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10 SPORTS Thursday, 23 November 2023
MLB’s Top 10 Trade Candidates:
To Move or
Not to Move?
pitching depth concerns.
AS the MLB offseason gains momentum, discussions around
potential trades are heating up. Here’s a breakdown of the cases Shane Bieber, Cleveland Guardians Starting Pitcher:
for and against trading some of the top names in the league, Case to Trade Him: With promising young arms in the system,
including Juan Soto, Pete Alonso, Mike Trout, and more. trading Bieber could address offensive needs for the Guardians
during his final year before free agency.
Juan Soto, San Diego Padres Outfielder: Case to Keep Him: Bieber, bouncing back from injuries, might
Case to Trade Him: The Padres, looking to cut payroll, might boost trade value with a strong start in 2024, benefiting both the
explore moving Soto, who could command a hefty salary in arbi- Guardians and his potential suitors.
tration. Soto’s offensive prowess makes him a valuable trade
asset in an offseason with limited options. Pete Alonso, New York Mets First Baseman:
Case to Keep Him: Despite defensive concerns, Soto remains a Case to Trade Him: The Mets, under new management, might
force at the plate. The Padres, with a strong lineup, might opt for trade Alonso to bolster future options. However, his value to the
another run, banking on Soto’s offensive contributions. team and fanbase could be significant.
Case to Keep Him: Alonso’s proven performance and fan appeal
Corbin Burnes, Milwaukee Brewers Starting Pitcher: make him a valuable asset for the Mets, potentially outweighing
Case to Trade Him: Burnes, a reliable pitcher, could bring a signif- trade considerations.
icant return, helping the Brewers build for the future amid a tran-
sitional period. Gleyber Torres, New York Yankees Infielder:
Case to Keep Him: Milwaukee, known for avoiding full rebuilds, Case to Trade Him: Torres, despite being a solid hitter, might be
might retain Burnes, leveraging his talents for a playoff push or a expendable for the Yankees in a position shift. Trading him could
valuable mid-season trade. address other team needs.
Case to Keep Him: With consistent offensive contributions, Torres
Dylan Cease, Chicago White Sox Starting Pitcher: remains a crucial player for the Yankees, especially with uncer-
Case to Trade Him: With the White Sox in need of a rebuild, Cease, tainties in the outfield.
a former Cy Young runner-up, could fetch substantial returns in
a trade. Jonathan India, Cincinnati Reds Infielder:
Case to Keep Him: Potential suitors might overlook Cease’s 2023 Case to Trade Him: Surrounded by infield prospects, trading India
struggles, making a mid-season trade more lucrative. The White could help the Reds balance their roster, particularly addressing
Sox could aim for a higher return by holding onto him. pitching needs.
Case to Keep Him: India’s leadership and mentorship qualities
Luis Robert Jr., Chicago White Sox Outfielder: make him valuable for clubhouse consistency, a factor the Reds
Case to Trade Him: Robert’s standout 2023 season makes him might prioritize amid potential roster changes.
attractive in the trade market. The White Sox could accelerate
their rebuild by dealing with him. Mike Trout, Los Angeles Angels Outfielder:
Case to Keep Him: With an affordable contract through 2027, Case to Trade Him: Considering the Angels’ unlikely competitive
the White Sox might prioritize keeping the All-Star outfielder, future, trading Trout could jumpstart a much-needed rebuilding
expecting more growth and contributions. effort and potentially benefit Trout.
Case to Keep Him: Trout’s full no-trade clause and potential for a
Tyler Glasnow, Tampa Bay Rays Starting Pitcher: surprise contender might lead the Angels to keep him. His impact
Case to Trade Him: Signed to a backloaded deal, Glasnow’s trade on the team and legacy are significant factors.
value is high. The Rays, facing pitching challenges, might deal
him for a strategic rebuild. As the offseason progresses, these cases will be closely moni-
Case to Keep Him: Tampa Bay, eyeing postseason success, could tored, revealing how MLB teams navigate the delicate balance
retain Glasnow for his dominant capabilities, especially with between current success and prospects.