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Thursday, 23 November 2023                                                               BUSINESS & FINANCE                                11

       Ecopetrol Explores Gas Import Partnership

       with PDVSA Amidst US Restrictions Easing

       A  significant  development,  Ecopetrol  is  contemplating                 President Petro’s four-hour meeting with Venezuelan coun-
       a  potential collaboration with  Venezuelan state-owned                    terpart Nicolás Maduro fueled speculations of deeper energy

       company PDVSA to import gas to Colombia, as announced                      integration between the two countries. Petro hinted at the
       by the company’s board of directors on November 21.                        likelihood of Ecopetrol becoming a partner with PDVSA in
       This revelation comes on the heels of Colombian President                  the exploration of gas and oil fields in Venezuela.
       Gustavo Petro’s statement  suggesting the possibility of

       Ecopetrol  becoming  a partner with PDVSA, following the                   Ecopetrol’s  board underscored the  company’s  existing
       recent lifting of US-imposed restrictions on Venezuela.                    contractual ties with PDVSA, dating back to 2007, for the
                                                                                  purchase and transportation of gas through the binational
       The  board,  in  an  official  statement,  emphasized  that  the           Antonio Ricaurte gas pipeline. With the pipeline facilitating

       company is actively evaluating alternatives presented by                   gas exports to Venezuela,  the companies are exploring
       PDVSA during discussions held on November 18. This poten-                  avenues to further enhance this collaboration.
       tial partnership aims to address the growing energy needs
       of Colombia and foster economic collaboration between the                  As the global energy landscape undergoes transformations,

       two nations.                                                               particularly with the US easing restrictions on Venezuela,
                                                                                  Ecopetrol is strategically positioning itself to ensure a stable
       Saul Kattan, President of the Ecopetrol board, clarified that              and reliable supply of gas to meet Colombia’s growing
       while discussions are ongoing, no concrete decisions have                  demand. The company remains committed to evaluating

       been made yet. The ambiguity surrounding Sam Altman’s                      alternatives swiftly, within legal frameworks and existing
       departure from the role of CEO and subsequent return is still              constraints, to guarantee the availability of gas at the
       shrouded in mystery, but the focus has shifted to potential                required  quantities  and  timelines.  The  unfolding  develop-
       collaborations that could reshape the dynamics of the AI                   ments mark a potential milestone in regional energy cooper-

       industry.                                                                  ation and economic ties between Colombia and Venezuela.
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