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A32    sports
                        Diamars 25 mei 2021

                              Injured Ramos not included in Spain's list for Euro 2020

                                                                      decade.  It  was  runner-up  to  held by Egypt player Ahmed  Sergio  Busquets,  Jordi  Alba
                                                                      Atlético Madrid in the Span-  Hassan.                     and César Azpilicueta.
                                                                      ish league and was eliminated
                                                                      by  Chelsea  in  semifinals  of  "It pains me not to have been  Among  those  missing  out
                                                                      the Champions League.        able  to  help  my  team  more  were Jesús Navas, Sergio Ca-
                                                                      "I  don't  take  that  into  con-  and not to play for Spain but,  nales, Kepa Arrizabalaga, Iago
                                                                      sideration,"  Luis  Enrique  in this case, the best thing to  Aspas  and  Inigo  Martínez,
                                                                      said, referring to the players'  do  is  rest,  fully  recover  and  who announced on Monday
                                                                      clubs. "If Carvajal and Ramos  come  back  next  year  like  he didn't feel ready to be with
                                                                      were fit they would be in the  we've  always  done,"  Ramos  the  national  team  for  Euro
                                                                      squad."                      said on Twitter. "It hurts not  2020.
                                                                                                   to  represent  your  country,
                                                                      Other  Madrid  players  who  but I have to be honest and  Luis  Enrique  said  he  didn't
                                                                      had  been  called  up  recently  sincere.                 pick a full complement of 26
                                                                      but  were  left  off  the  list  in-                      players because he felt the 24
                                                                      cluded Nacho Fernández and  "I  wish  all  my  teammates  that he included would meet
                                                                      Marco Asensio.               the  very  best  of  luck  and  I  all  of  the  team's  needs.  He
            (AP) — Sergio Ramos was  tive for COVID-19 in April.                                   hope we have a great Euros,"  said  he  didn't  want  to  have
            left  off  Spain's  squad  for                            Luis Enrique said he told Ra-  he  said.  "I'll  be  another  fan  too many players who would
            the European Champion-       "He will not be with us be-  mos  about  his  decision  in  a  cheering on from home."  not expect to play.
            ship on Monday following  cause  he  couldn't  compete  phone call on Sunday.          Manchester  City  defender
            a season plagued by inju-    during large parts of the sea-  "I normally don't make these  Aymeric Laporte, who played  Spain  will  play  in  Group
            ries, a decision that means  son, he couldn't even practice  calls but I decided to do it in  for  France's  youth  squads  E  along  with  Sweden,  Po-
            no  Real  Madrid  players  with his club," Luis Enrique  Ramos' case because of what  but  was  also  eligible  to  play  land  and  Slovakia.  All  of  its
            were called up by the na-    said.  "It  was  tough.  It  was  a  he  means  to  the  national  for  Spain,  was  among  those  games will be in the Spanish
            tional  team  for  a  major  complicated  decision  but  it  team,"  Luis  Enrique  said,  included  in  Luis  Enrique's  city of Seville, beginning on
            tournament  for  the  first  had to be made to benefit of  adding that he told the player  squad.                   June  14  against  Sweden.  Its
            time.                        the  entire  group.  I  felt  bad  to be "more selfish" and make  "His call-up has nothing to do  two  warm-up  matches  will
                                         because  he  has  always  been  sure  he  fully  recovers  so  he  with Ramos not being able to  be  against  Portugal  on  June
            Spain  coach  Luis  Enrique  a player who gave everything  can  come  back  to  help  his  play," Luis Enrique said about  4  and  against  Lithuania  on
            said  Ramos'  lack  of  play  re-  he  had,  he  has  always  been  club and eventually return to  Laporte. "We considered him  June 8.
            cently  made  it  difficult  for  very professional."     the national team.           since  it  became  possible  for  "We are in a group of favor-
            the  defender  to  be  included                                                        him to be with us. He is a top  ites that includes six or seven
            in the Euro 2020 squad.      Ramos  would  have  been  a  Ramos  would  have  had  a  player who can help us, with  national  teams  that  no  one
                                         Madrid player on the list, and  chance  to  break  the  record  a lot of international experi-  can count out," Luis Enrique
            The    35-year-old   Ramos  Luis Enrique said Dani Car-   for  most  appearances  for  a  ence with his club."      said.  "We  are  not  inferior  to
            missed  most  of  the  second  vajal  also  would  have  made  national  team  at  Euro  2020.  Also  in  the  squad  are  for-  anyone and we are not supe-
            half of the season after a se-  the squad if he was fit. The  The  veteran  Spain  captain  wards Adama Traoré and Ál-  rior to anyone."
            ries  of  muscle  injures  and  a  Spanish powerhouse finished  already  holds  the  European  varo Morata, youngsters Fer-
            knee  problem  that  required  the season without a title for  record with 180 appearances.  ran  Torres,  Pedri  González  The Spanish players will re-
            surgery. He also tested posi-  the first time in more than a  The  world  record  of  184  is  and Eric García, and veterans  port to training on May 31.

                            Djokovic can't hit US Open line judge -- there won't be any

            (AP) – Novak Djokovic does not  It  was  a  shocking  and  abrupt  stop  "I don't see a reason why we need the  before  the  U.S.  Open  as  part  of  a
            need to worry about accidentally  to  the  No.  1-ranked  Djokovic's  line umpires, to be honest, if we have  doubleheader of sorts organized be-
            hitting  a  U.S.  Open  line  judge  29-match winning streak and his bid  technology like this."            cause  of  the  coronavirus  pandemic
            with a tennis ball between points  to add to his Grand Slam title collec-                                   and  so  was  played  under  the  same
            this  year  because  there  won't  be  tion.                            The  US  Open  Series  tournaments  setup.
            any line judges — chair umpires                                         that  will  rely  entirely  on  electronic
            will be the only on-court officials  After losing a game to trail 6-5 in the  line-calling this year are the events in  The  USTA  said  Monday  that  "up-
            at that Grand Slam tournament's  first  set,  Djokovic  angrily  swatted  a  Atlanta; Washington; Toronto; Mon-  wards  of  314,000  calls"  were  made
            matches.                            ball  behind  him  with  his  racket  —  treal;  Cincinnati;  Winston-Salem,  by  Hawk-Eye  Live  during  the  two
                                                and it went directly at the line judge.   North Carolina; and Cleveland.  events.
            The  U.S.  Tennis  Association  and
            the  sport's  two  leading  professional  Tournament  referee  Soeren  Friemel  The Cincinnati tournament was held  The  U.S.  Open's  main  draw  begins
            tours, the ATP and WTA, announced  ruled  the  match  —  and  Djokovic's  at Flushing Meadows last year right  Aug. 30.
            Monday  that  Hawk-Eye  Live  elec-  participation in the 2020 U.S. Open
            tronic line-calling will be used for all  —  would  end  there,  saying  at  the
            competition courts at the U.S. Open  time: "We all agree that he didn't do it
            in 2021 and at seven of the nine US  on purpose, but the facts are still that
            Open Series events preceding it.    he  hit  the  line  umpire  and  the  line
                                                umpire was clearly hurt."
            A year ago, the USTA relied on the
            automatic system and dispensed with  The Australian Open, which Djokov-
            line judges at the U.S. Open except  ic won in February for his 18th major
            for matches at the two main courts in  championship, did not have any line
            Flushing Meadows, Arthur Ashe Sta-  judges on any courts.
            dium and Louis Armstrong Stadium.
                                                Not  surprisingly,  Djokovic  said  he
            During a fourth-round match at Ashe  approved.
            against Pablo Carreño Busta last Sep-
            tember, Djokovic was defaulted from  "I  actually  am  in  favor  of  technol-
            the U.S. Open for inadvertently hit-  ogy. I think it's proven to be very ac-
            ting a line judge in the throat with a  curate in this particular instance," he
            ball after dropping a game.         said at Melbourne Park when asked
                                                about ending the use of line judges.
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