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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 3 december 2019
            U.N. Security Council to head to Washington, and Kentucky

            By JENNIFER PELTZ            co-led  an  October  trip  to
            Associated Press             South Sudan, where there's
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  a       U.N.   peacekeeping
            The  United  Nations  Secu-  force,  and  to  a  meeting
            rity  Council  is  set  to  meet  with  African  Union  leaders
            President  Donald  Trump  in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
            over  lunch  Thursday,  then  The  council  also  has  trav-
            travel  later  this  month  to  eled at times to the White
            part of the U.S. that's off the  House  and  to  informal  re-
            beaten path for world dip-   treats or visits to members'
            lomats: Kentucky.            countries.
            It's  the  home  state  of  Am-  China  invited  the  council
            bassador  Kelly  Craft,  who  to visit during its November
            announced  the  plans  in  2018 presidency, for exam-
            brief  remarks  to  reporters  ple, in what was billed as a
            Monday as the U.S. began  "side event" for members to
            a stint in the council's rotat-  learn  more  about  China's
            ing presidency.              participation  in  peace-
            She  said  the  U.S.  tenure  keeping  operations  and
            would  focus  on  how  the  get  a  firsthand  look  at  its
            council  could  gain  "more  development.
            credibility."                Former  U.S.  Ambassador
            "We're  speaking  to  the  Nikki  Haley  talked  about
            world, and I think it's really  bringing  council  members
            important,  that  we  owe  it  to her home state of South
            as  a  moral  obligation,  not  Carolina   in   September
            only to speak about topics  2018.  The  Carolinas  were
            that  are  relevant  but  also  hit  by  a  hurricane  that
            to have an outcome," Kraft  month,  and  the  trip  ulti-
            said,  calling  for  reflection  mately didn't happen.
            on  the  council's  work  this  The U.S. mission to the U.N.
            year  and  how  it  might  im-  didn't   immediately   say
            prove.                       Monday  what  the  theme     This  photo  provided  by  the  United  Nations  shows  United  States  U.N.  Ambassador  Kelly  Craft,
            Tasked  with  maintaining  would  be  for  the  Dec.  13-  current President of the U.N. Security Council, during a press briefing on Monday Dec. 2, 2019, at
                                                                      U.N. headquarters.
            international  peace  and  15 trip to Frankfort and Lex-                                                                       Associated Press
            security,  the  council  gen-  ington, Kentucky.
            erally  sets  out  for  hotspots  Kraft  said  members  will   the Bluegrass State's famed  native,  became  Washing-  September, after serving as
            when  it  leaves  headquar-  have  a  day  of  "sofa  talks"   bourbon. Kraft, a Kentucky  ton's  envoy  to  the  U.N.  in  ambassador to Canada.q
            ters.                        and  informal  meetings,  to
            Visits this year have includ-  be  held  at  the  headquar-
            ed  Iraq  and  neighboring  ters  of  animal  feed  and
            Kuwait, a council member;  beverage      conglomerate
            Mali, the site of the dead-  Alltech Inc.
            liest  U.N.  peacekeeping  Also on the agenda: dining
            mission,  and  other  coun-  at the governor's mansion,
            tries  dealing  with  or  trying  watching the No. 8-ranked
            to  emerge  from  war,  vio-  University   of   Kentucky
            lence,  political  crises  and  men's   basketball   team
            other strife.                play  unranked  Georgia
            The  U.S.  and  South  Africa  Tech, and bottling some of
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