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A28    u.s. news
                       Diahuebs 27 Mei 2021

                                 8 dead in shooting at rail yard serving Silicon Valley

                                                                      resulted  in  “multiple  major  Bomb squads were searching  assure him that she was safe.
                                                                      injuries.”  He  did  not  know  the   rail   complex   after
                                                                      the  type  of  weapon  used  or  receiving  information  about  When  the  shooting  started,
                                                                      whether the gunfire happened  possible  explosive  devices  “she got down with the rest of
                                                                      indoors or outdoors. He said  inside  the  building,  Davis  her coworkers” and dropped
                                                                      the  victims  included  VTA  said.                        her   cellphone,   Michael
                                                                      employees.  Authorities  did                              Hawkins told the newspaper.
                                                                      not release any of the victims’  VTA trains were already out  Rochelle  Hawkins  did  not
                                                                      names.                       on  morning  runs  when  the  see the shooter, and she was
                                                                                                   shooting occurred. Light rail  not  sure  how  close  she  had
                                                                      “These  folks  were  heroes  service was to be suspended  been to the attacker, her son
                                                                      during COVID 19, the buses  at noon and replaced with bus  said.
                                                                      never stopped running, VTA  bridges,  agency  Chairman
                                                                      didn’t  stop  running.  They  Glenn Hendricks told a news  The  attack  was  the  county’s
                                                                      just  kept  at  work,  and  now  conference.              second shooting in less than
                                                                      we’re  really  calling  on  them                          two  years.  A  gunman  killed
                                                                      to  be  heroes  a  second  time  “It’s  just  very  difficult  for  three  people  before  killing
                                                                      to  survive  such  a  terrible,  everyone  to  be  able  try  to  himself  at  a  popular  garlic
            (AP)  —  An  employee  as  57-year-old  Sam  Cassidy,  terrible tragedy,” Santa Clara  wrap  their  heads  around  festival in Gilroy in July 2019.
            opened  fire  Wednesday  according       to   two   law  County  Supervisor  Cindy  and  understand  what  has
            at  a  California  rail  yard  enforcement      officials.  Chavez.                    happened,” Hendricks said.   At  a  news  conference,  San
            serving    Silicon   Valley,  Investigators   offered   no                                                          Jose  Mayor  Sam  Liccardo
            killing    eight    people  immediate word on a possible  Santa  Clara  County  District  Two   patients     were  lamented  the  “horrific  day
            before ending his own life,  motive.                      Attorney  Jeff  Rosen  said  it  transported  to  Santa  Clara  for  our  city.”  Gov.  Gavin
            authorities said.                                         was  his  understanding  the  Valley   Medical   Center,  Newsom said in a tweet that
                                         The  shooting  took  place  shooting  happened  indoors,  according  to  spokesperson  his office was “in close contact
            The suspect was an employee  around 6:30 a.m. at a light rail  inside the VTA building.  Joy  Alexiou.  One  person  with  local  law  enforcement
            of  the  Valley  Transportation  facility in San Jose next door                        was  pronounced  dead  upon  and monitoring this situation
            Authority,  which  provides  to  the  sheriff’s  department  Police  vehicles  and  orange  arrival, and the other was in  closely.”
            bus,  light  rail  and  other  and across a freeway from the  crime-scene tape blocked off  critical condition.
            transit  services  throughout  airport. The facility is a transit  the  area,  and  reporters  were                 Agents from the FBI and the
            Santa  Clara  County,  the  control  center  that  stores  kept at a distance The rail yard  Outside  the  scene,  Michael  federal  Bureau  of  Alcohol,
            largest  county  in  the  Bay  trains and has a maintenance  is in the city’s administrative  Hawkins  told  The  Mercury  Tobacco,   Firearms   and
            Area,  Santa  Clara  County  yard.                        neighborhood,    near   the  News  that  he  was  waiting  Explosives  were  responding
            sheriff’s authorities said.                               sheriff’s  office  and  city  and  for  his  mother,  Rochelle  to  the  crime  scene,  officials
                                         Sheriff’s  spokesman  Deputy  county offices.             Hawkins, who had called him  said.
            The  attacker  was  identified  Russell Davis said the attack                          from a co-worker’s phone to

                            Dueling harassment claims in transphobic rant, beer toss

            (AP) — A New Jersey vice                                  fight and filed false and frivo-  several  steps  back  and,  ges-  it  was  for  legal  reasons.  Su-
            principal who threw beer  Gina  Brunner,  administra-     lous criminal charges against  turing  toward  himself,  says,  perintendent  Tami  Crader
            at a group of people who  tor  of  Galloway’s  municipal  them. My clients are not in-  “Now you can come out. I’m  did not respond to a request
            were  filming  his  wife’s  court,  said  Smurro  filed  ha-  timidated and they will hold  right here,” before the couple  for comment Wednesday.
            rant against a transgender  rassment  complaints  against  Michael  Smurro  fully  ac-  walks away.
            woman’s use of a women’s  Debra  and  Robert  Harris,  countable for his actions.”                                  The Galloway police depart-
            restroom,  and  the  people  and  Elaine  Nelson,  whose                               The Neptune school district  ment  said  Wednesday  it  had
            who got hit with the beer  hometowns were not imme-       The  footage  from  the  out-  said  it  has  taken  “swift  and  not  brought  charges  in  the
            are accusing each other of  diately available.            door  restaurant  shows  Lisa  serious”  action  in  the  case,  case.
            harassment.                                               Smurro    complaining    at  but says it cannot reveal what
                                         Those people have also filed  length about a person she said
            A  municipal  court  judge  in  harassment  charges  against  was a transgender woman us-
            Galloway Township is sched-  Smurro;  all  the  claims  will  ing  the  women’s  bathroom.
            uled on Thursday to examine  be the subject of a hearing on  New Jersey law prohibits dis-
            the case of Michael Smurro,  Thursday, Brunner said.      crimination based on gender
            vice  principal  of  Neptune                              identify  and  permits  people
            Middle  School  in  Mon-     A  complaint  filed  by  two  to use public restrooms that
            mouth  County,  as  well  as  other  people  who  say  they  correspond  to  their  gender
            those he accuses of harassing  were hit by the beer thrown  identity.
            him and his wife, Lisa.      by Smurro, Carolyn DiPiet-
                                         ro  and  Christopher  Benino,  The footage shows that when
            Video filmed by patrons at an  was rejected after Municipal  the  couple  became  aware
            outdoor  restaurant  April  24  Court  Judge  Howard  Freed  someone  was  filming,  they
            in Galloway shows him toss-  determined  there  was  not  got up and walked over. Lisa
            ing a cup of beer at a table of  probable cause to sustain the  Smurro  continued  to  com-
            people when he and his wife  charge.                      plain and a woman at the ta-
            realized  they  were  being re-                           ble replied: “Please take your
            corded.                      “This  case  is  about  standing  hate elsewhere.”
                                         up  against  bigotry,  bullying
            In an email to The Associated  and  violence,”  said  attorney  Michael Smurro then tossed
            Press days after the incident,  David  Shanies,  who  repre-  the contents of a cup of beer
            Smurro  apologized  for  his  sents  the  Harrises,  DiPietro  at occupants of the table.
            actions,  and  said  he  should  and  Benino.  “My  clients
            have  just  walked  away  from  rejected  transphobic  hate  “Here  you  go,  pal,”  he  says
            the situation. He did not re-  speech, and in response, Mi-  on the video. “There you go.”
            spond  to  a  message  seeking  chael  Smurro  doused  them
            comment Wednesday.           in beer, challenged them to a  Michael  Smurro  then  takes
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