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A32    sports
                   Diamars 19 Januari 2021

                       Wizards see a 5th consecutive game postponed by virus issues

            (AP)  —  The  Washington                                                                                            so  far.  In  addition  to  the  14
            Wizards  are  now  assured                                                                                          in recent days, the other was
            of  going  at  least  11  days                                                                                      a  planned  Dec.  23  matchup
            between  games,  after  yet                                                                                         between Oklahoma City and
            another     postponement                                                                                            Houston  that  was  pushed
            while the team deals with                                                                                           back  because  the  Rockets
            COVID-19 issues.                                                                                                    did not have enough eligible
            The  Wizards'  game  that
            was  scheduled  to  be  played                                                                                      Delaying  the  Heat-Pistons
            Wednesday  in  Charlotte  is                                                                                        start time did not affect De-
            now off, the NBA said Mon-                                                                                          troit’s  travel  schedule.  The
            day.  That  is  the  14th  post-                                                                                    team was already planning to
            ponement  since  Jan.  10  —                                                                                        remain in Miami until Tues-
            and  no  team  has  had  more                                                                                       day.
            games  called  off  than  the
            Wizards.                                                                                                            Postponed games, when pos-
                                                                                                                                sible, will be made up in the
            Washington  has  seen  five                                                                                         second  half  of  the  season,
            consecutive  games  pushed                                                                                          which  will  take  place  from
            back,  and  the  earliest  the                                                                                      March  11  —  the  one-year
            Wizards  will  play  again  is                                                                                      anniversary  of  last  season
            Friday  at  Milwaukee.  The                                                                                         shutting down because of the
            Wizards  revealed  late  last                                                                                       pandemic  —  through  May
            week  that  six  players  were  Charlotte  game  been  played                          play  Monday  in  Memphis,  16. The league has not yet re-
            positive  for  COVID-19  and  as planned — seemed highly  The  14  postponements  in  a  ending  a  weeklong  un-   leased that half of the sched-
            three  others  were  ruled  out  problematic given the lack of  little  over  a  week  have  now  planned  break  for  the  Suns.  ule  and  isn’t  expected  to  do
            because  contact  tracing  said  practice time.           involved 19 of the league's 30  Phoenix had three games de-  so  until  late  February  at  the
            they may have been exposed                                teams. One of those match-   layed because of virus-related  earliest.
            to the virus.                Also  Monday,  the  game  in  ups  was  to  have  taken  place  issues,  which  can  include
                                         Miami  between  the  Heat  on Monday’s Martin Luther  players dealing with positive  Players  who  test  positive
            Pushing  the  Wizards'  return  and  the  Detroit  Pistons  was  King  Jr.  Day  game  schedule  COVID-19  tests,  inconclu-  have to undergo a battery of
            back  appears  to  make  sense  pushed back five hours, with  — Cleveland at Washington.  sive  tests  or  having  to  quar-  exams  before  being  cleared
            for multiple reasons, includ-  the league and teams making                             antine  because  contact  trac-  to return to play, such as car-
            ing the fact that the team has  that  decision  so  additional  The  NBA  has  added  more  ing indicated they could have  diac  tests.  Those  ruled  out
            been unable to even practice.  COVID-19  testing  could  be  testing  and  stiffened  proto-  been  exposed  to  someone  by contact tracing have been
            Some players returned to the  processed.                  cols  in  recent  days  with  the  who tested positive.   able,  in  most  circumstances,
            team  facility  this  weekend                             hopes  of  getting  as  many                              to  return  after  a  quarantine
            for  1-on-0  work,  but  what  The  game  was  scheduled  to  games in as possible.    There have been a total of 15  period  provided  that  they
            would have been a five-game,  begin at 3 p.m. EST and was                              games  called  this  season  for  continue to test negative for
            eight-day road trip — had the  pushed back to 8 p.m.      Phoenix  was  scheduled  to  coronavirus-related  reasons  COVID-19.

                               Archie Bradley, Phillies finalize $6 million, 1-year deal

            (AP) — Archie Bradley ingratiat-                                        throw to him this year.”            page.”
            ed himself with fans immediately  “Hopefully,  me  being  on  board,  we                                    Bradley  was  2-0  with  a  2.95  ERA
            after finalizing a $6 million, one-  can  get  our  guy  J.T.  back,”  Bradley  Phillies slugger Bryce Harper began  and six saves in 16 games last season
            year  contract  with  the  Philadel-  said  Monday  during  a  video  news  campaigning for the team to re-sign  with  Arizona  and  Cincinnati,  and
            phia Phillies.                      conference.  “I  know  him  very  well.  Realmuto last season. A few times af-  he earned $1,518,519 prorated from
                                                Obviously, unbelieveable big leaguer.  ter he crossed the plate on Realmu-  a  $4.1  million  salary.  Bradley  had  a
            “SignJT,” Bradley wrote on Twitter.  I’ve  played  with  a  lot  of  guys  who  to  homers,  Harper  looked  up  in  an  career-best 18 saves in 2019.
                                                have played with him that have done  empty stadium and screamed: “Sign
            The right-hander then expanded on  nothing  but  speak  so  high  of  what  him!”                           The  28-year-old  right-hander  joins
            his desire for the Phillies bring back  J.T.  brings  to  the  table  not  only  on                         a bullpen that was among the worst
            two-time  All-Star  catcher  J.T.  Real-  the field but off the field. Great dude.  Phillies President of Baseball Opera-  in  Major  League  Baseball.  Philadel-
            muto.                               I hope he’s a Phillie. I hope I get to  tions Dave Dombrowski didn’t com-  phia’s  relievers  combined  for  a  7.06
                                                                                    ment on a report the team has offered  ERA,  and  the  team  blew  three-run
                                                                                    Realmuto a five-year contract worth  leads eight separate times. The Phil-
                                                                                    more than $100 million. He also said  lies ended up one win shy of quali-
                                                                                    he doesn’t feel extra pressure to sign  fying for the postseason for the first
                                                                                    Realmuto  because  Bradley,  Harper  time since 2011.
                                                                                    and  others  have  made  it  clear  they
                                                                                    want him.                           Bradley  is  23-25  with  a  3.91  ERA
                                                                                                                        and  28  saves  in  six  seasons.  He  has
                                                                                    “No, I don’t really feel any pressure  425  strikeouts  in  412  innings.  Phil-
                                                                                    by  those  comments,”  Dombrowski  lies  manager  Joe  Girardi  didn’t  say
                                                                                    said.  “I  think  everybody  knows  that  whether  Bradley  will  be  used  as  a
                                                                                    you’d like to bring him back – that’s  closer or a set-up man. Hector Neris
                                                                                    not a secret. So, no, I don’t feel any  is Philadelphia’s other option.
                                                                                    extra pressure in that regard. We want
                                                                                    to do everything we can to make our  “I’m going to have a lot of opportu-
                                                                                    club  better  and  I  think  we’ve  ex-  nities  to  contribute,  and  ultimately,
                                                                                    pressed  our  desires  in  doing  so,  so  that’s  what  I  want  to  do,”  Bradley
                                                                                    we’ll do our best in that regard. But  said.  “I  don’t  care  what  role  it’s  in,
                                                                                    I don’t really feel extra pressure and I  but I want to take the ball, and I want
                                                                                    don’t blame them – we feel the same  to  provide  quality  innings  for  this
                                                                                    way as they do, so we’re on the same  team.”
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