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Thursday, 23 November 2023 EDUCATIONAL 17
Hidden in Plain Sight:
Clever Life Hacks for
Secret Stashes
ADDING an element of mystery to
your daily life can be both practical
and entertaining. Creating a secret
stash involves strategic and innova-
tive hiding places for your valuables or
personal items.
Here are some life hacks that turn ordi-
nary items into discreet hiding spots:
Bookish Secrets: The Hollowed Tome
Transform an old book into a secret
compartment by delicately cutting out
the pages. This timeless trick allows
you to conceal small items right on
your bookshelf.
Power Play: False Outlet Concealment tion. Compartment Designs
Install false power outlets with hidden Drawer Duplicity: False Bottom Drawer Invest in furniture designed with
compartments. This clever hack lets Install a false bottom in a drawer to hidden compartments. Coffee tables,
you hide valuables in plain sight, create an additional hidden compart- nightstands, or ottomans can be both
especially in areas where real outlets ment. Whether using a wooden panel functional and secretive.
abound. or a discreet container, this hack adds Candle Concealment: DIY Candle Safe
Faux Greenery: Planting a Hidden an extra layer of secrecy. Hollow out a candle to create a
Treasure Frame of Secrets: Picture Frame Safe concealed compartment. Ensure the
Use artificial plants with removable Purchase or craft a picture frame with candle can be easily opened and
pots as hiding spots. Simply lift the pot a hidden compartment behind the closed, providing access to the hidden
to reveal the empty space beneath the photo. This discreet space is perfect space within.
faux soil, ideal for discreetly stashing for storing flat and compact items. Undercover Furniture: Beneath the
small items. Outlet Illusion: Faux Wall Outlet Safe Surface
Underarm Secrecy: The Deodorant Install a faux wall outlet with a hidden Attach a small drawer or box under-
Stash compartment. This can be easily neath a piece of furniture. This works
Repurpose an old deodorant container achieved with commercially available well with couches, chairs, or beds,
into a secret compartment. This incon- outlet safes that seamlessly blend with offering an inconspicuous location for
spicuous spot can be perfect for hiding real outlets. a secret stash.
small items in your bathroom or on a Ceiling Concealment: Above the Drop
dressing table. Ceiling These life hacks transform everyday
Cool Camouflage: The Ice Pack Safe In spaces with drop ceilings, consider items into clever hiding spots, allowing
Freeze a water pouch to create a fake placing a small stash above a ceiling you to keep your belongings both secure
ice pack with a concealed compart- tile. Ensure it remains easily accessible and subtly tucked away. Embrace the
ment. It’s a clever way to keep small but invisible from below. intrigue with these inventive and func-
items cool while maintaining discre- Furniture Mystery: Secret tional secret stash ideas.