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Thursday, 23 November 2023                                                                                           SPORTS                 9

        Renowned Coach Rick Macci Eager to Guide Emma Raducanu’s Tennis Comeback

                                                        strating  “hunger  and  belief.”  Having

                                                        nurtured tennis giants, Macci sees an             The charismatic coach sees Raducanu’s
                                                        opportunity to guide Raducanu, urging             time away from the court as an oppor-
                                                        her to embrace pressure and cultivate             tunity for reflection and maturity. While
                                                        resilience.                                       acknowledging  the challenges, Macci

                                                                                                          believes  in  a long-term  process  for
                                                        The 21-year-old British player, who               her comeback. He stressed the impor-
                                                        clinched the US Open at 18, has under-            tance of the right support system and
       TENNIS luminary Rick Macci, credited             gone coaching changes, with the recent            an all-in commitment to success in the

       with shaping the careers of Serena and           split from Sebastian Sachs. Macci, after          fiercely competitive tennis arena.
       Venus  Williams, has expressed  keen             discussions  with Raducanu’s  agent,
       interest in coaching Emma Raducanu               expressed his desire to contribute to             As Raducanu contemplates a return,
       to reinvigorate her career. Macci,               her mental and strategic development,             Macci’s interest adds an intriguing

       featured  in  the  movie  “King  Richard,”       citing his expertise in those areas.              dimension to her comeback  narra-
       envisions  making  Raducanu  “bullet-                                                              tive. The young tennis sensation, who
       proof” mentally and strategically.               Macci urged Raducanu to perceive                  scripted history at Flushing Meadows,
                                                        the pressure positively, emphasizing              faces both challenges and possibili-

       Raducanu,  now  ranked  289th  glob-             the need for mental fortitude and an              ties as she navigates her career’s next
       ally, faced setbacks with double wrist           ability to handle media scrutiny. He              chapter.
       surgery and an ankle operation, side-            acknowledged her  talent,  empha-                 The      tennis     community         awaits
       lining her since April. Macci, known for         sizing  that  despite  confidence  and            Raducanu’s return to the court and the

       his coaching prowess, emphasized that            fitness setbacks, her technical prowess           potential collaboration with a coach of
       her resurgence would hinge on demon-             remained intact.                                  Macci’s stature.

        PFL Secures Bellator Acquisition

                                        Unveils Champs vs. Champs Series in 2024

       A  significant  move  within  the  mixed  martial  arts  (MMA)
       landscape, Donn  Davis,  chairman  of the  Saudi-backed
       Professional Fighters League (PFL), has confirmed the offi-

       cial  acquisition  of  Bellator  MMA.  The  details  of  the  deal,
       including  the  involvement  of  PFL  stock  and  Paramount’s
       minority ownership, have not been disclosed.

       This strategic acquisition positions the combined entity as
       the undisputed No. 2 MMA promotion globally, just behind
       the  UFC.  As  part  of  the  development,  plans  for  a  cham-
       pion-versus-champion  “mega  event”  between  PFL  and

       Bellator are underway, signaling a landmark collaboration.                 series launching on pay-per-view in 2024.

       Under the banner of the Bellator International Champions                   While Bellator president Scott Coker has yet to comment on
       Series, Bellator will operate as an independent promotion                  the acquisition, Donn Davis has extended invitations to Coker

       within  the  PFL  framework.  The  structure  includes  eight              and his team to join the new structure. The announcement
       annual events, each featuring two title fights, showcasing the             precedes  the  PFL’s  anticipated  2024  plans,  which  include
       depth and quality of the combined roster. Bellator fighters                an existing partnership with ESPN and a new collaboration
       will have the opportunity to participate in PFL competitions,              with Jake Paul for the broadcast of his inaugural MMA fight

       including  season-long  tournaments  and  the  “superfight”                scheduled for January.
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