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P. 28

A28     u.s. news
                   Diamars 19 Januari 2021

                      Biden, Harris take break from inaugural prep to mark MLK day

                                                                                                   of  Sen.  Elizabeth  Warren  to  from  the  city  on  Inaugura-
                                                                                                   lead  the  agency  whose  cre-  tion Day.
                                                                                                   ation she championed.        And  instead  of  the  typical
                                                                                                   Chopra,  a  commissioner  at  inaugural  balls,  Biden's  in-
                                                                                                   the  Federal  Trade  Commis-  augural  committee  has  re-
                                                                                                   sion, helped launch the agen-  cruited   artists,   including
                                                                                                   cy  after  the  2008  financial  Bruce  Springsteen,  the  Foo
                                                                                                   crisis  and  served  as  deputy  Fighters and John Legend to
                                                                                                   director,  where  he  sounded  perform  from  remote  loca-
                                                                                                   the  alarm  about  skyrocket-  tions  around  the  country  in
                                                                                                   ing  student  loan  debt.  The  a prime-time televised event.
                                                                                                   pick comes as Democrats are  Country  music  star  Garth
                                                                                                   eyeing  ways  to  provide  stu-  Brooks  said  Monday  he
                                                                                                   dent loan relief to millions of  would perform at Biden's in-
                                                                                                   Americans  as  part  of  a  CO-  auguration. Brooks also per-
                                                                                                   VID-19 aid package.          formed  at  Barack  Obama's
                                                                                                   Biden  also  announced  his  2009  inauguration.  Biden's
                                                                                                   intent  to  nominate  Gary  inauguration committee pre-
                                                                                                   Gensler,  former  chairman  viously said Lady Gaga would
                                                                                                   of  the  Commodity  Futures  sing the national anthem and
                                                                                                   Trading  Commission,  as  the  Jennifer Lopez would give a
                                                                                                   next  chair  of  the  Securities  musical  performance  at  the
                                                                                                   and Exchange Commission.     ceremony.
                                                                                                   Inaugural   organizers   on  “This is not a political state-
                                                                                                   Monday  finished  installing  ment,” said Brooks, who was
            (AP) — Two days from the  side the complex to stay away  across the city to bolster se-  some  200,000  small  U.S.,  invited to perform at Trump's
            inauguration,  President-    from  exterior  windows  and  curity.  Monuments  —  in-  state  and  territorial  flags  on  2017 inaugural but declined,
            elect  Joe  Biden  and  Vice  those outside the building to  cluding  the  King  memorial  the  National  Mall,  a  sober-  citing  a  scheduling  conflict.
            President-elect    Kamala  take cover as they briefly pro-  —  are  closed  to  the  public  ing display intended to honor  "This is a statement of unity.”
            Harris pitched in on Mar-    hibited  entry  and  exit  from  until after Wednesday’s inau-  the nearly 400,000 Americans  Before the inauguration, the
            tin  Luther  King  Jr.  Day  the grounds as a precaution.  gural events.               killed in the coronavirus pan-  German  Federation  of  Jour-
            service projects as a mili-  Biden transition officials, in-  Harris was also set to resign  demic.                 nalists warned foreign corre-
            tarized  and  jittery  Wash-  cluding incoming Homeland  her  Senate  seat  on  Monday.                             spondents covering the event
            ington  prepared  for  a  Security  adviser  Liz  Sher-   She  offered  thanks  to  her  Biden and Harris plan to take  to  take  precautions  and  be
            swearing-in that will play  wood-Randall and the depu-    California  constituents  in  a  part in an event on Tuesday,  “particularly careful and alert
            out  under  extraordinary  ty attorney general nominee,  farewell video posted on so-  soon after the president-elect  on Wednesday.”
            security.                    Lisa  Monaco,  held  a  video-  cial media “for the honor of  arrives  in  Washington,  at  Association  head  Frank  Ue-
                                         conference with acting heads  representing the place of my  the  reflecting  pool  near  the  berall cautioned Monday that
            Biden and his wife, Jill, joined  and career staff from national  birth, as a proud daughter of  Lincoln  Memorial  to  honor  “extremist  Trump  fans  have
            an assembly line in the park-  security  agencies  to  discuss  California.”           American  lives  lost  to  CO-  already  demonstrated  their
            ing lot of Philabundance, an  the  security  situation  sur-  Biden continued to build his  VID-19.                 hatred and willingness to use
            organization  that  distributes  rounding Inauguration Day.  administration.  His  transi-  Even before the Jan. 6 insur-  violence against journalists at
            food  to  people  in  need,  and  Harris played down any per-  tion  team  announced  Mon-  rection  at  the  Capitol,  inau-  the Capitol.”
            helped  fill  about  150  boxes  sonal security concerns, say-  day  he  will  nominate  Rohit  guration  festivities  were  ex-  “It  is  appalling  that  such  an
            with fresh fruit and non-per-  ing she’s “very much looking  Chopra  to  direct  the  Con-  pected to be muted due to the  appeal  is  even  necessary  in
            ishables.                    forward to being sworn in.”  sumer  Financial  Protection  virus. Mayor Muriel Bowser  the USA, once the model de-
            As  Biden  and  Harris  took  “I will walk there, to that mo-  Bureau, tapping a liberal ally  urged residents to stay away  mocracy,” he added.
            breaks  from  their  inaugural  ment, proudly with my head
            preparations  to  honor  the  up  and  my  shoulders  back,”
            civil  rights  hero  Monday,  Harris  told  reporters  after
            outgoing  President  Don-    volunteering at a food bank.
            ald  Trump  remained  out  Still,  Washington  residents
            of  public  view  at  the  White  were on high alert and much
            House  for  the  sixth  straight  of the city felt desolate, with
            day. In past years, Trump has  large  swaths  of  the  area
            marked the holiday with un-  around  the  Capitol,  White
            announced visits to the King  House  and  National  Mall
            memorial in Washington but  sealed off from all but autho-
            no such outing was expected  rized personnel.
            this year.                   Katie Henke, 40, a southwest
            Such a visit would have been  D.C.  resident,  said  the  city
            complicated  because  Wash-  felt on edge. She’s concerned
            ington has become a fortress  enough  that  she  packed  a
            city  of  roadblocks  and  bar-  “go-bag”  with  clothes  and
            ricades  before  Wednesday’s  other  personal  items  in  case
            inauguration as security offi-  she  feels  she  must  flee  her
            cials work to avoid more vio-  neighborhood.
            lence following the Jan. 6 riot  “This  is  legitimately  scary,”
            by  a  pro-Trump  mob  at  the  she  said.  “Between  the  pan-
            U.S. Capitol.                demic and Trump, I feel like
            In a measure of how nervous  our country is at a weak and
            the  capital  city  has  become,  vulnerable  point.  And  we
            U.S. Capitol Police on Mon-  know  there  are  forces  in-
            day  briefly  locked  down  the  side and outside the country
            Capitol complex and paused  that  see  that  vulnerability  as
            inaugural rehearsals after fire  an  opportunity  to  do  some-
            broke out at a nearby home-  thing.”
            less  encampment.  Authori-  Some 25,000 National Guard
            ties  urged  staff  working  in-  troops were being dispatched
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