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Diasabra, 09 October 2021                                                                                       18
                                                                                                      INTERN A TION AL
                How is artificial lightning helping

               cows cut their carbon emissions?

       Plasma guns might sound like something out of a
       sci-fi film, but this space age technology could be
       coming to a farm near you.
       A Norwegian firm has designed a revolutionary

       new way to fire artificial lightning at cow dung.
       Research and tests on Holly Head Farm in
       Berkshire, England, show that firing plasma at
       cow poo reduces methane emissions by 99 per
       The artificial rays also reduce levels of ammonia,
       another potent cow emission, by 90 per cent.
       How does artificial lightning work?
       Created by Norwegian firm N2 Applied, The N2                            Artificial lightning can help reduce ammonia by 90

       Unit is a large piece of machinery into which cow                                      per cent   -   Copyright  Canva
       slurry (a mixture of manure and water) is fed.
                                                                              With air pollution in the UK alone responsible for
       The unit fixes nitrogen from the air (a process                        40,000 premature deaths a year, reducing ammonia
       where naturally occurring nitrogen combines                            emissions on farms is a step in the right direction.
       with other elements to create more reactive                            Who pays for this technology?
       nitrogen) by firing a bolt of plasma at the slurry,

       which splits the nitrogen and oxygen atoms.                            While farmers could save money on fertiliser due to
                                                                              the nitrogen in the slurry, who will pay for the plasma

       The nitrogen oxide atoms are then absorbed by                          process?
       the slurry, which stabilises the ammonium and
       stops it releasing, while also eliminating methane                     The UK government has committed to reducing
       loss.                                                                  ammonia emissions under the Gothenburg Protocol
       This leaves the slurry packed full of nitrogen, one                    and the National Emissions Ceiling Regulations, with
       of the essential nutrients for healthy soil. It can                    a commitment to reduce emissions by 16 per cent by
       then be spread on fields to help boost crop growth                     2030, based on 2005 levels.

       and protect soil fertility.                                            Whether there will be government subsidies to pay
       Reducing air pollution                                                 for the technology needed for plasma fixing and other
       Cutting down on farmyard ammonia has the                               emission-busting schemes, is yet to be announced.
       knock-on effect of reducing air pollution in cities
       too.                                                                   When combined with research carried out in Sweden
       Due to its prevalence, drifts of air-borne ammonia                     that reduces the methane emissions of cows by
       travel on the wind to cities, where they bind to                       introducing seaweed feed, this technology shows real

       air particulates from car tyres, exhaust pipes and                     promise in helping farmers reduce their impact on
       household gas boilers.                                                 global warming.

                  @BBC                                           @CNN International                               @euronewsgreen

        Facebook apologises as                              US President Biden has                           "We've communicated
                                                            issued a proclamation
                                                                                                             badly in this case...It was
        services including Instagram hit                    commemorating Indigenous                         simply bad wording" Flushed
        again                                               Peoples' Day on Friday, becoming                 .Denmark has not actually banned
                                                            the first United States president to             the Moderna vaccine for under
                                                            do so,                                           18s, despite saying earlier this
                                                                                                             week that it had
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