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12      BUSINESS & FINANCE                                                                         Thursday, 23 November 2023

       Sam Altman’s Return to OpenAI

                         Reshapes AI Landscape

       A surprising turn of events, Sam Altman has agreed to resume               of OpenAI employees threatened to leave unless Altman was
       his role as the CEO of OpenAI, just days after his unexpected              reinstated, prompting a reconsideration.

       removal triggered employee unrest. The company, a front-
       runner in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, made the              Emmett Shear, interim CEO hired by OpenAI during Altman’s
       announcement  on X, outlining an agreement in principle.                   absence, expressed satisfaction at the resolution. The return
       The new board, chaired by Bret Taylor and featuring Larry                  of both Altman and Brockman signifies a potential shift back

       Summers, aims to bring stability to the organization.                      to their vision for rapid AI tool deployment. Microsoft CEO
                                                                                  Satya Nadella welcomed the changes to the OpenAI board,
       Altman, in a post on X, expressed eagerness to return                      considering  it  a  crucial  step  towards  stable  and  effective
       and highlighted strengthening  OpenAI’s  partnership with                  governance.

       Microsoft,  its  major  financial  supporter.  The  move  follows
       days of uncertainty, negotiations over leadership, and                     Altman, known for cautioning about AI risks publicly, has
       broader discussions about the pace of AI technology devel-                 been pushing internally for quicker product launches and
       opment.  Altman’s  initial  firing,  attributed  to  insufficient          profitability. OpenAI’s recent decision to make ChatGPT-like

       candor with the  board, led  to speculations  and tensions                 tools accessible to the public aligns with Altman’s vision.
       concerning the direction of AI development.                                Additionally, talks with Jony Ive about securing $1 billion
                                                                                  from SoftBank for an AI device to replace smartphones indi-
       Sources reveal a clash between Altman, advocating for an                   cate OpenAI’s broader ambitions.

       aggressive  AI  approach,  and the  original  board members
       favoring a more cautious strategy. Microsoft, which had                    As Altman resumes leadership, the industry watches closely
       recently announced Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman’s                   to see how his vision for AI development aligns with the
       recruitment for a new AI research division, emerged as a                   renewed board’s direction, and how this reshuffle impacts

       winner in this upheaval. However, the tide turned as hundreds              OpenAI’s collaborations and innovations.
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