Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210527
P. 30

                       Diahuebs 27 Mei 2021

                          Yemen officials demand answers after AP report on air base

                                                                                                   An  earlier  effort  begun  to-  on  behalf  of  the  separatists
                                                                                                   ward the end of 2016 and lat-  also  killed  at  least  30  troops
                                                                                                   er abandoned had workers try  backing  Hadi  in  2019.  The
                                                                                                   to build an even-larger run-  UAE has backed other mili-
                                                                                                   way over 3 kilometers (9,800  tias in the war as well.
                                                                                                   feet)  long,  which  would  al-
                                                                                                   low for the heaviest bombers.  Yemeni  lawmaker  Ali  al-
                                                                                                   That  earlier  effort  also  saw  Mamari  wrote  a  letter  to
                                                                                                   ships linked to the UAE take  the  government  demanding
                                                                                                   part in the construction.    more details.

                                                                                                   Military  officials  with  Ye-  “There  is  information  sug-
                                                                                                   men’s  internationally  rec-  gesting  that  the  UAE  is
                                                                                                   ognized  government,  which  building a military base in the
                                                                                                   the  Saudi-led  coalition  has  Mayun  island  without  the
                                                                                                   backed  since  2015,  say  the  knowledge  of  the  member
                                                                                                   UAE is building the runway.  states,” al-Mamari wrote. “Is
                                                                                                   The  officials,  speaking  ear-  the government familiar with
                                                                                                   lier  to  the  AP  on  condition  what is happening on the is-
                                                                                                   of  anonymity  as  they  didn’t  land? And what measures has
                                                                                                   have  authorization  to  brief  it taken?”
                                                                                                   journalists, say Emirati ships
                                                                                                   transported  military  weap-  Another lawmaker, Ali Ashal,
                                                                                                   ons,  equipment  and  troops  similarly  asked  for  more  in-
                                                                                                   to  Mayun  Island  in  recent  formation  after  facing  what
                                                                                                   weeks.                       he  described  as  silence  after
                                                                                                                                earlier raising concerns about
                                                                                                   The  military  officials  said  the  UAE’s  presence  in  Ye-
                                                                                                   recent  tension  between  the  men.
            (AP)  —  Yemeni  offi-       Mansour  Hadi.  A  Saudi-led  bloody  war.  It  also  provides  UAE and Hadi came in part
            cials  demanded  answers  coalition fought on the gov-    a base for any operations into  from  an  Emirati  demand  Mohammed  Qaisan,  an  un-
            Wednesday after an Asso-     ernment’s  behalf  when  it  the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden  for his government to sign a  dersecretary  to  Yemen’s  In-
            ciated  Press  report  high-  entered  Yemen’s  long  war  and nearby East Africa.     20-year  lease  agreement  for  formation Ministry with the
            lighted  a  mysterious  air  in  2015  against  the  Iranian-                          Mayun  Island,  also  known  internationally   recognized
            base  being  built  on  a  Ye-  backed  Houthi  rebels  now  Satellite  images  from  Planet  as Perim Island. Emirati offi-  government,  tweeted  that
            meni island in one of the  holding its capital.           Labs Inc. obtained by the AP  cials have not acknowledged  the  UAE  had  “tampered”
            world’s  crucial  maritime                                showed  dump  trucks  and  any  disagreement  and  said  with Mayun Island. He also
            chokepoints.                 The  UAE,  home  to  Abu  graders building a 1.85 kilo-   they were withdrawing from  criticized the Emirates for its
                                         Dhabi and Dubai, has not re-  meter  (6,070-foot)  runway  the war in 2019.            “continuous  support  for  the
            A  lawmaker  asked  Yemen’s  sponded to repeated requests  on the island on April 11. By                            illegally armed militias in lib-
            internationally   recognized  for  comment  regarding  the  May 18, that work appeared  Hadi’s government has been  erated areas,” referring to the
            government  if  the  United  base and offered no immedi-  complete, with three hangars  critical of the UAE, especially  southern separatists.
            Arab Emirates built the facil-  ate reaction Wednesday to the  constructed on a tarmac just  for backing southern separat-
            ity  as  data  in  the  AP  report  officials’ comments.  south  of  the  runway.  Im-  ist groups during its military  “This  requires  a  firm  stance
            links  the  UAE  to  the  con-                            ages  from  Tuesday  showed  campaign  in  Yemen.  The  from  the  government  as  si-
            struction.                   The  runway  on  Mayun  Is-  vehicles  parked  at  the  base’s  separatists  have  gotten  into  lence on this made it pursue
                                         land allows whoever controls  newly built hangars.        shootouts  with  forces  loyal  this  and  gave  the  Houthi
            Another official openly criti-  it  to  project  power  into  the                      to  the  internationally  recog-  militia an opportunity to un-
            cized  the  UAE  for  “under-  strait  and  easily  launch  air-  A runway of that length can  nized  government,  forcing  dermine the legitimacy of the
            mining”  the  government  strikes into mainland Yemen,  accommodate attack, surveil-   the Saudis to intervene sever-  Yemeni government,” Qaisan
            of  President  Abed  Rabbo  convulsed  by  a  yearslong  lance  and  transport  aircraft.  al times. An Emirati airstrike  wrote.

                             Ethiopia says 22 regional officials killed by Tigray rebels

            (AP) — Rebels have killed  regional  administration  with
            22 officials of the war-hit  an  interim  one  headed  by
            Tigray  region’s  interim  officials  appointed  by  the
            administration, Ethiopia’s  federal government based in
            government said Wednes-      Addis Ababa. But six months
            day.                         on, fighting continues in Ti-
                                         gray  as  pro-TPLF  fighters
            An additional 20 interim of-  wage an insurgent campaign
            ficials had been “kidnapped”  in the region’s countryside.
            by forces loyal to the Tigray-
            an People’s Liberation Front,  The  attacks  on  the  officials
            or  TPLF,  which  ruled  the  have  been  carried  out  “by
            region  until  it  was  toppled  TPLF  fighters  that  claim  to
            by  an  offensive  ordered  by  be fighting for the people of
            Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed  Tigray  but  have  rather  been
            in November. A further four  actively  engaged  in  the  de-
            have  been  “wounded  and  struction of property, kidnap-
            hospitalized,”  said  the  state-  ping and killing of members
            ment issued on Twitter.      of  the  provisional  adminis-
                                         tration  that  are  tasked  with
            Abiy  declared  victory  four  bringing  stability,”  said  the
            weeks after the offensive be-  statement.
            gan and replaced the TPLF’s
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