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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 5 Januari 2022

                         Tattoo artist anger over new EU rules goes beyond skin deep

            (AP) — Tattoo parlors say  have been a lot more prepa-
            their art will lose a lot of  ration.”
            its  vibrancy  after  Euro-
            pean Union rules banning  The  EU  begs  to  differ.  The
            thousands of chemicals in  bloc  says  the  consultation
            their coloring ink kick in  process began in 2016 while
            on Wednesday. The 27-na-     the official regulation herald-
            tion  bloc  answers  back  ing  Wednesday’s  start  of  re-
            that public health will be  strictions dates back to Dec.
            much  better  served  with  14, 2020.
            tougher  restrictions  on
            elements  in  ink  that  may  “So  this  is  not  something
            cause cancer or allergies.   which is either a surprise or
                                         a complete novelty. It is a sort
            The  standoff  between  regu-  of  generalization  of  practice
            lation  and  freedom  of  artis-  which  is  already  existing  in
            tic  expression  has  triggered  quite  a  few  member  states,”
            a  torrent  of  complaints  and  said  EU  spokesman  Eric
            accusations.                 Mamer.  Seven  EU  nations
                                         already  had  national  restric-
            In  Amsterdam,  Tycho  Veld-  tions.
            hoen  has  plied  his  trade  for
            a  quarter  century  and  fears  The  Commission  says  al-
            an  “enormous  impact”  on  ternatives  to  the  banned
            his work once certain colors  products  do  exist  but  tattoo
            are  banned.  “Because,  like  a  parlors  say  they’re  too  slow  ures,  strict  health  guidelines  objects  to  such  conditional  easily  targeted  while  the  to-
            painter,  you  suddenly  lose  a  to  make  their  way  from  the  were necessary.     phrasing  and  insists  the  ban  bacco and alcohol industries
            gigantic part of your palette”  manufacturers to their shops.                          is not sufficiently backed by  still hold much more sway.
            with no alternatives in sight.                            The  EU’s  chemical  agency  science, something which the
                                         Angelo  Bedani  of  Brussels’  ECHA says that allergic and  EU disputes.               The  petition  pair  is  already
            And he warned that it could  Boucherie  Moderne  tattoo  inflammatory  skin  reactions                              preparing for the next battle.
            even  get  worse  next  year  parlor said he had nothing to  “are  expected  to  decrease  Erich Maehnert, co-organiz-  Up to now pigments Blue 15
            when more inks currently in  prepare  with  since  the  new  thanks  to  the  restriction.”  It  er  of  the  petition,  said  such  and Green 7 are still enjoying
            use could be banned. Tattoo  inks had only become avail-  adds  that  “more  serious  ef-  bans unduly hurt the indus-  a grace period until next year
            shops  in  the  27-nation  bloc  able  a  week  ago.  On  top  of  fects such as cancer, harm to  try since people will use ille-  because  no  alternatives  are
            have  had  a  rough  two  years  that  “a  bottle  costs  double  our DNA or the reproductive  gal ways to get the products  yet available.
            since  COVID-19  hit  with  compared to the one we have  system  potentially  originat-  from third countries.
            restrictions  and  lockdowns.  today.”                    ing  from  chemicals  used  in                            Veldhoen  said  it  leaves  him
            Now  they  say  a  perfectly                              the inks could also decrease.”  “They  continue  to  obtain  with  awful  choices  when  a
            avoidable  crisis  is  hitting  Considering  that  at  least  12                       their   tattooing   products  customer  will  walk  into  his
            them even harder.            percent  of  Europeans  have  Michl Dirks, who is behind a  without any checks and with-  Amsterdam  shop.  “A  rose
                                         tattoos,  and  double  that  “Save the Pigments” petition  out the possibility of tracing  with brown leaves is a lot less
            “It is all rather sudden,” Veld-  number  in  the  18-35  age  which  has  already  collected  them,”  he  said.  Others  say  attractive  than  a  rose  with
            hoen  said.  “There  should  group, according to EU fig-  176,000 signatures in the EU  the  small  tattoo  industry  is  green leaves,” he said.

                            Record number of migrant boats crossed Channel in 2021

            (AP)  —  At  least  28,300  number  of  migrants  seeking  The risks were tragically un-  crease the number of Chan-  But  Home  Office  minis-
            people  packed  into  small  to  cross  the  world’s  busiest  derscored on Nov. 24, when  nel crossings.           ter  Tom  Pursglove  said  that
            boats  crossed  the  Chan-   shipping  lane  often  in  flim-  at least 27 migrants drowned                         “seeking  asylum  for  protec-
            nel  from  France  to  Eng-  sy  boats  provided  by  people  as their boat sank after leaving  Tim Naor Hilton, chief exec-  tion should not involve peo-
            land’s south coast in 2021,  smugglers.                   France.  The  crossings  have  utive at Refugee Action, said  ple asylum shopping country
            an annual record that was                                 become  a  source  of  tension  that  the  U.K.  government’s  to  country,  or  risking  their
            three times the number of  The arrivals continued Tues-   between France and Britain.  policy  will  lead  to  more  lives by lining the pockets of
            crossings a year earlier.    day, with a group of people,                              deaths in the Dover Strait.  criminal  gangs  to  cross  the
                                         mostly men but also a young  As  winter  approached  last                              Channel.”
            The leap in numbers, report-  child  in  a  pink,  one-piece  year, November was the bus-  “People will continue to cross
            ed Tuesday by the Press As-  suit, rescued by a British life-  iest  month  for  crossings  of  the Channel in flimsy boats,  He said that planned govern-
            sociation news agency based  boat  and  brought  to  Dover  the Channel, which is about  and smugglers will continue  ment reforms to immigration
            on data from Britain’s Home  on England’s south coast.    20  miles  (32  kilometers)  to  profit,  unless  ministers  law will criminalize entering
            Office,  reflects  the  soaring                           wide  at  its  narrowest  point,  open up more routes for ref-  the  U.K.  without  permis-
                                                                      with  6,869  people  reaching  ugees to claim asylum here,”  sion and introduce life prison
                                                                      the U.K. On Nov. 11 alone,  Naor Hilton said.             terms for people smugglers as
                                                                      1,185 people made the risky                               well as strengthening powers
                                                                      crossing in 33 boats.        Clare  Moseley,  founder  of  of the country’s Border Force
                                                                                                   charity  Care4Calais  which  to stop and redirect boats and
                                                                      The  figures  also  show  that  supports  refugees  living  in  clearing the way for asylum-
                                                                      the  boats  are  getting  larger,  northern France, agreed.  seekers  to  have  their  claims
                                                                      with an average of 28 people                              processed outside the U.K.
                                                                      on board each vessel that ar-  “If the government were se-
                                                                      rived in the UK, up from just  rious  about  stopping  people  When  the  reforms  were  in-
                                                                      over 13 a year earlier.      smugglers, it would create a  troduced  to  Parliament  in
                                                                                                   safe way for people to claim  July,  Naor  Hilton  said  they
                                                                      Activists  are  calling  for  the  asylum and put people smug-  were “built on a deep lack of
                                                                      British  government  to  offer  glers  out  of  business  once  understanding  of  the  reality
                                                                      more  opportunities  to  asy-  and for all,” she said.    of refugee migration.”
                                                                      lum-seekers  in  a  bid  to  de-
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