunities in Britain. More than  voice  cracking  with  emo-
            public  a  letter  that  the  Brit-  Britain’s  divorce  from  the  23,000  people  have  already  tion, in comments broadcast  “The ministers will work se-
            ish leader sent to the French  EU has made cross-Channel  entered  the  U.K.  on  largely  by French coastal radio Delta  riously  to  resolve  a  serious
            leader on Thursday. Most no-  cooperation  harder  still,  and  unseaworthy small boats this  FM.                   matter  with  people  who  are
            tably, Johnson proposed that  further complicated the long  year, up from 8,500 in 2020                             serious,”  Macron  said.  “Af-
            France  take  back  migrants  love-hate  relationship  be-  and just 300 in 2018, accord-  “The sight of them like that,  terwards, we will see with the
            who illegally cross the Chan-  tween Paris and London.    ing  to  data  compiled  by  the  heads in the water, will stick  British how to act effectively,
            nel  from  French  to  British                            British Parliament.          with  us,”  he  said.  “We  tell  if they decide to be serious.”
            shores.  Macron’s  spokes-   Even  in  the  wake  of  the                              ourselves: ’Had we got there
            man  quickly  and  summarily  deadliest  migration  accident  In   London,   Johnson’s  five  or  ten  minutes  earlier,

                         Solomon Islands violence recedes but not underlying tension

            (AP)  —  Violence  receded  Fri-    names. We’ll leave it there,” Sogavare                                  out of a peaceful protest in Honiara,
            day  in  the  capital  of  the  Solo-  said.                            Those issues are just the latest in de-  primarily  of  people  from  Malaita
            mon Islands, but the government                                         cades of rivalry between Malaita and  demonstrating  over  a  number  of
            showed  no  signs  of  addressing  Honiara’s Chinatown and its down-    Guadalcanal, where the capital, Ho-  grievances.  Police  fired  tear  gas  and
            the  underlying  grievances  that  town precinct were focuses of rioters,  niara, is located, said Jonathan Pryke,  rubber bullets at the demonstrators,
            sparked two days of riots, includ-  looters and protesters who demanded  director  of  the  Sydney-based  Lowy  who  set  fire  to  the  National  Parlia-
            ing concerns about the country’s  the resignation of Sogavare, who has  Institute  think  tank’s  Pacific  Islands  ment, a police station and many other
            increasing links with China.        been  prime  minister  intermittently  program.                         buildings.
                                                since 2000.
            Solomon  Islands  Prime  Minister                                       The Solomon Islands, with a popu-
            Manasseh Sogavare sought to deflect  Sogavare  has  been  widely  criticized  lation  of  about  700,000,  are  located
            attention  from  domestic  issues  by  by  leaders  of  the  country’s  most  about 1,500 kilometers (1,000 miles)
            blaming outside interference for stir-  populous island of Malaita for a 2019  northeast of Australia. Internationally
            ring up the protesters, with a thinly  decision to drop diplomatic ties with  they are probably still best known for
            veiled  reference  to  Taiwan  and  the  Taiwan in favor of mainland China.  the  bloody  fighting  that  took  place
            United States.                      His  government,  meanwhile,  has  there  during  World  War  II  between
                                                been upset over millions in U.S. aid  the United States and Japan.
            External  pressures  were  a  “very  big  promised  directly  to  Malaita,  rather
            ...  influence.  I  don’t  want  to  name  than through the central government.  Riots and looting erupted Wednesday
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