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                                                                                          world news Diahuebs 24 December 2020
                               Virus-linked isolation of UK eases but backlog persists

            (AP)  —  Gridlock  at  an  rope  has  been  walloped  by
            English  port  kept  thou-   soaring  new  virus  infections
            sands of truckers and trav-  and deaths.
            elers stranded Wednesday  On        Wednesday,   British
            despite a deal with France  Health  Secretary  Matt  Han-
            to lift a two-day blockade  cock  said  that  another  new
            imposed because of a new  variant — from South Africa
            variant of the coronavirus  — has turned up in Britain,
            that  had  isolated  Britain  and  announced  restrictions
            and  raised  fears  of  food  on  travel  from  the  African
            shortages.                   country.
                                         Some  European  countries
            While  some  goods  and  pas-  relaxed  their  travel  lim-
            sengers  began  arriving  on  its  on  Britain  on  Wednes-
            French  shores  in  the  morn-  day, though many remain in
            ing, many still struggled to get  place.  Still,  it  was  France’s
            through. With officials warn-  ban on freight that caused the
            ing  that  the  backlog  would  most alarm and led to a feel-
            take  days  to  clear,  frustrated  ing of intense isolation on the
            truckers scuffled with police  island nation, since the U.K.
            at  the  port  of  Dover.  Some  relies  heavily  on  its  cross-
            have suggested the chaos was  Channel commercial links to
            a  precursor  to  what  Britain  the continent for food at this
            may  face  if  it  doesn’t  come  time of year, especially fresh
            to  a  trade  agreement  with  fruit and vegetables.
            the  European  Union  before  Fears of food shortages added  and contact-tracers were sent  retary  Robert  Jenrick  said  Press. The slowdowns could
            it leaves the bloc’s economic  to an already glum runup to  to the Dover port to adminis-  around  4,000  trucks  may  be  be  worse  when  Brexit  kicks
            embrace on Dec. 31.          Christmas  in  Britain,  where  ter the tests. But drivers said  waiting in the county of Kent  in and French authorities will
                                         authorities  have  scaled  back  traffic  chaos  in  the  area  was  to cross the Channel and said  have to check customs docu-
            “Looking  around,  it  doesn’t  or  canceled  plans  to  relax  delaying that.         it will take “a few days” to test  ments  as  well  as  virus  tests,
            really seem that there’s a lot  restrictions  for  the  holiday  Rail  operator  Eurotunnel  all the drivers.       he warned.
            of progress being made here,”  as daily virus infections soar  said  some  trains  carrying  Many  Britons  were  already
            said Ben Richtzenhaim, a fi-  and many hospitals are near-  freight  and  car  passengers  bracing for disruption, if the  Clement  Beaune,  France’s
            nancial services worker who  ing capacity.                were allowed to cross to the  U.K. and the EU can’t agree  European  affairs  minister,
            drove  overnight  from  Scot-  Britain reported another 744  continent  beneath  the  Eng-  on  a  new  trade  deal  by  the  told  BFM  television  during
            land in hopes of getting home  deaths  and  a  record  39,237  lish  Channel  on Wednesday,  time  the  country  leaves  the  a discussion about the Brexit
            to  Germany  by  car.  “People  confirmed  cases  Wednesday,  while Jean-Marc Puissesseau,  bloc’s  tariff-free  single  mar-  talks  that  when  it  comes  to
            are still not moving out of the  and the health secretary said  director  of  France’s  Calais-  ket and customs union in just  trade,  “the  British  side  has
            way,  and  the  authorities  are  that millions more people in  Boulogne  port,  said  two  over a week.            much  more  dependence  on
            not  doing  something  either.  England  would  come  under  cargo  vans  have  arrived  so  French  authorities  have  in-  Europe than the reverse.”
            So it’s a real deadlock.”    the country’s most severe re-  far via ferry, and some truck-  sisted  that  the  blockade  was  The  Netherlands,  Belgium
            Nations  around  the  world  strictions from Dec. 26. The  ers have simply loaded their  based  on  scientific  concerns  and  Bulgaria  relaxed  travel
            began  barring  people  from  rules, which close all nones-  goods directly onto ferries so  and  not  politics,  but  some  restrictions  on  Britain  on
            Britain  over  the  weekend  sential shops and ban house-  a colleague can pick it up on  noted  it  may  have  offered  a  Wednesday,  but  dozens  of
            after  Prime  Minister  Boris  holds  from  mixing  indoors,  the French  side. He said no  glimpse  of  what  Britain  can  other countries are continu-
            Johnson announced that sci-  already  cover  London  and  freight trucks have made the  expect next year.           ing to bar travelers. Japan an-
            entists said a new version of  surrounding areas.         journey yet because of testing  “We  thought  we  were  OK,  nounced that it will reinstate
            the  virus  whipping  around  Under a deal to lift France’s  troubles, and he didn’t expect  preparing  for  Dec.  31  (and  an entry ban on most new ar-
            London and England’s south-  ban,  anyone  arriving  from  any  until  night  time.  The  Brexit),  and  then  kaboom,  rivals from the country.
            east may be more contagious.  Britain is required to have a  port normally brings in up to  we  are  in  chaos  already,”  Eurostar passenger train ser-
            The announcement added to  virus test capable of detecting  4,000 trucks a day.        Puissesseau, the French port  vices also resumed from Brit-
            anxieties at a time when Eu-  the new variant, and soldiers  British  Communities  Sec-  director, told The Associated  ain to the continent, but only
                                                                                                                                for citizens of Europe’s bor-
                                                                                                                                der-free zone, British citizens
                                                                                                                                with EU residency and those
                                                                                                                                with a special reason to come
                                                                                                                                temporarily, such as truckers.
                                                                                                                                Liza Peirrusio, an Italian liv-
                                                                                                                                ing  in  London,  traveled  to
                                                                                                                                Paris on Wednesday to spend
                                                                                                                                the  holidays  with  her  boy-
                                                                                                                                “I’ve never been so happy to
                                                                                                                                be  a  European  citizen,”  she
                                                                                                                                said  as  she  got  off  the  first
                                                                                                                                Eurostar  to  arrive  since  the
                                                                                                                                Hui  reported  from  London
                                                                                                                                and Charlton from Paris. As-
                                                                                                                                sociated Press journalists Jeff
                                                                                                                                Schaeffer  in  Calais,  France,
                                                                                                                                Nicolas  Garriga  in  Paris,
                                                                                                                                Jason  Parkinson  in  Dover,
                                                                                                                                England, and Lorne Cook in
                                                                                                                                Brussels contributed.
                                                                                                                                This story has been updated
                                                                                                                                to  correct  the  first  name  of
                                                                                                                                the  French  port  director  to
                                                                                                                                Jean-Marc, not Jean-March.
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