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                                                                                         world news Diamars 25 mei 2021

                          Lava from Congo's volcano eruption emits toxic gas, 7 dead

            (AP) — Seven more people have  flying in from neighboring Rwanda.
            died as a result of the recent vol-
            cano eruption in eastern Congo,  Scientists at the volcano observatory
            increasing the death toll to 22.    weren’t able to adequately warn the
                                                public  of  the  eruption  because  of  a
            Those killed Monday died from in-   funding cut, Mahinda said.
            haling  toxic  gas  when  they  were
            walking across a wide expanse of the  “The  observatory  no  longer  has  the
            cooling lava near the eastern city of  support  of  the  central  government
            Goma,  the  scientific  director  of  the  or of external donors, which explains
            Volcanic Observatory of Goma, Ce-   why the volcanic eruption was such a
            lestin  Kasereka  Mahinda,  told  The  surprise,” Mahinda told The Associ-
            Associated Press.                   ated Press. A partnership between the
                                                government and the World Bank that
            They were traveling on the road be-  had  supported  the  observatory  was
            tween Kibati and Goma that was cut  cut  in  October  2020  because  of  the
            off  by  a  flow  of  lava  1,000  meters  coronavirus  pandemic,  leaving  the
            (about a half-mile) wide, he said.  observatory without even internet, he
            “The population of Goma must avoid
            unnecessary travel, but also not visit  The  observatory  had  just  started  to
            places that have been hit by lava from  resume operations last month thanks
            the  volcano  because  these  lavas  are  to new funding from the U.S. Geo-
            toxic and harmful,” he said.        logical Survey’s Volcano Disaster As-
                                                sistance  Program,  which  means  the  the military governor as well as with
            With  little  warning  Mount  Ny-   observatory  can  at  least  gather  data  all  the  stakeholders  so  that  we  can  More  than  170  children  were  still
            iragongo turned the dark sky fiery red  after the eruption, he said.    identify  avenues  for  quick  solutions  feared  missing,  and  UNICEF  offi-
            on  Saturday  night  and  then  spewed                                  for the population.”                cials said they were organizing tran-
            torrents of lava into villages, killing at  The  volcano  remains  active  and                              sit  centers  to  help  unaccompanied
            least 15 people and destroying more  earthquake tremors are being record-  The military governor of North Kivu  children in the wake of the disaster as
            than 500 homes, officials and survi-  ed, he said, calling on the population  province, Lt. Gen. Constant Ndima  more than 150 children were report-
            vors said.                          to remain vigilant.                 called on the population of Goma not  edly separated from their families.
                                                                                    to  send  children  to  school.  Goma’s
            On  Monday  residents  searched  for  The  government  ministers  visiting  international  airport  of  Goma  and  Goma  ultimately  was  largely  spared
            missing  loved  ones  amid  their  de-  Goma  Monday  were  assessing  what  the airport in Kavumu in South Kivu  the  mass  destruction  caused  by  Mt.
            stroyed  homes  on  the  outskirts  of  aid  is  needed  for  those  hurt  by  the  province were closed for security rea-  Nyiragongo’s  last  eruption  in  2002.
            Goma, where light aftershocks were  eruption.                           sons, he said in a statement.       Hundreds died then and more than
            detected  following  the  weekend                                                                           100,000 people were left homeless.
            eruption. Fumes rose from the cool-  “The  government  team  dispatched  The  volcano  eruption  caused  about
            ing lava that covered part of the Ny-  expressly  here  in  Goma,  following  5,000 people to flee from one neigh-  Goma is a regional hub for many hu-
            iragongo region.                    the  volcanic  eruption  which  caused  borhood of Goma, a city of about 2  manitarian agencies as well as a U.N.
                                                a  lot  of  damage  in  the  city,”  Minis-  million  people,  across  the  nearby  peacekeeping mission. Much of sur-
            Grief,  disbelief  and  fear  hung  over  ter  of  Public  Health  Jean-Jacques  border into Rwanda. Another 25,000  rounding  eastern  Congo  is  threat-
            the  area  as  a  delegation  of  govern-  Mbungani said. “It is important that a  others sought refuge to the northwest  ened by a multitude of armed groups
            ment  ministers,  including  Congo’s  strong signal from our government is  in Sake, the U.N. children’s agency  vying for control of the region’s lu-
            health  minister,  visited  Goma  after  given. We will have discussions with  said.                        crative mineral resources.

                        Arab woman gets kidney from Jewish man killed in Israel riot

            (AP)  —  A  Jewish  man                                   up  anyone  from  the  other  There must be peace between  family  of  the  late  Yigal  Ye-
            killed during an eruption  The ethnic violence was trig-  side who crossed their path.  Jews and Arabs, real peace.”  hoshua  who  was  murdered
            of  Mideast  violence  has  gered by protests and clashes                                                           in a lynch carried out by Arab
            given new life to an Arab  in Jerusalem that also ignited  But  after  days  and  nights  of  Israelis  long  accustomed  to  rioters in Lod,” Israeli Prime
            woman in bitter times.       an 11-day Gaza War.          war and ugliness, there was a  periodic  unrest  in  Gaza  and  Minister  Benjamin  Netan-
                                                                      rare moment of hope, when  the occupied West Bank were  yahu said when the death was
            Yigal Yehoshua, 56, died May  In Lod and other mixed cities  Randa  Aweis,  a  58-year-old  shocked  by  the  violence,  announced last week.
            17  after  being  pelted  with  inside Israel, groups of Arabs  mother of six, got one of Ye-  which  hit  closer  to  home
            rocks  amid  clashes  between  and Jews fought each other in  hoshua’s  kidneys  after  a  10-  than  at  any  point  since  the  “We will settle accounts with
            Arabs  and  Jews  in  Israel’s  the  streets,  torched  cars  and  year wait.          2000  Palestinian  intifada,  or  whoever  participated  in  this
            mixed city of Lod.           businesses, and savagely beat                             uprising. At times, it seemed  murder;  nobody  will  escape
                                                                      He was registered as an organ  like the start of a civil war.  punishment,” he added.
                                                                      donor;  the  Jewish  man  and
                                                                      the Arab woman were medi-    Israel’s  Arab  citizens,  who  Police  have  arrested  several
                                                                      cally a match.               make  up  20%  of  the  popu-  suspects  in  connection  with
                                                                                                   lation,  said  the  violence  was  the violence.
                                                                      “I  could  not  believe  it,”  she  rooted in longstanding griev-
                                                                      said  in  an  interview  Mon-  ances. They have citizenship,  Aweis  never  met  Yehoshua
                                                                      day at the Hadassah Medical  including  the  right  to  vote,  but  she  spoke  to  his  widow
                                                                      Center  in  Jerusalem.  “I’m  but face widespread discrimi-  on  a  tearful  video  call.  She
                                                                      telling you, I couldn’t believe  nation. They also have close  hopes  to  visit  his  family  in
                                                                      it.”                         familial  ties  to  the  Palestin-  person  once  she  has  recov-
                                                                                                   ians and largely identify with  ered from the transplant.
                                                                        “They  saved  me,”  she  said.  their  cause,  leading  many  “Yigal saved me, and as much
                                                                      “People  say  he  was  a  good  Jewish Israelis to view them  as  I  say  thank  you  to  the
                                                                      man,  that  he  didn’t  do  any  with suspicion.          family,  to  everyone,  it’s  not
                                                                      harm,  so  why  was  he  mur-                             enough.”
                                                                      dered?  ...  That’s  forbidden.  “I share in the sorrow of the
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