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Saturday 16 November 2024
Blackstone Beach
(Oranjestad)—Named after in black smooth stones. Sec- visit the Blackstone Beach.
its most recognizable fea- ondly, it lies on the northern
ture, the Blackstone Beach side of the island, away from Blackstone Beach shows the
almost represents the op- the white sandy beaches of more natural side of Aruba:
posite of the typical Aru- in the southern region. So, if the stones that cover the
ban beaches. For one, it has you feel up for something dif- beaches and the shape of
black sand and is covered ferent—or if it’s opposite day, it has been crafted for thou-
sand years via volcanic erup-
tions, coral reef movements
and wave activity of the rural
northern part of the island.
Located further east to the
Natural Bridge and Andicuri
Beach, the Blackstone Beach This beach forms part of the current is very strong and
is relatively easy to access. Arikok National Park and is can easily stray you further
Once you get passed the therefore a site that is pre- in the wild ocean. However,
Ayo Rock Formation, take served. This is why it is also you can still enjoy a spec-
the Andicuri road leading up relatively untouched by tacular view of the stones
to Andicuri Beach. There, you commercial influences. De- and the northern ocean that
can park your car and take a spite being called a beach, stretches out in front of the
1km hike towards Blackstone do note that it is not advised beach and take a picture
Beach. to swim in the water, as the with your friends or family!q
Forgotten gems
Open air movie theaters
(Oranjestad)—During the worked in the refinery and didn’t have much entertain-
span of over 100 years, lived in the Lago Colony ment other than movies at
Aruba only saw five open air in Sero Colorado also had that time.
movie theatres. Now practi- their piece of the pie with
cally obsolete on the island, their Open air Theatre, The last and most recent
these theaters were once fre- which formed part of the open air theater was con-
quently visited by locals and Esso Club, also known as the structed in the form of a
migrants in the 20th century. Pan-Am Club. It was at this drive-in theater. A popular
theater that “Talkies” were American concept, the Drive
The first open air theater first streamed, movies with Inn located in Balashi was a
was constructed in 1920 sound. This theater mostly hot spot for teenagers, who
and was commissioned by streamed American block- had the habit of cramming
Shon Eduard (Eddy) de Veer. busters for the American ex- all their friends in one car to
This theater was located at pats, this way making sure go see the movies. For this
the Hotel Colombia in Oran- that these migrant were not phenomenon there was
jestad, which is now where missing out on entertainment a separate price that you
the Aruban census office is from their home land. had to pay called the “car
located. The theater was crash”.
simple; it only consisted of In the 1950’s and 60’s, Sava- stacked containers. How- ers when you drive near the
a screen, and visitors had neta saw their own open air This theater closed around ever, this nostalgic form of bridge in Balashi.q
to bring their own chairs to theater, located in front of 2012, but was re-opened entertainment did not last
enjoy the popular silent mov- the Marinier’s Kazerne (Ma- during the pandemic in very long as it was closed Source: “De kolibrie op de
ies of the time. rine Barracks). This theater July 2020, where movies again only a year or two rots en meer over de geschie-
was mostly visited by the were streamed on a gigan- later. Nowadays you can denis van Aruba” by Evert
American migrants who neighboring marines, who tic screen set up in front of still see the stacked contain- Bongers.