Page 29 - BONDIA ARUBA AUG 16 2022
P. 29

                                                                                         world news Diamars 16 augustus 2022

                         Iran denies involvement but justifies Salman Rushdie attack

            (AP)  —  An  Iranian  of-                                                                                           gloated about the attempt on
            ficial   Monday     denied                                                                                          his life,” Blinken said. “This
            Tehran  was  involved  in                                                                                           is despicable.”
            the  stabbing  of  author
            Salman  Rushdie,  though                                                                                            State  Department  spokes-
            he sought to justify the at-                                                                                        man  Ned  Price,  speaking  to
            tack in the Islamic Repub-                                                                                          reporters  in  Washington  on
            lic’s first public comments                                                                                         Monday, condemned the Ira-
            on the bloodshed.                                                                                                   nian government for blaming
                                                                                                                                Rushdie  for  the  attack.  “It’s
            The  remarks  by  Nasser                                                                                            despicable.  It’s  disgusting.
            Kanaani,  the  spokesman  for                                                                                       We condemn it,” he said.
            Iran’s Foreign Ministry, came
            three days after Rushdie was                                                                                        “We have heard Iranian offi-
            wounded in New York state.                                                                                          cials seek to incite to violence
            The  writer  has  been  taken                                                                                       over the years, of course, with
            off a ventilator and is “on the                                                                                     the  initial  fatwa,  but  even
            road  to  recovery,”  according                                                                                     more recently with the gloat-
            to his agent.                                                                                                       ing that has taken place in the
                                                                                                                                aftermath of this attack on his
            Rushdie, 75, has faced death                                                                                        life. This is something that is
            threats for more than 30 years                                                                                      absolutely outrageous.”
            over  his  novel  “The  Satanic
            Verses,”  whose  depiction  of                                                                                      While fatwas can be revoked,
            the Prophet Muhammad was                                                                                            Iran’s current supreme lead-
            seen  by  some  Muslims  as                                                                                         er,  Ayatollah  Ali  Khamenei,
            blasphemous.                                                                                                        who took over after Khomei-
                                                                                                                                ni’s death, has never done so.
            In  1989,  Iran’s  supreme  lamic  Revolution,  though  back motivated, to complete  “Even  if  this  court  were  to  As recently as 2017, Khame-
            leader,  Ayatollah  Ruhollah  prosecutors  and  Western  school, to get his degree and  set a million dollars bail, we  nei  said:  “The  decree  is  as
            Khomeini,  issued  a  fatwa,  governments have attributed  a job. But instead he locked  stand a risk that bail could be  Imam Khomeini issued.”
            or  Islamic  edict,  demand-  such attacks to Tehran.     himself in the basement. He  met,” Schmidt said.
            ing  the  author’s  death,  and                           had changed a lot, he didn’t                              Tensions  between  Iran  and
            while Iran has not focused on  Rushdie was attacked Friday  say anything to me or his sis-  In  his  remarks  Monday,  the  West,  particularly  the
            Rushdie  in  recent  years,  the  as he was about to give a lec-  ters for months,” Silvana Far-  Kanaani  added  that  Iran  did  U.S., have spiked since then-
            decree still stands.         ture  in  western  New  York.  dos said.                  not  “have  any  other  infor-  President  Donald  Trump
                                         He suffered a damaged liver                               mation  more  than  what  the  pulled America out of Iran’s
            Also,  a  semiofficial  Iranian  and severed nerves in an arm  Village  records  in  Yaroun  American  media  has  report-  nuclear deal with world pow-
            foundation  had  posted  a  and an eye, according to his  show  Matar  holds  Lebanese  ed.”  He  also  implied  that  ers in 2018.
            bounty  of  over  $3  million  agent, Andrew Wylie. Rush-  citizenship and is a Shiite, an  Rushdie  brought  the  attack
            for the killing of the author.  die  is  likely  to  lose  the  eye,  official  there  said.  The  offi-  on himself.  A   Trump-ordered   drone
            It has not commented on the  Wylie said.                  cial, who spoke on condition                              strike  killed  a  top  Iranian
            attack.                                                   of anonymity out of security  “Salman  Rushdie  exposed  Revolutionary Guard general
                                         His  alleged  assailant,  Hadi  concerns, said Matar’s father  himself to popular anger and  in  2020,  heightening  those
            “Regarding the attack against  Matar,  pleaded  not  guilty  to  lives there but has been in se-  fury through insulting the sa-  tensions.
            Salman Rushdie in America,  attempted  murder  and  as-   clusion since the attack.    credness of Islam and cross-
            we  don’t  consider  anyone  sault.                                                    ing the red lines of over 1.5  Last week, the U.S. charged
            deserving reproach, blame or                              Flags  of  the  Iranian-backed  billion Muslims and also red  a Guard member in absentia
            even  condemnation,  except  Matar,  24,  was  born  in  the  Shiite  militant  group  Hez-  lines of followers of all divine  with plotting to kill one-time
            for (Rushdie) himself and his  U.S. to parents who emigrat-  bollah, along with portraits of  religions,” Kanaani said.  Trump adviser and Iran hawk
            supporters,” Kanaani said.   ed from Yaroun in southern  Hezbollah  and  Iranian  lead-                             John  Bolton.  Former  U.S.
                                         Lebanon near the Israeli bor-  ers,  hang  across  the  village.  U.S. Secretary of State Anto-  Secretary of State Mike Pom-
            “In  this  regard,  no  one  can  der, according to the village’s  Israel  has  bombarded  Hez-  ny Blinken, while not direct-  peo  and  an  aide  are  under
            blame  the  Islamic  Republic  mayor.                     bollah positions near there in  ly blaming Tehran for the at-  24-hour security over alleged
            of  Iran,”  he  added.  “We  be-                          the past.                    tack on Rushdie, denounced  threats from Iran.
            lieve  that  the  insults  made  Matar  had  lived  in  recent                         Iran  in  a  statement  Monday
            and  the  support  he  received  years in New Jersey with his  Police in New York have of-  praising the writer’s support  U.S. prosecutors also say Iran
            was an insult against follow-  mother,  who  told  London’s  fered  no  motive  for  the  at-  for  freedom  of  expression  tried in 2021 to kidnap an Ira-
            ers of all religions.”       Daily  Mail  that  her  son  be-  tack,  though  District  Attor-  and religion.       nian  opposition  activist  and
                                         came moody and more reli-    ney  Jason  Schmidt  alluded                              writer  living  in  New  York.
            Iran  has  denied  carrying  gious after a month-long trip  to the bounty on Rushdie in  “Iranian  state  institutions  In recent days, a man with an
            out  other  operations  abroad  to Lebanon in 2018.       arguing against bail during a  have incited violence against  assault rifle was arrested near
            against dissidents in the years                           hearing over the weekend.    Rushdie for generations, and  her home.
            since  the  country’s  1979  Is-  “I was expecting him to come                         state-affiliated media recently

                          Five Europeans go on trial in separatist-controlled Ukraine

             (AP)  -  Five  European  citizens  Andrew Hill and Dylan Healy — all                                       forces  in  Ukraine’s  industrial  east,
             captured  in  eastern  Ukraine  pleaded not guilty to charges of mer-  The next court hearing in their case  to  death  for  being  mercenaries.  All
             went on trial Monday in a court  cenarism  and  “undergoing  training  is scheduled for October, the Inter-  three have appealed their verdicts.
             administered by Kremlin-backed  to seize power by force,” according  fax  news  agency  reported,  citing  a
             separatists in the city of Donetsk,  to Russian media.                 statement by the separatists’ court.  Ukrainian  social  media  has  been
             Russian media reported.                                                                                    abuzz  with  speculation  that  the
                                                 They  could  face  the  death  pen-  On June 9, the supreme court of the  Kremlin may seek to use the foreign
             The  five  —  including  Swede  Mat-  alty under the laws of the self-pro-  self-proclaimed  republic  sentenced  fighters to extract concessions from
             thias  Gustafsson,  Croat  Vjekoslav  claimed,  unrecognized  Donetsk  two Britons and a Moroccan, all of  Ukraine  or  swap  them  for  Russian
             Prebeg,  and  Britons  John  Harding,  People’s Republic.              whom were captured by pro-Russian  prisoners.
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