Page 26 - BONDIA ARUBA AUG 16 2022
P. 26
a26 obituario/u.s. news
Diamars 16 augustus 2022
‘Don’t Say Gay’ law confuses some Florida
(AP) — Some Florida
schools have moved library
books and debated chang-
“Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios, maske mi no ing textbooks in response to
ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi ta banda di a law critics call “Don’t Say
boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke Señor ta Gay” — and some teachers
hasi” have worried that family pic-
Salmo 33 tures on their desks could get
them in trouble.
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa
fayecimento di nos ser stima: As students return from sum-
mer break, educators are cau-
tiously adjusting and waiting to
see how the new law governing held over the summer caused Opponents say the law would
lessons on gender and sexual confusion. Some staff said they stifle classroom discussion, ar-
orientation will be interpreted were told teachers in kindergar- guing that it doesn’t clarify what
and enforced. ten through third grade could could be deemed inappropriate.
not display pride flags or photos It also establishes an enforce-
The new law, championed by of their same-sex spouses. The ment mechanism that invites
Florida’s GOP Gov. Ron De- district later said the law only parents to file lawsuits against
Santis, bans lessons on sexual applied to classroom instruc- districts, potentially heightening
orientation and gender identity tion and that the photos were al- tensions between conservatives
in kindergarten through third lowed. It apologized for offering and school officials.
grade as well as material that is bad guidance with a hypotheti-
not deemed age-appropriate. cal discussion. The Florida debate reflects one
Maria del Pilar Most educators do not expect that is playing out nationwide,
a major change in lesson plans Robinson said schools in her with fights in school boards and
Carrasquilla Caceres — one of the key reasons critics area had given out rainbow- state legislatures over what and
Cariñosamente yama “Pili” cited in saying the law was un- colored lanyards and inclusion how children learn about race,
*26-03-1978 - †10-08-2022 necessary was that teachers do stickers, but she was not sure gender, sexual orientation and
not cover such subjects in early whether teachers would contin- American history. DeSantis and
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues grades anyway. ue to wear or display them. She other Republicans have argued
also worried that some teachers parents should be the ones in
But some worry it sets a tone will “err on the side of caution control of teaching their chil-
that will leave LGBTQ teachers and leave stuff out” during les- dren about sexual orientation
and kids feeling ostracized. sons. and gender identity.
“The messaging of this law is The law attracted widespread Educators say the state Depart-
horrible. It’s toxic, it’s discrimi- attention and condemnation ment of Education has not yet
natory,” said Gretchen Rob- earlier this year when it worked explained clearly how the law
inson, a lesbian high school its way through the Republican- will be enforced. In June the
teacher in Orange County. “It controlled Statehouse. Crit- agency issued a memo on the
targets, very obviously, LGBTQ ics dubbed it “Don’t Say Gay,” law to school district super-
students, it ‘others’ them, and though it contains no bans on intendents, but it mostly con-
that is not OK.” specific phrases and doesn’t bar tained a copy and paste of the
FOR ALL YOUR FLYER Workshops about the law that considered age-appropriate for not immediately return an email
material on sexual orientation legislative text. The agency did
seeking comment from AP.
her school district’s legal team grades 4 and above.
Average US gasoline price falls 45 cents to
$4.10 per gallon
motorist demand, which is in
retreat due to sustained high
price levels,” Lundberg said in a
The average price at the pump is
down a dollar over the past nine
weeks, but it’s 85 cents higher
than it was one year ago.
Nationwide, the highest average
price for regular-grade gas was
in the San Francisco Bay Area, at
$5.36 per gallon. The lowest av-
Call: 582-7800 (AP) — The average U.S. berg of the Lundberg Survey erage was in Baton Rouge, Loui-
email: price of regular-grade gaso- said Sunday that the continued siana, at $3.38 per gallon.
line plummeted 45 cents decline comes as crude oil costs
over the past three weeks to also remain low. According to the survey, the av-
$4.10 per gallon. erage price of diesel plunged 37
“The drop of a dollar per gallon cents over three weeks to $5.17
Industry analyst Trilby Lund- has not been enough to restore a gallon.