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4      LOCAL NEWS                                                                                 Thursday, 23 November 2023

       National Weightlifting Championship

       THE Aruba Amateur Weightlifting
       Association will host its National
       Weightlifting Championship. This event
       will  take  place  on Sunday, November

       26, 2023, at the Frans Figaroa Sports
       Complex in Noord.

       The  Curacao  Weightlifting  Federation

       will also be participating with 5 athletes.
       The participating clubs include Paradise
       Strength  Aruba,  E2REP  Fitness,  TNT
       Gym, and BFN Crossfit.

       Athlete  weigh-ins  begin  at 8:30 am,
       and the competition is set to start at
       10:30 am.

       Competitions will be held in the Youth,
       Junior, Senior, and Master categories.
       We can expect an exciting competition            The  Aruba Amateur  Weightlifting                 Championship  at  the  Frans  Figaroa
       in a sports-friendly atmosphere, where           Association invites all Weightlifting             Sports Complex in Noord.

       many  athletes  will  undoubtedly  chal-         enthusiasts to come and support our               Admission is free for both adults and
       lenge each other.                                athletes in the National Weightlifting            children.

                        Renaissance Mall unveils exclusive Black Friday Extravaganza

       High end retailers invite shoppers to indulge

                   in the ultimate luxury shopping spree

                                                                                                          rewards awaits—simply show your
                                                        Renaissance  Mall,  renowned for its              receipt, pop  a balloon at the desig-

                                                        curated selection of high-end retailers,          nated prize pop-up station, and unveil
                                                        invites shoppers to indulge in the ulti-          amazing prizes up to $500. Share your
                                                        mate luxury shopping spree on Black               winning moment on social media with
                                                        Friday.  Participating  boutiques  like           the hashtag #RenMall for a chance to

                                                        Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Adidas, Dolce           be featured. At Renaissance  Mall,  we
                                                        &  Gabbana and Polo  Ralph Lauren                 believe in turning each purchase into a
                                                        amongst many others are gearing up                celebration of luxury and delight, and
                                                        to provide an amazing shopping expe-              our ‘Pop and Win’ initiative is designed

       AS the holiday season approaches,                rience,  offering  premium  products  at          to make  every  shopping moment
       Renaissance Mall is thrilled to announce         prices that are sure to make this festive         memorable.
       its much-anticipated Black Friday sale,          season even more joyous.
       showcasing  great  discounts  up to                                                                Renaissance Mall is open from Monday

       70% and exclusive offers at its array            While  shopping at Renaissance  Mall              to  Saturday,  from  10AM  to  7PM.
       of upscale stores. This year’s event             you  have  the  chance  to  win fantastic         Follow Renaissance Mall on Facebook,
       promises an extravagant shopping                 prizes! As  you  explore  your  favorite          Instagram, and sign up for the news-
       experience, combining luxury, style,             boutiques while our DJ getting you in             letter to stay updated on all our offers

       and unbeatable savings.                          the right mood, the thrill of unexpected          throughout the year.
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