Page 66 - MIN VOS 9 DEC 2015
P. 66


SPORTSWednesday 9 December

His back ailing, Woods is merely an onlooker _ for now 

DOUG FERGUSON                  change. Woods used to            a great career no matter       week. Woods mingled dur-        nament did for him. It was
AP Golf Writer                 speak without giving much        what happens the rest of       ing a Thursday night party      a wholesome reminder
NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) —         information. Now he has no       the way. The public and        called “India Night,” shar-     of his stardom, and it was
Jordan Spieth is used to                                                                       ing laughs and stories. Dif-    needed after the worst two
having an audience on          In this August 2015 photo, Tiger Woods reacts after missing     ferent about this night is      seasons of his career. And
the golf course.                                                                               that after about 10 min-        he surely paid attention to
Just not Tiger Woods.          a putt at the Wyndham Championship golf tournament in           utes of standing, he quietly    the winner, Davis Love III, a
Spieth had just made bo-                                                                       retreated to a bench to         51-year-old who found a
gey from the sand on the       Greensboro, N.C. 		              (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)        carry on the conversation       way to win after significant
par-3 fifth hole at Albany                                                                     while sitting. And when         surgeries to his ankle and
Golf Club when he heard        information, and it seemed       his peers can debate his       he got back up, Woods           neck.
from the other side of the     to speak volumes.                place in history with 79 wins  arched his back in a long,      Woods made it clear that
ropes, “Don’t worry. You’ll    He doesn’t know when             on the PGA Tour, 14 majors     slow motion.                    he wants to keep playing,
get it back.” It was hard to   his back, which has had          and a combined 13 years        So yes, this will be a tedious  provided his health coop-
ignore because no more         three procedures in the          at No. 1 in the world. And     recovery — if it ever gets      erates.
than a dozen people were       same spot over 18 months,        anything else, Woods said,     started. And in the mean-       “I’m far from being done,”
following him at the Hero      will get better. He doesn’t      “will be gravy.”               time, there will be a void      he said in the broadcast
World Challenge. What          know when he can start           That explains why so many      to fill for those yearning for  booth during the final
startled him was recogniz-     doing any exercise be-           stories read like golfing      answers. Will he ever win       round. “But I have to be
ing the voice and looking      yond walking. He doesn’t         obituaries. But there was      again? Will he ever play        patient, which I’m not very
over to see Woods watch-       know when he can play.           no visible indication from     again? And the way he re-       good at when it comes to
ing him and Bill Haas from     What was rare about his          Woods during a week            flected on his career, does     that side of it.”
a golf cart during the third   news conference last Tues-       in the Bahamas that this       he even care if he plays        The real challenge will be
round. “If you had told        day was his willingness to       was the end. Subdued in        again? “He was, it seemed       his ability to be honest with
me four years ago when I       look back instead of for-        his news conference, he        to me, invincible for the       the state of his back, his
was still in college that Ti-  ward. He said it has been        was relaxed the rest of the    longest time,” Haas said.       game and the competi-
ger would be sitting in a                                                                      “And I would say he was         tion.
cart watching me play ...                                                                      so that way that I wouldn’t     Woods said 10 years ago
I mean, that was weird,”                                                                       put it past him to come         in the parking lot at Doral
Spieth said. A moment                                                                          back and be extremely           that “I’ll definitely quit the
later, Spieth added what                                                                       good again. I don’t know        game earlier than people
so many other players are                                                                      that he’ll ever be where he     think.” In today’s context,
saying, or at least thinking.                                                                  was because he was so far       it’s eerie. Then again, most
“We need him back out                                                                          ahead of everyone else.         golfers approaching the
here playing.”                                                                                 But he may be No. 1 again.      prime of their careers think
He can only watch at the                                                                       It wouldn’t shock anyone, I     they will always have more
moment, and there is no                                                                        don’t think.”                   control than they really do.
indication when that might                                                                     The most fun Woods had all      More interesting that day
                                                                                               year on the golf course was     was Woods saying there
Greinke, Diamondbacks finalize $206.5M deal                                                    the Wyndham Champion-           would be no reason for
                                                                                               ship, where he was two          him to play if his best was
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP)      jor league ERA leader and        Greinke signed a $147 mil-     shots behind going into the     not good enough.
— Zack Greinke and the         runner-up for the NL Cy          lion, six-year deal with the   final round. He closed with     But how will he ever know?
Arizona Diamondbacks fi-       Young Award, who helped          Dodgers in December            a 70, wound up four shots       When do the very best
nalized their $206.5 million,  the Dodgers win their third      2012 that included an opt-     back and tied for 10th.         athletes, particularly in
six-year contract on Tues-     straight division title this     out clause. He will wind up    If or when his health im-       a  sport  like golf, ever think
day, a deal with a $34.4       year. “Zack fills the frontline  earning $282.5 million over    proves, that could be a         they played their best?
million average salary         starter need we’ve been          nine seasons. His average      seminal moment.                 It’s an endless pursuit until
that is the highest in Major   exploring for a while,” Dia-     tops the previous mark of      Woods brought out re-           retirement becomes awk-
League Baseball history.       mondbacks general man-           $31 million set last week      cord crowds in Greens-          ward.
The Diamondbacks beat          ager Dave Stewart said in        when left-hand pitcher Da-     boro, North Carolina, and       That’s what Woods will
out National League West       a statement. “Zack will be       vid Price agreed to a $217     it served two purposes —        have to figure out when he
rivals Los Angeles and San     a tremendous influence on        million, seven-year con-       what he did for the tourna-     returns.
Francisco to sign the ma-      our young starters.”             tract with Boston.q            ment, and what the tour-        If he returns.q
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