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a8    local
                Tuesday 29 November 2022
            Lecture 'Boundless Slavery and Freedom in the Caribbean' Dr.

            Coen van Galen from Radboud University

            ORANJESTAD  -  Recently,                                                                                            Aruba has made consider-
            the University of Aruba, the                                                                                        able  progress  in  digitizing
            Comision Conscientisacion                                                                                           and  making  available  his-
            Sclavitud,  and  the  Minis-                                                                                        torical documents.
            try  of  Finance  and  Culture                                                                                      By  connecting  archives,
            organized  an  informative                                                                                          it  will  be  possible  to  gain
            evening  where  Dr.  Coen                                                                                           more  insight  into  inter-is-
            van  Galen  of  Radboud                                                                                             land  ties  and  connections
            University  Nijmegen  gave                                                                                          between  the  islands  and
            a  lecture  titled  "Boundless                                                                                      the Caribbean region.
            Slavery and Freedom in the
            Caribbean.                                                                                                          It  will  benefit  scholars  and
                                                                                                                                anyone who wants to know
            In  a  room  filled  with  inter-                                                                                   more about ancestors from
            ested people, Dr. Van Ga-                                                                                           other islands.
            len  explained  the  project
            to  link  the  archives  of  the                                                                                    This  information  is  also  es-
            Caribbean islands to gath-                                                                                          sential  for  research  on  the
            er more information about                                                                                           social  structure  after  the
            the migration of persons af-                                                                                        abolition of slavery. It allows
            ter  the  abolition  of  slavery                                                                                    for better understanding of
            in the Caribbean.                                                                                                   the  effect  of  slavery,  and
                                                                                                                                colonialism on the genera-
                                                                      Mr.  Van  Galen  explained  Dr.  Van  Galen  explained  tions  after  the  abolition  of
                                                                      that  archives  and  a  trans-  the  setup  of  the  interna-  slavery, and until now.
                                                                      national  network  exist  be-  tional  archives  project  His-
                                                                      tween Suriname and Cura-     torical Database Suriname  Minister  Xiomara  Maduro
                                                                      cao.  Currently,  they  are  in  and  Curacao.  Discussions  thanks  Dr.  Van  Galen  for
                                                                      the process of connecting  are  currently  taking  place  the  extensive  lecture  and
                                                                      Aruba  to  this  network  as  to include the National Ar-  interest   in   connecting
                                                                      well.                        chives of Aruba in that proj-  Aruba  to  the  international
                                                                                                   ect.  Especially  now  that  network.q
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