Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210119
P. 29
world news Diamars 19 Januari 2021
Japan urges South Korea to drop wartime compensation demands
(AP) — Japan's foreign minister accused South Korea's Supreme Court in 2018 ordered nuclear and missile programs.
South Korea on Monday of worsening already Japanese companies to provide reparations to some
strained ties by making “illegal” demands for South Koreans who were forced to work in their Japan, under a 1995 semi-governmental Asian
compensation for the sexual abuse of Kore- factories during the war. Women’s Fund, offered payments and apology let-
an women and use of forced laborers during ters to certified victims of its wartime sexual abuse
World War II. The dispute over forced labor escalated into a trade from five countries, settling disputes with all but
dispute and prompted South Korea to threaten to South Korea. Sixty-one South Korean victims re-
Toshimitsu Motegi, in a diplomatic policy speech scrap a 2016 military intelligence-sharing agree- ceived 5 million yen ($48,200) each from the 367
in parliament, said a recent South Korean court ment with Japan, a key component of their regional million yen ($3.5 million) fund, according to Ja-
ruling ordering Japan to compensate 12 South Ko- defense cooperation with the United States. pan's foreign ministry, but many others declined to
rean women who were sexually abused in Japanese accept the money.
military brothels during the war was "an abnormal Japan has protested the court rulings, saying all
development absolutely unthinkable under inter- wartime compensation issues were settled under a In 2015, the then governments of South Korea and
national law and bilateral relations.” 1965 treaty normalizing relations in which Japan Japan reached what was supposed to be a final and
provided $500 million in economic assistance. irreversible deal to settle the issue with a new 1 bil-
“We strongly urge South Korea to correct the vio- lion yen ($9 million) fund set up by the Japanese
lation of international law as soon as possible” and In Seoul, South Korean President Moon Jae-in government, but the current Moon administration
restore healthy relations, Motegi said. said Monday that it “wouldn’t be desirable for bi- dissolved it, saying the deal was reached without
lateral relations” if Seoul and Tokyo fail to find a proper consultation with the victims.
The Seoul Central District Court ruled on Jan. 8 diplomatic solution before South Korean courts
that the Japanese government must give 100 mil- proceed with liquidating the local assets of the Jap- In what appeared to be a shift in tone, Moon said
lion won ($91,360) to each of 12 elderly women anese companies that were seized after they refused Monday that South Korea recognizes the 2015 deal
who filed lawsuits in 2013 over their wartime suf- to compensate the Korean wartime laborers. as a legitimate agreement that should provide a
fering as “comfort women.” foundation for finding a better solution that would
Moon also described the “comfort women” rul- satisfy the victims. He did not elaborate.
They were among tens of thousands of women ing as “honestly a complicating” development for
across Japanese-occupied Asia and the Pacific who government efforts to improve relations with Ja- Japanese Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Manabu
were sent to front-line Japanese army brothels. pan. Speaking at a news conference, he did not give Sakai said his government “took note” of Moon’s
details of any possible diplomatic efforts. comment. Japan is still calling for appropriate steps
The ruling worsened tensions between the two by South Korea, while considering all possible op-
countries, whose relations had already plunged to Motegi called South Korea “an important neigh- tions, he said.
the lowest level in decades over earlier South Kore- bor” and said its cooperation with Japan and the
an rulings on Japan's actions during its 1910-1945 United States was “indispensable for regional se- “We will be watching what actions will be taken by
colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula. curity," including the response to North Korea's the South Korean side,” Sakai said.
12 workers trapped week ago in China mine blast are alive
China's mining industry has a reputa-
tion for skirting safety requirements Two accidents in the southwestern
amid massive demand for coal and megacity of Chongqing last year
precious minerals, although increased killed 39 miners, prompting the cen-
supervision has reduced the frequen- tral government to order another
cy of accidents that used to claim an safety overhaul.
average of 5,000 miners per year.
(AP) — Chinese state media say accident for more than a day. The
12 out of 22 workers trapped for mine in Qixia, a jurisdiction under
a week by an explosion in a gold the city of Yantai in Shandong prov-
mine are alive, as hundreds of res- ince, had been under construction at
cuers seek to bring them to safety. the time of the blast, which occurred
Jan. 10.
The Xinhua News Agency said Mon-
day a note passed through a rescue More than 300 workers are seeking
shaft Sunday night reported the fate to clear obstructions while drilling
of the other 10 remains unknown. a new shaft to reach the chambers
where the workers were trapped and
The handwritten note said four of expel dangerous fumes.
the workers were injured and that the
condition of others was deteriorating “Keep on with the rescue efforts. We
because of a lack of fresh air and an have hope, thank you," read the note,
influx of water. written in pencil on notebook paper
and posted on Xinhua's official web-
Managers of the operation were de- site.
tained after they failed to report the