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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 29 November 2022
            Elliott Loonstra receives Perseverance Award in Para-Taekwondo

            as distinguished athlete

            ORANJESTAD  –  Recently  In a good atmosphere, the
            took place the awards cer-   organization Joel Films was
            emony  to  organizations  recognized  for  motivating
            and individuals with limita-  and  stimulating  the  Aru-
            tions  who  are  doing  good  ban  youth  through  differ-
            work in Aruba.               ent  projects.  Also,  young
                                         adult Elliott Loonstra of Pa-

                                                                      ra-Taekwondo received an  a  very  good  atmosphere.  step of the awards.
                                                                      award for his great interna-  The awards are sure to con-
                                                                      tional performance.          tinue  motivating  our  own  On the pictures: (1) Model
                                                                                                   people, who do go through  Caroline  Stevens  of  The
                                                                      The  Perseverance  Awards  difficulties  and  obstacles,  Pancake  House  together
                                                                      are  for  those  who  perse-  however, continue pushing  with  Elliott  Loonstra  and
                                                                      vere in life.                to achieve their goals.      Inga  Rustveld,  representa-
                                                                                                   Perseverance       Awards  tive  of  Joel  Films.  (2)  Elliott
                                                                      The  ceremony  took  place  thanks  each  sponsor  that  Loonstra  together  with  his
                                                                      at The Pancake House with  cooperated to take the first  parents.q

            Walk for Integrity will take place on 9 December at the National Park Arikok

            ORANJESTAD  –  The  minis-   for  Nature,  which  will  take  tegrity. Participation is free
            try  of  Transport,  Integrity,  place  on  the  9th  of  De-  and includes a dry-fit T-shirt.
            Nature and Senior Affairs is  cember.
            busy  organizing  a  walk  to                             “Integrity  is  present  in  ev-
            commemorate  the  week  Participants  need  to  be  ery aspect of our lives”, the
            of integrity, which will take  present  at  the  site  at  press release indicates. “In-
            place from the 5th until the  4:30pm, and the walk itself  tegrity applies to nature as
            9th of December 2022.        will  begin  at  5pm  at  the  well. It is our duty to respect
                                         FPNA  Visitor  Center.  The  and  coexist  with  nature.
            In  connection  with  the  route  will  be  from  the  Visi-  Let’s  honor  our  commit-
            Week  of  Integrity,  through  tor  Center  to  the  Cunucu  ment  with  integrity,  honor
            a press release of the min-  House  and  back,  which  nature and join this walk.”
            istry  of  Integrity  the  local  is a total walk of 3 kilome-
            community  was  informed  ters.  Registration  is  already  In recent weeks, Bureau In-
            that,  in  collaboration  with  open on the website www.  tegrity Aruba has received
            the  Aruba  National  Park  attention  in  the  news  due
            Foundation,  the  commu-     or  through  the  Facebook  to  its  reactivation.  Back  in
            nity is invited to take part in  page  of  Minister  Ursell  Ar-  October,  the  government
            the Walk for Integrity, Walk  ends,  of  the  ministry  of  In-  was  looking  to  fill  two  im-

                                                                                                   portant  positions  among  as  a  point  of  contact  for
                                                                                                   public  employees,  as  ver-  the  public  employee  that
                                                                                                   trouwenspersoon  integrit-   suspects  a  violation  of  in-
                                                                                                   eit  (VPI,  confidential  advi-  tegrity  has  taken  place  at
                                                                                                   sor  integrity)  and  interne  work.  An  IO  gives  advice
                                                                                                   onderzoeker  (IO,  internal  or guidance when carrying
                                                                                                   investigator).               out  investigations  on  facts
                                                                                                                                related to a suspicion of a
                                                                                                   Integrity in the government  violation  of  integrity,  and
                                                                                                   departments  is  extremely  in some cases will carry out
                                                                                                   important  for  the  wellbe-  the  investigation  on  their
                                                                                                   ing of our country and our  own.
                                                                                                   community.  To  achieve
                                                                                                   this in an effective way re-  According  to  the  press  re-
                                                                                                   quires different instruments,  lease, both roles will contrib-
                                                                                                   with staff needing to com-   ute  to  an  integral  govern-
                                                                                                   plete training and serve as  ment apparatus and a safe
                                                                                                   a VPI or IO. A VPI will serve  working environment.q
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