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6      INTERNATIONAL                                                                              Thursday, 23 November 2023

                                          Navigating Around Panama Canal Delays

       Glencore Charts Strategic

               Detour for High Loyalty

       A  strategic move to circumvent delays at the Panama                       has experienced congestion issues leading to substantial

       Canal, a Glencore-chartered MR tanker, the High Loyalty, is                delays and financial implications for shipping companies. By
       embarking on an extensive detour spanning thousands of                     choosing  this  extensive detour, Glencore aims to mitigate
       miles. Departing from Chile early in November, this 50,000-                these challenges and maintain the efficiency of its supply
       dwt  vessel, owned by d’Amico International Shipping  and                  chain.

       built-in 2015, is set to reach its destination in New York on
       December 14, according to shipping data.                                   The voyage of the High Loyalty highlights the evolving strat-
                                                                                  egies  within the  shipping industry  to navigate  logistical
       The decision to take an alternative route comes as the Panama              hurdles  effectively.  As  companies  seek  alternative  routes,

       Canal faces significant bottlenecks, compelling companies                  the  industry demonstrates  resilience  and innovation in
       to explore longer but more efficient pathways. This move is                response to disruptions, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of
       particularly crucial for Glencore, given the potential finan-              goods across global trade routes.
       cial impacts of delays associated with the Panama Canal.

                                                                                  This detour not only underscores the impact of canal conges-
       The High Loyalty, laden with a cargo of fuel, is navigating                tion on shipping operations but also emphasizes the proac-
       around South America, showcasing Glencore’s commitment                     tive measures taken by industry players to optimize routes,
       to optimizing shipping routes and ensuring timely deliveries.              reduce delays, and uphold the reliability of maritime trans-

       This  strategic  journey  reflects  the  complexities  of  global          portation.
       shipping  dynamics  and  the  adaptability  required  to  over-            Glencore’s decision to navigate around the Panama Canal
       come challenges such as canal congestion.                                  reflects a strategic approach to adaptability, ensuring that
                                                                                  its vessels  reach their destinations in a timely and cost-

       The  Panama Canal,  a critical  conduit  for maritime  trade,              effective manner.
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