Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-20210525
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                                                                                                OBITUARIO Diamars 25 mei 2021

                Dios a puntrami na unda mi kier bay            For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor     Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life.
                 y mi a conteste: serca Bo mi Señor              life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor            The one, who excises faith in me,
                                                                powers, nor things present, nor things to
                   Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta             come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other       even though he dies, will come to life. John 11:25.
               anuncia fayecimento di nos ser stima:            creature, shall be able to separate us from
                                                                the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus      With great sorrow but grateful for everything he has
                                                                               our Lord.                                done for us, we announce the
                                                                                                                passing of our beloved Father, Grand Father and
                                                                          Romans 8 Verses 38 to 39                              Friend;
                                                                    Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta
                                                                     fayecimento di nos ser stima:

                        Asteria Faro-Almary
                   Cariñosamente yama “Stella”
               Na nomber di su:
               Esposo:†Enrique Aldemaro (Chomai) Faro
               Yiunan: Debbie Faro
               Erik Faro y esposa Orfa Faro-Zapata
               Nelson Faro y esposa Jaminca Faro-Kelly
               Nietonan: Demis Ellis y esposa Noemi                      Melfrim L. Thode
               Illes-Croes                                            Mihor conoci como “Ferris”
               Enrique Jr. (Ochi) Faro y esposa Liande                 *24-08-1950 - †15-05-2021
               Carlos Faro y esposa Cinzia Getrouw             Mayornan:       †Federico Alberto Thodé                 Mr. Boldon Sawney
               Derrik Faro                                                   †Rosarita Florentina Thodé – Rosalia
               Mark Faro                                       Esposa:  Arlyne Bebita Thodé                        Better known as Sony, Singer man, Otto
               Jenny Faro                                      Yiunan:  Louis y Melusha Thodé - Coffie                  *11-11-1925 – †21-05-2021
               Jazendra Faro                                                 Francis y Kristle Thodé              Former employee of Singer Sewing Machines
                                                                             Charmie Marie y Ruben Croes
               Bisanietonan: Damon y Daynah Illes              Nietonan:        Keanu Thodé
               Levy y Venna Faro                                                      Julia Thodé              Left to mourn are his:
               Noëmi, Enrique y Talor Faro                                            Ciandra Thodé            Sons:    Edgar Sawney and Maria Perez
               Allysah Boekhoudt, Jaylien y Aljay                                     Dariska Thodé                   Herman and Ruthmila Sawney-Kelly

               Irausquin                                                             Jonathan Thodé – Coffie          Edmond Sawney and Raquel Nicolaas
                                                                             Gabriel Thodé – Coffie
               Rumannan: Nicomeda Dammers y famia                                    Khanti Croes                     Joseph Sawney and Miriam Maldonado.
               Rosimbo Almary y famia                          Rumanan:       Bernardo y Eleonora Soleana
               †Lusila (Chichi) de Groot y famia                              Ramona y Raymond Vornis - Thodé   Stepdaughter:    Lucy Gloria John.
               †Humberto (Chombe) Almary y famia                              Erick Thodé
               †Ignacia (Tanana) Ras y famia                                  Dinaida y Peter Gram - Thodé     Grandchildren:
                                                                              Zoraida y Randal Seferina - Thodé
               †Filomena (Tameme) Almary y famia                              Lisselle Thodé                          Jermaine, Josepfine, Zachary, Quellyn.
               Cuñanan:                                                       Zulma Thodé                      Niece:        Jean John
               Suzita Faro y famia
               Alicia Krozendijk-Faro y famia                  Sobrino(a)nan:                                  Sisters in law:
               Sobrino(a)nan:                                  Jacqueline, Armand y Albert Soleana             Theresa Belfon and Family in Trinidad.
                                                               Clifford y Gianno Vornis
                                                                                                               Marion John and Family in the UK.
               Roos, Iris y Roberto de Groot                   Elica, Yurishan y Vyrnalies Thodé               Marita John and Family in the UK.
               Marieta, Magda, Ena Mirtho y Swinda             Ranasha y Daniel Gram
               Ras                                             Darren Seferina                                 Close friends and neighbors: Sira Boekhoudt and
               Lina, Greta, Carina y Rini Almary               Michelle-Angelo Thodé                           family, Marco and Marilyn Christiaans and family,
                                                               Tanisha y Amyr Lourensz
               Roque, Daisy y Sergio Faro                                                                      Fabian Willems and family, Family Jeandor,
               George, Chris y Ricky Dammers                   Tante y Tionan na Boneiro y Corsou              Benjamin Pick and family, The Pick family in the
               Tur su primo, primanana y Ihanan                                                                US, Joseph Caton
               Primanan hopi jega na cas: Mirtha Ruiz,         Primo y Primanan na Boneiro y Corsou
               Mica Heymering, Epifania y Linda                Tur su bon amigonan demasiado pa menciona       Cousins in Grenada, U.S.A. and the UK.
               Rasmijn                                         y su bon bisinan.

               Sobrinanan mescos cu yiu: Marieta Ras,          Demas Famianan na Boneiro y Corsou              Families: Sawney, John, Sam, Cateo, Thomas, Kelly,
               Sonia Faro y Daisy Faro                         Danki Special na Radio Victoria 93.1FM y        Nicolaas, Belfon, Boekhoudt,
               Mama di su nieto(a)nan: Rosa Koolman            Oasis Cas di Cuido Grandi                       Larez, Tromp, Joshua, Charles, Chirstiaans.
               y Vilma Paris                                     Ta invita pa acto di entiero cual lo tuma       The funeral will take place on Thursday May the
               Demas famia: Almary, Faro, Rasmijn,             lugar na Aurora Funeral Home diamars 25         27th, 2021 from 9 -11 am at the Aurora
               Thijzen, van den Linden, Christiaans,           di mei 2021 di 9’or pa 11’or di mainta.         Funeral Home then leaving to the Central Cemetery
               Dammers, de Groot, Ras, Zapata, Illes,          Despues lo sali pa Santana Centraal Sabana      in Sabana Basora.
               Kelly, Krozendijk, Rosa, Koolman.               Basora.
               Ta invita pa acto di despedida cual lo            Nos  disculpa  si  den  nos  tristeza  nos  por  a   Condolences: Wednesday May 26th, 2021from 7-9
               tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral Home               lubida  algun  famia  of  conocir.  Despues  di   pm at the Aurora Funeral Home, Cumana 76
               diaranson 27 di mei 2021 di 9’or pa             entiero nos no ta ricibi bishita di condolencia
               11’or di mainta. Cremacion lo tuma              na cas. Tur regla di DVG lo ta vigente, uso di   We are sorry if in our moments of grieve we may
               lugar despues.                                  tapaboca,  handsanitizer  y  mantene  distancia   have forgotten any family relative.
                                                               di 1,5 m.
                                                                                                               After the funeral, no condolences at home.
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