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                 Tuesday 3 december 2019
            Vegan Weekend at Arawak Garden

            Dragonfly is offering a 3-course vegan choice menu

            PALM  BEACH  —  Vegan  is                                                                                           shows  eggplant  as  appe-
            healthy  and  sustainable,                                                                                          tizer,  a  vegan  filet  mignon
            but  most  importantly:  it’s                                                                                       with mashed potatoes and
            tasty!  The  restaurants  affili-                                                                                   veggies  as  main  course
            ated with Yummy Aruba in                                                                                            and a fruits skewer for des-
            Arawak  Garden  are  host-                                                                                          sert.
            ing  Aruba’s  first  Vegan                                                                                          At  Sopranos,  as  well  as  all
            Weekend  on  December  6,                                                                                           the  Yummy  Aruba  restau-
            7 and 8. In addition, the res-                                                                                      rants  in  Arawak  Garden
            taurants will also serve spe-                                                                                       you  can  enjoy  a  vegan
            cials  on  vegan  wine  and                                                                                         cocktail that weekend: the
            vegan cocktails.                                                                                                    Momo  Special.  This  deli-
                                                                                                                                cious cocktail with a hand-
            Dragonfly’s chef gives you                                                                                          ful of fresh mint makes it a
            vegan  appetizer  options                                                                                           perfect  drink  for  Aruba’s
            of clear shiitake mushroom                                                                                          hot  weather  and  is  made
            soup  and  a  vegan  roll  in                                                                                       of vodka, lemon juice, sim-
            soy  paper.  For  your  main                                                                                        ple  syrup,  fresh  mint,  soda
            course  it’s  a  choice  be-                                                                                        and  topped  with  oregano
            tween veggie pad thai and  Leave some space for des-      pari-orange foam. The sec-   main  course  you  will  be  essential  oil.  All  venues  will
            a garden roll in rice paper.   sert: peanut butter brownie  ond  is  the  Taco  Al  Pastor  served  chicken  schnitzel,  also  serve  vegan  certified
            Of  course,  your  dinner  à la mode.                     which comes with sriracha  cilantro-spinach  rice,  sar-  wines.
            is  topped  with  a  dessert  Vegan  tapas  are  awe-     mayo. The other appetizer  za  criolla,  baked  potato,  Be sure to make your reser-
            of  wild  berries,  vanilla  or  some!  Salt  &  Pepper  in-  choice is the vegan wrap,  served  with  ocopa  sauce.  vations  in  advance  to  se-
            chocolate ice cream.         cludes  two  tapas  in  its  which  comes  with  porto-   A vegan black ganache is  cure your table. The easiest
            Fishes  &  More  has  been  vegan menu during Vegan  bello mushrooms, fresh avo-       for dessert.                 way to do this, is by visiting
            serving  a  vegan  menu  for  Weekend.  The  first  appe-  cado, roasted bell pepper  Ever  tried  a  vegan  steak?,  select
            quite  some  time  now  and  tizer tapa is a crispy teriyaki  hummus,  strawberries,  ro-  Well,  it’s  on  the  menu  for  your  favorite  restaurant
            many  vegans  have  al-      tofu with avocado, sesame  maine lettuce with a zesty  Vegan Weekend at Tango  and  book  your  table.  Yes,
            ready  enjoyed  the  taste-  seeds,  scallions  and  Cam-  ginger  turmeric  sauce.  As  Argentine  Grill.  The  menu  Let’s Go Vegan!q
            ful creations of chef Bruno.
            For Yummy’s Vegan Week-
            end Fishes & More offers a
            3-course choice menu with
            calamari  vegani  and  co-
            conut  lemongrass  noodle
            soup  as  appetizer  options.
            For mains you may choose
            between portobello stuffed
            chickpea  piccata  and  its
            famous tropical tofu tower.

               Aruba to Me

               ORANJESTAD – Aruba Today likes to welcome readers to participate in our newspaper.
               You can see that in our Honored Guest-publications, specials like on Valentine’s Day
               and on other occasions. Throughout the year you are always welcome to send us your
               vacation picture(s) together with completing the sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email:

               For today’s newspaper we received a great picture from Dr. Pattilee Berridge and
               Thomas Kazanji from Westchester, NY.  They wrote:

                                      Aruba to us is….  AWESOME!

               My wife and I combined have been here well over a 100 times, that’s not
               a typo yes over 100 ! She would come down with her parents for 2 months
               twice a year and she would do her school work from L.I, NY. This started
               in the late 60’s. A very empty island at the time. We come every Thanks-
               giving for two weeks. For the amount of times we’ve been here we are
               not old only 60. Not a better place to go and I send everyone and we’ve
               been everywhere in the world and also love skiing ! We have stayed at all
               the hotels but the RIU is our favorite and we get a suite. Everyone knows
               us and we have watched the staff grow from small to big and there con-
               tinued success.
                                            Happy Holidays!!
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