Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15

                       Monday 27 May 2024

            Forgotten gems

            Open air movie theaters

            (Oranjestad)—During     the                               worked in the refinery and
            span  of  over  100  years,                               lived  in  the  Lago  Colony
            Aruba  only  saw  five  open                              in  Sero  Colorado  also  had
            air  movie  theatres.  Now                                their  piece  of  the  pie  with
            practically obsolete on the                               their  Open  air  Theatre,
            island, these theaters were                               which  formed  part  of  the
            once  frequently  visited  by                             Esso  Club,  also  known  as
            locals  and  migrants  in  the                            the Pan-Am Club. It was at
            20th century.                                             this  theater  that  “Talkies”
                                                                      were  first  streamed,  mov-
            The  first  open  air  theater                            ies with sound. This theater
            was  constructed  in  1920  The  theater  was  simple;  it  mostly streamed American
            and  was  commissioned  only consisted of a screen,  blockbusters for the Ameri-
            by Shon Eduard (Eddy) de  and  visitors  had  to  bring  can  expats,  this  way  mak-  The  last  and  most  recent  during  the  pandemic  in
            Veer.  This  theater  was  lo-  their  own  chairs  to  enjoy  ing sure that these migrant  open  air  theater  was  con-  July  2020,  where  movies
            cated at the Hotel Colom-    the popular silent movies of  were  not  missing  out  on  structed  in  the  form  of  a  were streamed on a gigan-
            bia  in  Oranjestad,  which  the time.                    entertainment  from  their  drive-in  theater.  A  popular  tic screen set up in front of
            is  now  where  the  Aruban                               home land.                   American  concept,  the  stacked  containers.  How-
            census  office  is  located.  American  migrants  who                                  Drive Inn located in Balashi  ever, this nostalgic form of
                                                                      In  the  1950’s  and  60’s,  Sa-  was a hot spot for teenag-  entertainment  did  not  last
                                                                      vaneta saw their own open  ers,  who  had  the  habit  of  very  long  as  it  was  closed
                                                                      air theater, located in front  cramming all their friends in  again  only  a  year  or  two
                                                                      of  the  Marinier’s  Kazerne  one car to go see the mov-  later.  Nowadays  you  can
                                                                      (Marine Barracks). This the-  ies.  For  this  phenomenon  still  see  the  stacked  con-
                                                                      ater  was  mostly  visited  by  there was a separate price  tainers when you drive near
                                                                      the  neighboring  marines,  that you had to pay called  the bridge in Balashi.q
                                                                      who  didn’t  have  much  the “car crash”.
                                                                      entertainment  other  than                                Source: “De kolibrie op de rots en
                                                                                                                                 meer over de geschiedenis van
                                                                      movies at that time.         This theater closed around          Aruba” by Evert Bongers.
                                                                                                   2012,  but  was  re-opened

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Marriott Aruba Surf Club!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-  and love for the island of Aruba.   guests who have visited Aruba 10,  cate  to  the  honorees,  presented
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of                                   20,  or  35  years  or  more  consecu-  them with gifts, and thanked them
            recognizing  Goodwill  Ambassa-     The  honorary  certification  is  pre-  tively.                         for choosing Aruba as their favor-
            dors of Aruba. The honorees were  sented  on  behalf  of  the  Minister                                     ite  vacation  destination,  as  their
            respectively honored with a certifi-  of Tourism as a token of apprecia-  The three levels of honor are as fol-  home away from home.
            cate for their years of visits, loyalty,  tion and to say “Masha Danki” to  lows:
                                                                                    Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-  The  top  reasons  for  returning  to
                                                                                    secutively visiting Aruba)          Aruba  provided  by  the  honorees
                                                                                    Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  were:
                                                                                    consecutively visiting Aruba)       •   Aruba’s people
                                                                                    Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  •       Aruba’s beach & Golden sun-
                                                                                    consecutively visiting Aruba)           shine.
                                                                                                                        •   Aruba’s wildlife, especially the
                                                                                    The honorees were:                      iguanas.
                                                                                    Goodwill Ambassadors                •   Aruba’s impeccable & Aruban
                                                                                    Mr.  Todd  &  Mrs.  Kimberly  Benson    cuisine
                                                                                    from  Lake  Orion  Michigan,  United  •   “Marriott Aruba Surf Club is our
                                                                                    States.                                 home away from home”
                                                                                    Ms. Kendall Benson from Lake Ori-
                                                                                    on Michigan, United States.         On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
                                                                                                                        thority, we would like to express our
                                                                                    Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing  sincere gratitude and appreciation
                                                                                    the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and  to the honorees for their continued
                                                                                    staff  members  of    Marriott  Aruba  visits to the “One Happy Island”. q
                                                                                    Surf  Club  bestowed  the  certifi-
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