Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
LOCAL Monday 20 March 2023
When individuals unite to serve their
community, something magical
rinth. To ground it further,
we invite the community
to walk this beautiful laby-
rinth for relaxation, reflec-
tion, and contemplation.
Spending time at the laby-
rinth will heal and help you
recharge, release stress,
and feel more energized
A big thank you to all the
Aruba Doet volunteers who
gave their time, attention,
and energy to serve the
For more information about
Before the sun rose, we set The volunteers had fun the Aruba Peace Labyrinth
up buckets with gloves and together, singing Happy project, please contact:
garden tools for each vol- Birthday, sharing labyrinth Gea Souge at mobile
unteer. The air was filled stories and gardening ex- +297 5944250 / Email: gea-
with excitement, and as pertise, showing how sa- q
soon as it got a bit brighter, cred this beautiful place
volunteers arrived to start has become.
beautifying the gardens. I never realized community
Gradually, the local trees service was a movement,
and plants that were once but as Adam Gardner says,
entirely covered in weeds it is, and this labyrinth com-
emerged anew, such as munity is becoming one.
the Foyo di Cruz, Wata- Volunteering on this proj-
pana, Wayaca, Aloe Vera, ect helped us understand
Shimarucu and Teco plants. what it takes to maintain it
and built a relationship with
More volunteers arrived, it automatically.
each bringing various gar- As part of the Island wide
den tools, including weed project Aruba Doet, we
trimmers, rakes, and wheel- restored the labyrinth for
barrows. We soon saw the the fourth time. Now that
labyrinth paths become it's beautiful again, it's eas-
clear and revitalized with ier to maintain it with the
white sand, and the atmo- Adopt-the-Labyrinth-for-a-
sphere was incredibly col- Week program.
laborative. Everyone did If you're interested in join-
what they physically could, ing this labyrinth commu-
whether they were fami- nity, please email Gea
lies, friends, colleagues, or Sougé at arubapeacelab-
teams from Deloitte Dutch When
Caribbean, Departamento you adopt the labyrinth for
di Asunto Social, or IMC a week, you visit it three
Corporate Services. times to water the trees
During breaks, we enjoyed and plants, trim where nec-
coffee with delicious fresh essary, and clean the area.
muffins by Santos and It was incredible that it
healthy snacks, including started raining Sunday to
fresh mango juice for the bless the labyrinth. The rain
younger volunteers who helped settle the sand and
were a joy to have around. firm the rocks in the laby-