Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20201224
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 24 December 2020
Christmas unites community after fire guts historic church
is home to the oldest con- the Sky” — as a demolition “The church is made up of
gregation of the Collegiate crew worked to clear the de- the congregation and what
Churches of New York, bris. the people in the congrega-
which date to the settle- Lau said she and others tion believe and do,” said
ment of Manhattan Island by moved as a community from Slacik, who married her wife
Dutch colonists in the 1620s. grieving to remembering that at the church. “And what we
Middle Collegiate had previ- the church is also its people, all believe is that we’re neigh-
ously occupied two other lo- “the church is us.” bors with each other, and we
cations in Manhattan begin- “And that feeling that we can are neighbors to New York.”
ning in 1729. rebuild,” she added. “Yes, the Monzón said she’ll miss the
Its belfry houses New York’s roof collapsed, and it also felt building, where a memorial
Liberty Bell, which tolled to at the same time the floor service was held for her late
mark the birth of the coun- collapsed below us. But to- father, and congregants will
try in 1776 and was later rung gether we can do it.” cherish memories of bap-
for inaugurations and deaths Lewis said the church has tisms, weddings, plays and
of presidents and in remem- good insurance but it’s no- concerts. But she’s proud of
brance of the Sept. 11, 2001, where close to what’s needed serving outside its walls and
terror attacks. for rebuilding, and they need knows the community will
The Gothic Revival building help. Donations for recon- endure.
went up in a blaze Dec. 5 af- struction have rolled in from “Jacqui always preaches
ter fire spread from a vacant around the world, about about revolutionary love and
building next door before $500,000 to date. activism and social justice,”
(AP) — At Christmases asked parishioners to “wor- dawn. Flames shot from the Middle Collegiate has also Monzón said, “all of these
past, parishioners at Mid- ship God with joy” when roof, destroying its Tiffany welcomed 25 new parishio- things that brought me into
dle Collegiate in New they observed the fourth stained-glass windows and ners since the fire, she said. this church, which is: What
York City rejoiced over Sunday of Advent last week- skylight dome. A multicultural congregation, you say in a sanctuary on a
gospel hymns, carols and end. The bell and the skeletal fa- the church espouses what it Sunday means very little if
soul tunes played on a And they did — remotely, cade were the only parts of calls “on-your-feet worship we don’t actually show that
Steinway piano that is still, for safety reasons. Kids the structure to survive. So and take-it-to-the-streets ac- commitment to that kind of
now only metal and ashes and teens sang carols in front did two vinyl banners read- tivism.” Members have pro- life.” A day before the fire,
after the historic church of Christmas trees at home, ing “Black Lives Matter” and vided meals to people with dancer Adrienne Hurd re-
was destroyed this month parents lit candles and smil- “Just Love,” the church’s AIDS, worked on storm re- corded herself rehearsing an
by fire. ing families wished each motto, something that Lewis covery, fought for environ- Advent performance inside
other season’s greetings, all found meaningful. mental protection and dem- Middle Collegiate. Sunday’s
“Our brass doors are warped, reinforcing Lewis’ and con- “That’s some kind of miracle onstrated for the Black Lives virtual services incorporated
our glass is shattered, our gregants’ conviction that the that the fire does not torch Matter movement and for that video, perhaps the last
beams have fallen down,” church is more than the be- your values,” she said days LGBTQ and women’s rights. images ever made of the
said the Rev. Jacqui Lewis, loved stone building where later in front of the church, Even as the church burned, 128-year-old church.
the church’s senior minister. they formerly gathered. smoky odor still lingering in congregants Katrina Monzón “No matter what the mate-
“The sanctuary is gutted. We “There’s something about the air. “So, we’re sad. We’re and Claudia Slacik were rial thing is, what the brick-
are gutted.” people connecting to this crushed. And we’re resilient.” thinking of their neighbors. and-mortar thing is, that’s
It seemed a tragic coda to tragedy in this time of Ad- A week after the fire, gospel After the flames reached a not Christmas,” Hurd said.
an already-difficult year in vent and Hanukkah,” Lewis choir members Joy Lau and building that houses a shelter “Christmas is your spirit,
which the congregation has said. “Finding the light in the Kaede Helck returned to the for women released from jail, connecting with others and
met only virtually for nine darkness.” charred facade to lead a group they collected warm clothing, lifting them up. And I think
months due to the pandem- Built in 1892 in the East in song — “God Is Here,” shoes and toiletries for the that’s what Christmas will be
ic. But amid the grief, Lewis Village, Middle Collegiate and “God Put a Rainbow in displaced women. this year.”
Trump vetoes defense bill, setting up possible override vote
(AP) — President Don- gins large enough to override
ald Trump on Wednesday a veto from the president.
vetoed the annual de- Trump had vetoed eight bills
fense policy bill, following previously, but those vetoes
through on threats to veto were sustained because sup-
a measure that has broad porters did not gain the two-
bipartisan support in thirds vote needed in each
Congress and potentially chamber for the bill to be-
setting up the first over- come law without Trump’s
ride vote of his presidency. signature.
The bill affirms 3% pay raises In advance of the veto, Sen-
for U.S. troops and authoriz- ate Majority Leader Mitch
es more than $740 billion in McConnell, R-Ky., has said
military programs and con- the bill would help deter
struction. Chinese aggression. Other
Trump has offered a series of GOP backers of the mea-
rationales for vetoing the bill. sure, including Sen. John
He has called for lawmakers Thune of South Dakota, the
to include limits on social second-ranking Senate lead-
media companies he claimed er, and Rep. Mike Gallagher
are biased against him. He of Wisconsin, a member of
has called for stripping out the House Armed Services
language that allows for the Committee, have tweeted
renaming of military bases that the bill would counter
such as Fort Benning and federate leaders. Without go- the biggest winner from the Both the House and Senate threats from countries such
Fort Hood that honor Con- ing into detail, he has claimed defense bill would be China. passed the measure by mar- as China.