Page 32 - BONDIA ARUBA AUG 16 2022
P. 32
A32 sports
Diamars 16 augustus 2022
4-time boxing champ Broner withdraws from Saturday fight
Broner said he needed to ing and improved his record
Broner announced his deci- make some changes instead to 34-4-1. There was one
sion on Instagram, apolo- of worrying about other's fight ruled no contest.
gizing to his fans and asking people's feelings.
for prayers. He said mental "In all reality I have nothing Broner has had issues away
health is real and that "I've to prove to nobody," Broner from boxing, including sev-
watched a lot of people die wrote. "I'm a 4 time world eral arrests. In 2019, he had
playing with they boxing ca- champion in 4 different a restraining order issued
reer and that is something I weight classes and if I never against him after making ho-
won't do ..." lace up another pair of gloves mophobic threats on social
again I feel like it's safe to say media. He later was ordered
Showtime was scheduled I will be inducted into the to pay over $830,000 for sex-
to air the fight from Holly- #BoxingHallOfFame." ually assaulting a woman in a
wood, Florida. Cleveland nightclub.
The 33-year-old from Cin- Broner last fought on Feb. 20,
cinnati also said he loves box- 2021, posting a unanimous Broner was jailed for a parole
(AP) – Four-time world vised fight against Omar ing and "I feel like I came decision over previously un- violation last year after failing
champion Adrien Bro- Figueroa on Saturday up short before because my defeated Jovanie Santiago, to enroll in a court-mandated
ner withdrew Monday night, citing mental mind was not 100% there." also on Showtime. It ended a alcohol treatment program.
from his nationally tele- health. 25-month absence from box-
WNBA's Brittney Griner appeals her Russian prison sentence
(AP) — Lawyers for packed them in haste and that close to the maximum of
American basketball star she had no criminal intent. 10 years, and Blagovolina
Brittney Griner have filed Her defense team presented and co-counsel Alexander
an appeal of her nine-year written statements that she Boykov said after the con-
Russian prison sentence had been prescribed cannabis viction that the punishment
for drug possession, Rus- to treat pain. was excessive. They said that
sian news agencies report- Her February arrest came at in similar cases defendants
ed Monday, amid talks be- a time of heightened tensions have received an average sen-
tween the U.S. and Russia between Moscow and Wash- tence of about five years, with
that could lead to a high- ington, just days before Rus- about a third of them granted
profile prisoner swap. sia sent troops into Ukraine. parole.
At the time, Griner, recog-
Griner, an eight-time all- nized as one of the great- Before her conviction, the
star center with the WNBA's est players in WNBA his- U.S. State Department de-
Phoenix Mercury and two- tory, was returning to Russia, clared Griner to be "wrong-
time Olympic gold medalist, where she plays during the fully detained" — a charge
was convicted Aug. 4 after U.S. league's offseason. that Russia has sharply re- publicly in July that Wash- The Associated Press and
police said they found vape jected. ington had made a "substan- other news organizations
canisters containing cannabis Lawyer Maria Blagovolina tial proposal" to get Griner have reported that Washing-
oil in her luggage at Mos- was quoted by Russian news Reflecting the growing pres- home, along with Paul Whel- ton has offered to free Viktor
cow's Sheremetyevo Airport. agencies on Monday as saying sure on the Biden adminis- an, an American serving a 16- Bout, a Russian arms dealer
the appeal was filed, as was tration to do more to bring year sentence in Russia for who is serving a 25-year sen-
Griner admitted that she had expected, but the grounds for Griner home, U.S. Secretary espionage. tence in the U.S. and once
the canisters in her luggage, it weren't immediately clear. of State Antony Blinken took earned the nickname the
but said she had inadvertently The nine-year sentence was the unusual step of revealing Blinken didn't elaborate, but "Merchant of Death."
World Series to start on a Friday, could see latest end ever
(AP) — The World Series four games in the new wild- The AL Division Series will higher seed home for Games Red Sox 3-1 before losing the
is scheduled to start on a card series on Oct. 7. The have an unusual off day be- 1 and 2, and, if necessary, next four games.
Friday for the first time other games are Oct. 8 and 9, tween Games 1 and 2. Game 5. Both the AL Divi-
since 1915 and could end if necessary. sion Series and NL Division Since the start of playoffs, the
on Nov. 5 — its latest ever As part of this year's schedule, The new format has 12 teams Series start Oct. 11. Series had been scheduled to
— because of the lockout off days will be skipped be- making the playoffs, up from start on a Tuesday since 2014,
that delayed opening day. tween Games 4 and 5 of the the 10 in place from 2012- The best-of-seven Champi- in 1990 and from 1977-84,
Division Series and Games 21, except the 16 used in the onship Series starts Oct. 18 a Wednesday from 2007-13
Major League Baseball said 5 and 6 of the Champion- 2020 playoffs that followed in the NL and Oct. 19 in the and a Saturday from 1969-76,
Monday its expanded post- ship Series, potentially taxing a regular-season shortened AL. 1985-89 and 1991-2006.
season will begin with all bullpens. to 60 games because of the Opening day was delayed
coronavirus pandemic. The from March 31 to April 7 be- The Series went into No-
top two teams in each league cause of the 99-day lockout vember for the first time in
get first-round byes, while that ended on March 10, and 2001, when the 9/11 terror-
the No. 3 seed faces No. 6 the regular season was ex- ist attacks caused the regular
and No. 4 plays No. 5. The tended by three days to Oct. season to end a week later
higher seed will be home in 5. than originally scheduled.
each best-of-three series. The World Series begins Oct. The latest a Series game has
28, matching its latest start, in been played is Nov. 4, in 2001
In the best-of-five Division 2009. and again in 2009. Last year's
Series, the top seed plays the Series ended on Nov. 2 when
3-vs.-6 winner and the No. 2 It will be its first Friday start the Atlanta Braves beat the
seed plays the 4-vs.-5 winner. since Oct. 8, 1915, at the Houston Astros in Game 6
The Division Series will have Baker Bowl in Philadelphia, for their first title since 1995.
the familiar format of the when the Phillies beat the