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Lecture ‘Boundless Slavery and Freedom
                                                                                                                  in the Caribbean’ Dr. Coen van Galen
                                                                                      Tuesday                           from Radboud University
                                                                                      November 29, 2022
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                             Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
            Santa’s back in town with inflation,                                                   Elliott Loonstra receives

            inclusion on his mind                                                                  Perseverance Award in Para-
                                                                                                   Taekwondo as distinguished


                                                                                                                                            Page 7

            This photo shows Charles Graves dressed as Santa Claus in Austin, Texas on on Sept. 3, 2022.
            Graves is a rare Deaf Santa in his first year donning the red suit as a professional.   University of Aruba dresses
                                                                                  Associated Press
                                                                                                   in purple against gender-
            By LEANNE ITALIE                           Programs,  is  back  up  to  pre-pandemic
            AP Entertainment Writer                    booking numbers for their 1,400 or so San-  based violence
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Don’t  look  for  plastic  tas  working  at  more  than  600  malls  and
            partitions or faraway benches when visit-  other  spots  this  year,  said  spokesperson
            ing Santa Claus this year. The jolly old elf  Chris Landtroop.
            is back, pre-pandemic style, and he’s got  “I can’t even explain how excited we are
            some pressing issues on his mind.          to  see  everyone’s  smiles  at  all  locations
            Santa  booker  has  logged  this season without anything covering up
            a 30% increase in demand this Christmas  those beautiful faces,” she said.
            season  over  last  year,  after  losing  about  Cherry  Hill  Santas  are  also  free  to  wear
            15% of its performers to retirement or death  masks, Landtroop said.
            during  the  pandemic,  said  founder  and  Among standout Santas still keeping their
            head elf Mitch Allen.                      distance? There will be no lap visits at the
            He has a Santa database of several thou-   Macy’s flagship store in New York’s Herald
            sand with gigs at the Bloomingdale’s flag-  Square. Santa is seated behind his desk.
            ship  store  in  New  York,  various  Marriott  Some  Santas  who  stayed  home  the  last
            properties  and  other  venues  around  the  two years out of concern for their health
            U.S.  Most  of  Allen’s  clients  have  moved  have returned to the ho ho ho game, but
            back to kids on laps and aren’t consider-  Allen is desperately trying to refill his pipe-
            ing COVID-19 in a major way, he said, but  line with new performers.
            Santa can choose to mask up.                                                                                                   Page 11
            Another  large  Santa  agency,  Cherry  Hill                      Continued on Page 2
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