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sports Diaranson 5 Januari 2022
Djokovic given medical exemption to play at Australian Open
(AP) — Novak Djokovic be allowed to compete at the were established for assessing
will get a chance to de- tournament, which starts on medical exemption applica-
fend his Australian Open Jan. 17, and is on his way to tions that will enable us to
title after receiving a Australia. He earlier with- ensure Australian Open 2022
medical exemption to drew from Serbia’s team for is safe and enjoyable for ev-
travel to Melbourne, end- the ATP Cup, which started eryone.”
ing months of uncertainty last weekend in Sydney.
about his participation “Central to this process was
because of the strict CO- “Djokovic applied for a med- that the decisions were made
VID-19 vaccination re- ical exemption which was by independent medical ex-
quirements in place for granted following a rigorous perts and that every appli-
the tournament. review process involving two cant was given due consider-
separate independent pan- ation,” Tiley said.
The top-ranked Djokovic els of medical experts,” the
wrote on Instagram on Tues- statement said. “One of those Victoria state Deputy Premier
day he has “an exemption was the Independent Medi- James Merlino last month
permission.” cal Exemption Review Panel said the medical exemptions
appointed by the Victorian were “not a loophole for
Djokovic, who is seeking Department of Health. They privileged tennis players.” tions about the grounds for The 34-year-old Djokovic
a record 21st Grand Slam assessed all applications to Djokovic’s exemption, and has won nine of his 20 major
singles title, has continually see if they met the Australian “It is a medical exemption what quarantine conditions titles at the Australian Open.
refused to reveal if he is vac- Technical Advisory Group on in exceptional circumstances he will have to meet on ar- He shares the men’s record
cinated against the coronavi- Immunisation guidelines.” if you have an acute medical rival in Australia. for most majors with Roger
rus. The Victoria state gov- condition,” Merlino said at a Federer and Rafael Nadal.
ernment has mandated that Tennis Australia said the pro- news conference. Last year, all foreign players
all players, staff and fans at- cess included the redaction had to spend two weeks in Djokovic hasn’t played at
tending the Australian Open of personal information to The decision announced hotel quarantine before the tour level since the Davis
must be fully vaccinated un- ensure privacy for all appli- Tuesday will be widely de- Australian Open, pushing the Cup Finals in early Decem-
less there is a genuine reason cants. That means Djokovic bated in a city which endured year’s first major back from ber, and has recently been
why an exemption should be was not obliged to make his months of strict lockdowns its usual mid-January start. practising in Spain. His posts
granted. exemption public. and harsh travel restrictions There were also strict caps on social media announcing
at the height of the pandemic. on crowd numbers, and days his plans to travel to Australia
Australian Open organizers Australian Open tournament when fans weren’t allowed were accompanied by a photo
issued a statement later Tues- director Craig Tiley said “fair Reaction on social media into Melbourne Park as coro- of Djokovic leaning on a ten-
day to confirm Djokovic will and independent protocols quickly turned to ques- navirus cases surged. nis bag at an airport.
Washington to reveal new name on Feb. 2; won’t be RedWolves
(AP) - Washington’s NFL president Jason Wright said sure from team sponsors. any sort of Native American
team announced Tuesday in an episode of the team- The new helmets and uni- The decision was made to imagery moving forward.
it will unveil its new name produced show “Making the forms will feature the fran- be known as the Washington He, Rivera and others have
on Feb. 2 and that it will Brand.” “Now, more than chise’s signature burgundy- Football Team that season, made references to wanting
not be the Wolves or Red- ever, it’s important that we and-gold colors, with three which stuck around for 2021 to honor the once-storied
Wolves. stay connected to our roots. stars on the collar and stripes while the front office went franchise’s tradition, which
We understand the impor- on the shoulders of otherwise through a lengthy rebranding includes three Super Bowl
Commanders, Admirals, tance of choosing a meaning- plain jerseys. In a “Making process. championships.
Armada, Brigade, Senti- ful name: one that will an- the Brand” clip showing him
nels, Defenders, Red Hogs, chor the team for the next 90 getting a look at one of the “Our journey to a new iden- “I just think the heritage and
Presidents and the status quo years and beyond.” helmets, coach Ron Rivera tity is a marathon, not a the history of our team is
“Washington Football Team” said: “I love this. Right on. I sprint,” Wright said. “To get what’s so important, and, as
were among the other final- Wright said the decision was think the look’s going to be it right, we had to take every fans, I think we’re going to
ists. made not to go with Wolves hot.” step of the process seriously, rally around that team,” Hall
or RedWolves because of and the destination is a sum of Fame coach Joe Gibbs said.
“We are on the brink of start- trademarks held by other A trailer teasing the reveal in- of all those parts.” “I’d say probably what’s more
ing a new chapter, but our organizations. Those possi- cluded a “W” logo making an important about naming the
history, our legacy cannot bilities were popular among appearance. Washington was the first team, it’s trying to bring ev-
be lost along the way,” team Washington fans. team in the four major North erybody together. ... That’s
The video featured the mes- American professional sports the one thing that we’ve got
sages: “Hail to the greats that leagues to move away from going for ourselves is the
laid the foundation for our Native American imagery loyalty that we have for that
legacy,” “Hail to the fans we amid a national reckoning team.”
consider family,” “We are and on race. Cleveland in Major
always have been Washing- League Baseball followed Washington has not had a lot
ton,” ”We will fight for our suit, adopting the new name going on or off the field in re-
community” and “Together Guardians that is now in ef- cent years. The league fined
we will define our future.” fect after settling a lawsuit the team $10 million after an
with a roller derby team by investigation into workplace
Photos of franchise greats the same name. conduct, owner Dan Sny-
were mixed in with current der squabbled with minority
players meeting with military MLB’s Atlanta Braves and the partners before buying out
personnel and fans. NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks their shares, the front office
have defended keeping their took criticism this season
The organization dropped its names. for botching late safety Sean
old name in July 2020 after Taylor’s jersey retirement
decades of complaints that Wright made it clear during and over the past 15 years the
it was racist toward Native the rebranding process that team has not won a playoff
Americans and recent pres- Washington would not use game.