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Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2019
Haiti's embattled president faces 5th week of protests
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) resignation, adding that
— Haiti's embattled presi- he was encouraged by
dent faced a fifth week Sunday's demonstration,
of protests on Monday as noting it included the bour-
road blocks went up across geoisie.
the country after opposi- "That gave us even more
tion leaders said they will confidence," he said.
not back down on their call "There's a lot of misery in
for Jovenel Moïse to resign. Haiti ... the people are fed
While Port-au-Prince re- up with this situation."
mained largely quiet, small The demonstrations have
demonstrations in other cit- shuttered businesses, pre-
ies and towns come a day vented 2 million children
after tens of thousands of from going to school and
Haitians marched through led to the deaths of some
Haiti's capital in a peaceful 20 people and roughly 200
protest organized by art- injuries.
ists. Business groups, church Former Prime Minister Evans
leaders and human rights Paul, a Moïse ally, told The
organizations also have Associated Press on Mon-
joined the call for Moïse day that the government
to step down amid anger expects to meet with civil
over corruption, inflation society leaders and the op-
and scarcity of basic goods position, which has publicly
including fuel. Protesters climb up on motorcycles and a highway barrier to try to get a look at thousands of rejected Moïse's call for uni-
Among those who demonstrators coming to join the march, in Petion-Ville, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday, Oct. 13, ty and dialogue.
marched was business- 2019. "We can put everything on
man Anthony Bennett, who Associated Press the table," Paul said, add-
sought to run for president ing that that includes the
in 2015 and said the private this anymore," he told re- Police fired tear gas at Patrickson Monteau, who president's mandate. "The
sector also was suffering. porters. "Everybody is just a small group of people is leading protests in the country has to keep living.
"I think it's time that ev- hoping to get a visa to run gathered near a couple of area. We're clear that the presi-
eryone understands that away. ...The Haitian popu- burning tires in downtown He said he won't accept dent has lost the public's
things cannot continue like lation has had enough." Port-au-Prince, including anything except Moïse's support."q
13 police killed by suspected cartel gunmen in west Mexico
By MARIA VERZA Michoacan, an important
Associated Press avocado-growing state,
MEXICO CITY (AP) — At has recently has seen a
least 13 police officers jump in violence that has
were killed and three oth- brought back memories of
ers wounded Monday in an the bloodiest days of Mex-
ambush by gunmen in the ico's war on drug cartels
Mexican state of Michoac- between 2006 and 2012.
an, a western region where In August, police found 19
violence attributed to drug bodies in the town of Urua-
cartels has spiked in recent pan, including nine hung
months. from a bridge. Later, an
The state police officers area roughly 45 miles (70
had gone to a home in the kilometers) north of Aguili-
town of El Aguaje in Agui- lla was the scene of fierce
lilla municipality to enforce clashes between members
a judicial order when "sev- of Jalisco New Generation
eral armed civilians fired on and regional self-defense
them," Michoacan's state groups.
security department said in In 2013, civilian groups
a statement. faced with what they said
"No attack on the police was state inaction armed
will go unpunished, and this Charred trucks that belong to Michoacan state police stand on the roadside after they were themselves in Michoacan
was a cowardly, devious burned during an attack in El Aguaje, Mexico, Monday, Oct. 14, 2019. to fight the Knights Tem-
attack because they laid Associated Press plar cartel, one of whose
an ambush in this area of bases was Aguililla. They
the road," Gov. Silvano Au- tion, one of Mexico's most the entrance to El Aguaje violent events. said they took up arms to
reoles said. powerful and rising cartels surrounded by hundreds of After the attack, the area in defend themselves from
Images published in Mexi- at the moment. Aureoles bullet casings. Two police western Mexico's so-called kidnappings, extortion and
can media showed vehi- said their authenticity was trucks were towed away. "hot lands" was reinforced killings by cartels. But some
cles burning in the middle under investigation. The streets were nearly de- by federal and state se- of the self-defense or vigi-
of a highway and mes- In the afternoon, an Asso- void of human activity as curity forces, who set up lante groups later became
sages apparently signed ciated Press journalist saw people apparently decid- checkpoints to find the as- infiltrated by cartels and
by Jalisco New Genera- two gutted patrol cars at ed to stay indoors after the sailants. gangs.q