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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diabierna 14 Mei 2021

                                                                                                              Tim Tebow, Tennessee

                                                                                                              gov unveil anti-human

                                                                                                                    trafficking push

                                                                                                            (AP) — Former NFL player Tim Tebow joined
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada              Dios ta nos refugio,               Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee at the state Capitol
                 Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi                    E ta nos fortalesa,               on Thursday to announce a multimillion-dol-
                                sosega.                          El a resulta un yudador den mester.        lar partnership to fight human trafficking.
                       E ta hibami na awa trankil,                            Salmo 46:1
                        Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                            Tebow, who is considering a return to football with
                               Salmo: 23
                                                                                                            the Jacksonville Jaguars, is due for an infusion of
              Cu hopi tristesa pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios   Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia   $1.2  million  into  his  foundation  in  the  upcom-
                 nos ta anuncia cu a bay laga nos den brasa di   fayecimento inespera di nos ser stima:     ing Tennessee state budget. The annual spending
                                 Señor:                                                                     plan, which tops $42 billion, is sending more than
                                                                                                            $5 million combined to Tebow's organization and
                                                                                                            other groups to combat human trafficking.

                                                                                                            The funding will help a ministry within the Tim
                                                                                                            Tebow Foundation, named Her Song, which seeks
                                                                                                            to  build  safe  homes  in  the  state  alongside  other
                                                                                                            funded organizations, Tebow said.

                                                                                                            "We  hope  that  this  will  facilitate  and  engage  and
                                                                                                            inspire  churches,  nonprofits,  organizations,  indi-
                                                                                                            viduals, to find out how they can be involved in
                                                                         Angel R. Croes                     rescuing women and children in Tennessee," Lee
                   Benigna F. de Freitas-                          Mihor conoci como “Bubu”                 said.
                                                                   *26-07-1950 – †06-05-2021
                              Willems                                                                       Tebow said the discussions on the issue began less
                    Mihor conoci como “Maica”                                                               than  three  months  ago  when  country  music  star
                          ( casa di Manolo)                   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues      Luke Bryan and his wife Caroline introduced him
                    *13-02-1928 - †12-05-2021                                                               to the governor's chief of staff, Blake Harris, at Bry-
                                                                                                            an's restaurant.
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues

                                                                   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di

              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada                                                    “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                 Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi                                                       Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
                                sosega.                                                                                E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                       E ta hibami na awa trankil,                                                                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
                        Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                                               Salmo: 23
                               Salmo: 23
                                                                                                             Agradecido y satisfecho pa locual e la signifa pa
                Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia                                                            nos, nos kier a anuncia fayecimento
                     fayecimento di nos ser stima:                                                              cristianamente di nos ruman y tanta stima:

                                                                    Bodjhperkash Sharma Kalpoe
                                                                     Mihor conoci como: “Roy”
                                                                      *02-05-1964 - †03-05-2021

                                                              Na nomber di su:
                                                              Casa:         Marijke kalpoe
                                                              Yiu:          Priya kalpoe

                                                              Demas Famianan, coleganan di
                                                              Trabow, Van Kessel Havenbouw,

                Gilda R. Berkemeyer- Lascarro                 amigonan, coleganan, ex-coleganan y

                             Maldonado                        bisiñanan, Chalet Suisse Restaurant                      Iginia Angelina Bareño

                  *18-10-1936 - †10-05-2021                   Ta invita pa e acto di despedida cu lo            Cariñosamente yama: “Tanchi Pipi”
                                                              tuma lugar diabierna 14 di mei 2021 di                 *20-07-1916 - †10-05-2021
                                                              9’or pa 11’o di mainta na Aurora
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo                    Funeral home, sigi pa e acto di
                       anuncia despues                        cremacion.                                         Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia
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