Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 27 May 2024

             Best spots to view the sunset

             (Oranjestad)—Today we celebrate  crash  on  the  northern  side  of  the
             Valentine ’s Day, and what can be  island.
             more romantic than surprising your
             partner  with  a  date  watching  the   Manchebo & Eagle Beach
             sunset. Aruba’s sunset leave many  Speaking  of  the  western  shore-
             speechless,  and  luckily,  the  best  line, the best spots for viewing the
             spots  to  view  the  sunset  are  en-  sunset on the beach has to be ei-
             tirely accessible and easy to find.  ther Manchebo Beach or at Eagle
             Here are some of the best places  Beach,  which  stretch  along  the
             to view the sunset on the island.  entire  western  coast  of  the  island
                                                starting from behind Bucuti & Tara
                   California Light House       Beach Resort up to the Amsterdam
             Of course, being one of the high-  Manor roundabout. The sunset on
             est point easily accessible to locals  these  beaches  is  truly  breathtak-
             and  tourists,  the  California  Light  ing; the sky and ocean look so big
             House hill not only offers a tremen-  and spacious, and paired with the                                    to  get  your  daily  workout  in  and
             dous  view  of  the  sunset,  but  also  orange/pink hue of the sunset, the       Arashi Beach             enjoy a beautiful view of the sun-
             a  breath  taking  scenery  of  most  white sandy beaches and the soft   Another beach that has to be con-  set and the island as a little reward.
             of  the  island.  In  the  distance  you  sounds  of  waves  crashing—it  can   sidered  as  another  great  spot  to  Climb  on  top  the  587-step  stairs
             can spot all the hotels, the western  only  be  described  as  an  experi-  view the sunset. Arashi Beach is the  and reach the top to enjoy this in-
             shoreline and the wild waves that  ence!*                              last beach you will find along the  credible scenery.
                                                                                    western coast line, just before you
                                                                                    drive  up  the  hill  to  the  California   Casibari Rock Formation
                                                                                    Light  House.  A  favorite  for  surfers  If you’re a rock climber, you might
                                                                                    and body boarders, the Arashi sky  enjoy watching the sunset on top
                                                                                    stretches  out  for  miles,  lending  a  of the Casibari Rock Formation. It’s
                                                                                    spectacular canvas for the sun to  no Yosemite, but it does offer a fun
                                                                                    create  a  masterpiece  of  orange,  little exercise to get to the top. But
                                                                                    pink and purple hue.                if you prefer not to get your hands
                                                                                                                        a  little  dirty,  you  can  always  use
                                                                                               Hooiberg Hill            the stairs in the back.
                                                                                    These last two options are for more
                                                                                    active  couples.  If  you  and  your  Editor’s note: This spot may be my
                                                                                    partner  like  to  hike,  the  Hooiberg  personal  favorite,  if  you  couldn’t
                                                                                    Hill may be a great place for you  already tell…q

            Dining in? Try making a local favorite
            How to make “pan bati”

            (Oranjestad)—If you’re ever up for an  first,  and  stir  until  well  mixed.  Then
            Aruban  snack,  try  making  another  add the milk and beat until reached
            Aruban classic appetizer called Pan  a  pancake-like  consistency.  If  more
            Bati. Similar to a pancake both in ap-  moister  is  needed,  add  some  water
            pearance and cooking, this is a super  until reached desired consistency.
            easy  meal  that  adults  and  children
            will both enjoy. Here’s how to make it!  In a hot pan with oil, pour in enough
                                                   batter  to  cover  the  bottom  of  the
            Ingredients:                           pan. Just like pancakes, flip the pan
            2 cups of all purpose flour            bati  when  one  side  turns  golden
            1  cup  grams  of  fine  cornmeal  (we  brown. When your pan bati is ready,
            recommend the Harina PAN brand)        place  on  a  plate  and  cover  with  a
            2 tbsp baking powder                   clean kitchen towel.
            1 1/3 cup of milk
            1 pinch of salt                        Traditionally, pan bati is cut in triangle
            2 tbsp of granulated sugar             pieces, and is often eaten as a side
            Oil for cooking                        dish with soup, fried fish or stews. How-
                                                   ever,  it  is  also  casually  enjoyed  with
            Instructions:                          some butter and cheese on top!q
            Add all the dry ingredients in a bowl
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