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Thursday, 23 November 2023                                                                            ENVIRONMENT                          15

                                                                COP28 Summit:

       Critical Juncture for Our

           Planet’s Climate Action

       THE upcoming COP28 climate  summit  in Dubai is poised                     raising only $9.3 billion for the U.N.’s Green Climate Fund.
       to be a pivotal moment in the global fight against climate                 The gap between the financial needs of developing nations
       change. The world finds itself at a precarious juncture, with              and the actual funds allocated continues to widen, posing
       a summer  of unprecedented heat shattering records and                     a significant hurdle in the global effort to combat climate

       the  looming threat of surpassing the  Paris Agreement’s                   change.
       1.5-degree Celsius target. As delegates from nations around
       the world gather, the urgency to address climate issues                    While countries grapple with the financial aspect, the persis-
       becomes more pronounced than ever.                                         tent issue of fossil fuel subsidies casts a shadow on climate

                                                                                  progress.  Fossil  fuel  subsidies  soared  to  a  staggering  $7
       The Earth has warmed by 1.3 degrees Celsius since the prein-               trillion in 2022, diverting critical resources away from the
       dustrial era, and recent analyses indicate that 2023 is on                 transition to renewable energy. Simultaneously, deforesta-
       track to become the hottest year ever recorded. The conse-                 tion  persists,  with  66,000  square  kilometers  lost  in  2022

       quences  of  this  warming  are  dire,  with  scientists  warning          alone, underscoring the challenges in meeting the commit-
       of life-threatening heat extremes, escalating sea-level rise,              ment made at COP26 to halt global deforestation by 2030.
       and catastrophic weather  events.  The summit marks the
       first comprehensive assessment of countries’ progress since                The  urgency  for decisive  action is emphasized by the

       the signing of the Paris accord in 2015, revealing a mixed                 narrowing window to meet emission reduction targets. The
       picture of advancements but an overall shortfall in the face               world could breach the 1.5-degree threshold within six years,
       of escalating climate challenges.                                          leaving limited time for the drastic reductions required. As
                                                                                  COP28 unfolds, the world watches with anticipation, hoping

       Financial commitments play a crucial role in climate action,               for substantive commitments and actions that will set the
       yet the funding gap remains substantial. Developing coun-                  course for a sustainable future in the face of the escalating
       tries urgently require $1 trillion annually for climate invest-            climate crisis. The decisions made in Dubai will undoubtedly
       ments by 2025, according to a recent OECD report. However,                 shape the trajectory of our planet’s response to the defining

       a pledging conference in October fell short of expectations,               challenge of our time.
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