Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210514
P. 30
A30 world news
Diabierna 14 Mei 2021
Scotland: 2 held for migration breaches freed after protest
tions for the Muslim holiday Kenmure Street in Glasgow, up as the doors of the van
of Eid al-Fitr, in an area hit by Scotland's largest city, at were opened and the men
the pandemic. about 10 a.m. where the Im- emerged.
migration Enforcement van
The Home Office said in a with the men in it was sur- Protester Mohammad Asif,
statement that the men were rounded by protesters, in- the director of the Afghan
detained "in relation to sus- cluding neighbors of the Human Rights Foundation,
pected immigration offences" men. said the demonstration was a
and had been released on bail. response to the "hostile envi-
One demonstrator climbed ronment" created by the Brit-
Sturgeon said in a tweet that under the vehicle to stop it ish government.
Police Scotland officers had from moving, while others
been put in an "invidious sat in the road. The crowd Britain's immigration rules
position" after being called chanted "Leave our neigh- have long been criticized by
to support the Home Office bors, let them go" and "Cops lawyers and human rights
operation. go home." groups, who say they are of-
ten harsh and unfairly im-
"To act in this way, in the Police Scotland said the deci- plemented. Rules have been
(AP) — Two men detained heart of a Muslim commu- sion to finally release the men tightened in the past decade
by British immigration Scottish First Minister Nic- nity as they celebrated Eid, had been made "to protect under Conservative govern-
officials in Glasgow were ola Sturgeon slammed the and in an area experiencing the safety, public health and ments determined to make
released Thursday after a "unacceptable" action by a COVID outbreak was a well-being" of all involved. the U.K. a "hostile environ-
seven-hour standoff be- Britain's Home Office to de- health & safety risk," she said. ment" for illegal immigra-
tween hundreds of pro- tain the Indian men, especial- Videos posted on social me- tion.
testers and Scottish police. ly as it came during celebra- Police were first called to dia showed cheers going
Russian admiral frets over 'provocative' NATO drills
(AP) — A top Russian at its Arctic base of Severo- Ties between Russia and the fueled concerns in Ukraine warned Ukrainian authori-
admiral complained morsk, Moiseyev charged West have plummeted to and the West. The Kremlin ties against trying to use force
Thursday about increased that NATO drills have edged post-Cold War lows after the rejected Western worries, to reclaim control of the reb-
NATO military activities closer to Russian borders, 2014 Russian annexation of charging that the troops don't el east.
near the country's bor- and noted increasingly fre- Ukraine's Crimean Penin- threaten anyone, but it also
ders, describing them as a quent flights by U.S. nucle- sula and Moscow's support
threat to regional security. ar-capable strategic bombers. for a separatist insurgency in
eastern Ukraine.
Adm. Alexander Moiseyev, "Such actions are provocative
the commander of Russia's and have a negative impact Moscow has repeatedly
Northern Fleet, said that on regional security," Moi- voiced concern over the de-
NATO navy ships' presence seyev said. ployment of NATO forces
in the Barents Sea and the near Russian borders. Rus-
Norwegian Sea have reached He voiced particular concern sia and the alliance also have
levels unseen since World about the U.S. military assets blamed each other for con-
War II. on the territory of NATO ally ducting destabilizing military
Norway that borders Russia, exercises near the borders.
Speaking to reporters on- charging that it has led to an
board the Northern Fleet's "increase of the conflict po- Last month, a massive build-
flagship, the Pyotr Veliky (Pe- tential in the Arctic." up of Russian troops along-
ter the Great) missile cruiser, side the Ukrainian border
Anniversary of JP2 attack marked as Poles grapple with abuse
(AP) — The Vatican in Poland where the Cath- Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, church — a possible refer- predominantly Roman Cath-
marked the 40th anniver- olic hierarchy is grappling John Paul's closest aide, cel- ence to the criticism current- olic country.
sary of the attempt on the with a legacy of failures ebrated the morning Mass at ly being leveled against the
life of St. John Paul II with to confront clergy sexual the tomb of John Paul inside Polish hierarchy. Dziwisz has strongly defend-
a Mass on Thursday, amid abuse. St. Peter's Basilica. Dziwisz ed John Paul against claims
muted commemorations recalled how John Paul fell Pope Francis has removed the Polish pope was slow to
into his arms after he was or given early retirement to grasp the gravity of abuse in
shot during an audience in a handful of Polish bishops the Catholic Church.
St. Peter's Square by Turkish who were accused of cov-
gunman Mehmet Ali Agca on ering up sex abuse by their Francis, for his part, noted
May 13, 1981. priests. Just this week, Fran- the anniversary during his
cis accepted the resignation Wednesday general audience.
John Paul survived, forgave of the bishop of Bydgoszcz, Addressing Poles, Francis re-
Agca and met with him in Jan Tyrawa, after an investi- called that John Paul repeat-
prison. gation into allegations of neg- edly said he owed his life to
ligence handling abuse cases. the intercession of Our Lady
Dziwisz, John Paul's private of Fatima, to whom he was
secretary and later the arch- Tyrawa was mentioned in particularly devoted.
bishop of Krakow — now TV documentaries in Poland
retired — noted in his hom- about alleged sex abuse by "This event reminds us that
ily that Rome has often wit- priests and cover-up by their our lives and history are in
nessed hard-to-understand superiors. The allegations God's hands," Francis said.
aggressions or attacks on the have come as a shock in the