Page 30 - BONDIA ARUBA AUG 16 2022
P. 30
A30 world news
Diamars 16 augustus 2022
London's Heathrow Airport extends passenger cap to October
until the end of October pected passenger traffic was row have already been can-
as part of its efforts to more than airport ground celled in recent months, and
cope with soaring demand staff could handle. passengers have reported
for air travel amid staffing long waits at security, lost
shortages. The airport said its tempo- luggage and lengthy flight
rary cap had resulted in "few- delays.
The airport, one of Europe's er last-minute cancellations"
busiest, said a maximum of and "shorter waits for bags." Booming demand for sum-
100,000 travelers can depart mer travel after two years of
each day until Oct. 29. The It added the capacity limits COVID-19 travel restric-
daily cap was initially expect- would be kept under review tions have overwhelmed Eu-
ed to be lifted on Sept. 11. and "could be lifted earlier ropean airlines and airports,
should there be a sustained which had laid off tens of
Heathrow imposed the tem- picture of better resilience thousands of pilots, cabin
porary limit in July and told and a material increase in re- crew, check-in staff, ground
airlines to stop selling tick- sourcing levels." crew and baggage handlers as
(AP) — London's Heath- it will extend its cap on ets during the peak summer Scores of summer flights into the industry ground to a halt
row Airport said Monday daily passenger numbers travel season, saying the ex- and departing from Heath- during the pandemic.
Germany won't back call to end Russian tourist visas
(AP) — German Chancel- of people fleeing from Russia
lor Olaf Scholz said Mon- because they are disagreeing
day that Berlin would not with the Russian regime," he
back several fellow Euro- told a press conference on the
pean countries that have sidelines of a one-day meet-
called for an EU-wide ing of the five Nordic leaders
move to stop issuing tour- in Oslo to which the German
ist visas to Russian citi- chancellor was invited.
"All the decisions we make
The nations backing such a (within the EU) should not
ban say that Russians should make it more complicated to
not be able to take vacations go for freedom, to leave the
in Europe while Moscow country," Scholz said.
wages war in Ukraine. Fin-
land and Denmark want an The visa issue is expected
EU decision and some EU to be raised at an informal
countries bordering Russia meeting of European Union
already no longer issue visas foreign ministers on Aug. 31.
to Russians.
Finnish Prime Minister San-
"This is not the war of the na Marin who backs a ban,
Russian people. It is (Russian said that it was an issue that
President Vladimir) Putin's "we need to discuss." The EU banned air travel flights to other European ing 22 EU nations plus Ice-
war and we have to be very from Russia after Moscow destinations. land, Liechtenstein, Norway
clear on that topic," Scholz "It is not a black or white launched its invasion of and Switzerland. Normally,
said. question, there are shades Ukraine. But Russians can Visas, issued in Europe's trav- people and goods move free-
of grey," she said at the same still travel by land to neigh- el zone, known as the "Schen- ly between these countries
"It is important to us to un- press conference. boring EU countries and gen area," can be used in the without border checks.
derstand that there are a lot apparently are then taking zone's 26 countries, includ-
Death toll in fireworks depot blast in Armenia reaches 7
(AP) — The death toll in column of thick smoke over
a fireworks storage explo- the center of Yerevan.
sion in Armenia's capital
has risen to seven, officials Officials initially said two
said Monday, as rescuers people were killed, but the
combed through wreck- death toll has kept rising as
age hunting for victims. the search continues. Anoth-
er 21 people, including five
Photos from the scene Iranian citizens and one Rus-
showed emergency services sian, remain missing and at
and volunteers searching for least 61 others were injured.
victims amid slabs of con-
crete and twisted metal while The market, located 2 kilo-
firefighters hosed down the meters (over a mile) south of
blasted shell of the storage the city center, is popular for
building. its low prices and variety of
A powerful blast tore through
a fireworks depot at a popular There was no immediate
market in Armenia's capital word on what caused the
on Sunday, setting off a mas- fireworks to ignite, but offi-
sive fire that sent a towering cials ruled out a terror attack.