Page 35 - AM231123
P. 35
Thursday, 23 November 2023 INTERNATIONAL 7
President-elect Javier Milei Forewarns of
High Inflation and Unveils Economic Plans
A recent interview on LN+, President-
elect Javier Milei provided insights
into the economic path he intends to
set in motion starting December 10.
Expressing criticism for the current
government’s monetary, fiscal, and
economic policies, Milei anticipated
the lingering impact of these decisions
during the initial months of his admin-
istration. Speaking with journalists
Luis Majul, Jonatan Viale, and Pablo
Rossi, Milei predicted a surge in infla-
tion in the early months, attributing it
to artificially suppressed prices that
will eventually come due.
Milei emphasized that the removal of
currency controls would not be imme-
diate, waiting to address the issue of
Leliqs first. He acknowledged the risk
of hyperinflation in Argentina, empha-
sizing the need for a meticulous
approach to avoid abrupt policy shifts.
According to Milei, resolving the Leliqs
matter is crucial before lifting currency
controls, subsequently improving the
overall economic situation.
Dismissing the idea of imposing fiscal Regarding potential fiscal adjust- expressing the belief that it could
adjustments on citizens, Milei asserted ments, Milei warned that without such contribute to easing political tensions.
his commitment to governing for all measures, the country could face Reflecting on a recent viral video where
Argentinians. He outlined his perspec- hyperinflation, pushing 90% of the he exited his car to greet supporters,
tive as grounded in liberal principles, population below the poverty line. He Milei acknowledged that his actions
emphasizing respect for individuals’ life underscored the importance of deli- were protocolarily incorrect. He recog-
projects, adherence to non-aggression cately explaining the economic state nized the need to incorporate restric-
principles, and defense of the rights to to the public, emphasizing the need tions due to his close interaction with
life, liberty, and property. for transparency to avert the potential the public, particularly children.
worst crisis in Argentina’s history.
While acknowledging that inflation As the interview delved into his rela-
might persist for 18 to 24 consecu- In a separate segment, Milei shared tionship with former President Mauricio
tive months, Milei attributed this to details of his phone conversation with Macri, Milei shared anecdotes, high-
measures taken by the current admin- Pope Francis, describing it as amicable lighting the valuable insights gained
istration in a bid to maximize votes and insightful. He conveyed the Pope’s from Macri’s experiences during his
during elections. He stressed the inevi- felicitations on his election and their tenure. He recounted Macri’s advice on
tability of enduring a period of elevated discussion on the plans for the Ministry handling disruptions during debates,
inflation, considering the political strat- of Human Capital. Milei extended an demonstrating the impact of this guid-
egies employed. invitation to the Pope to visit Argentina, ance in real-time situations.