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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 14 Mei 2021

                             Radical rabbi's followers rise in Israel amid new violence

            (AP) — In the 1980s, Rabbi Meir  sassinated  by  an  Egyptian-American
            Kahane's violent anti-Arab ideol-   in New York. But his hate-filled ide-
            ogy was considered so repugnant  ology has remained influential in Is-
            that Israel banned him from par-    rael.
            liament  and  the  U.S.  listed  his
            party as a terrorist group.         In  1994,  Kahane  follower  Baruch
                                                Goldstein opened fire in a holy site
            Today,  his  disciples  march  through  in  the  occupied  West  Bank  city  of
            the streets by the hundreds, chanting  Hebron, killing 29 Muslim worship-
            "Death  to  Arabs"  and  assaulting  any  pers  and  wounding  over  100.  That
            they  come  across.  This  week,  they  led both Israel and the U.S. to label
            took part in a wave of communal vio-  his Kach movement and an offshoot,
            lence  in  Jerusalem  and  mixed  cities  Kahane Lives, as terrorist groups.
            across Israel in which Arabs and Jews
            viciously attacked people and torched  In March, another admirer of the late
            cars.                               rabbi, who for years had hung a pic-
                                                ture of Goldstein on his living room
            On  Thursday  evening,  there  was  wall,  was  elected  to  Israel's  parlia-
            more  ethnic  strife.  In  Tel  Aviv,  two  ment.
            Jewish men attacked a journalist cov-
            ering a gathering of ultranationalists.  Itamar Ben-Gvir joined the Knesset
            In  the  central  Israeli  city  of  Lod,  a  as part of Religious Zionism, a bloc of
            Jewish  man  was  shot  and  seriously  far-right parties that came together at
            wounded by an Arab man. In Jaffa, an  Netanyahu's prodding so none would
            Israeli soldier was attacked by a group  fall below the electoral threshold.
            of Arabs and was hospitalized in seri-
            ous condition.                      Since then, Ben-Gvir has made fre-
                                                quent media appearances, displaying
            Israelis shocked by the violence have  a cheerful demeanor and a knack for
            cast  the  right-wing  extremism  as  a  deflecting criticism as he banters with
            nasty aberration or a reaction to Pal-  TV and radio hosts.
            estinian  violence.  But  to  Arab  citi-
            zens,  who  make  up  20%  of  Israel's  It's  working:  Ifat,  a  research  firm,
            population,  the  heirs  of  Kahane  are  says Ben-Gvir is the third most inter-
            a natural outgrowth of a discrimina-  viewed  politician  on  Israeli  TV  and
            tory system — normalized by some  radio, behind Netanyahu and Naftali
            mainstream leaders who largely share  Bennett,  another  right-wing  politi-  bers to more than 6,000.      Netanyahu hoped to tap into that by
            their views.                        cian.                                                                   assembling a far-right bloc with Ben-
                                                                                    It  was  used  to  organize  a  crowd  in  Gvir  and  Bezalel  Smotrich,  another
            Admirers  of  Kahane  were  elected  "He's  a  good  speaker  and  he  knows  the  Tel  Aviv  suburb  of  Bat  Yam  on  ultranationalist. Ironically, they foiled
            to  parliament  in  March  as  allies  of  how  to  play  the  game,"  said  Shuki  Wednesday that pulled an Arab from  Netanyahu's  plan  by  blocking  his
            Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Netanya-  Friedman,  an  expert  on  Israel's  far  his car and beat him severely. The at-  outreach to a small Arab party needed
            hu's Likud party, and one of the most  right  at  the  Israel  Democracy  Insti-  tack horrified Israelis and was widely  to secure a parliamentary majority.
            prominent  has  become  a  fixture  on  tute. "On one hand, he is addressing  condemned,  including  by  far-right
            Israeli TV.                         his supporters. ... On the other hand,  politicians. Israeli media reported the  Dan Meridor, a former justice min-
                                                he knows not to make mainstream Is-  country's  police  chief  blamed  Ben-  ister  and  Likud  heavyweight  who
            Their resurgence has injected anoth-  raelis too angry."                Gvir for inciting a Jewish "intifada,"  helped  lead  efforts  to  ban  Kahane
            er element of volatility to the conflict.                               the Arabic term used to refer to two  from  parliament  in  1988,  believes
            It's also part of a broader shift to the  He  has  staged  provocative  visits  to  Palestinian uprisings.  Netanyahu made a grave error in re-
            right  in  Israel,  where  Kahane's  dis-  Arab areas and been a near-constant                              habilitating his followers.
            ciples are hardly alone in adopting a  presence  on  the  sidelines  of  recent  As  a  lawyer  with  a  long  history  of
            hard line toward the Palestinians and  clashes, rallying ultranationalist sup-  defending Jewish extremists accused  "You  can  just  see  the  dramatic  and
            trafficking in anti-Arab rhetoric.  porters  to  confront  Palestinians  and  of  attacking  Arabs,  Ben-Gvir  has  very harmful change the Likud went
                                                assert "Jewish Power" — the name of  been careful not to run afoul of laws  through  when  they  legitimized  the
            Right-wing parties that support Jew-  his party.                        against  incitement.  He  calls  Kahane  Kahanists," he said. "It changed very
            ish settlements and oppose Palestin-                                    "righteous and holy," but has tried to  tragically to me."
            ian independence won a large major-  Last week, he set up an outdoor par-  distance himself by saying he doesn't
            ity of seats in March, and Netanyahu  liamentary "office" in an Arab neigh-  agree with everything the rabbi said.  Palestinian  citizens  of  Israel,  on  the
            and  other  right-wing  leaders  have  borhood  of  east  Jerusalem  where                                  other hand, view Ben-Gvir as the lat-
            often cast Israel's Arab minority as a  Jewish  settlers  are  trying  to  expel  Ben-Gvir first became a national fig-  est in a long line of Israeli politicians
            fifth  column  —  unless  they  needed  Palestinians  from  their  homes,  set-  ure when he famously broke a hood  — including Netanyahu — who have
            their votes.                        ting off a melee. He later called for  ornament  off  then-Prime  Minister  treated them as second-class citizens,
                                                police to use live fire against Palestin-  Yitzhak Rabin's car in 1995.   if  not  enemies  of  the  state.  It's  one
            During his lone term in parliament in  ian protesters at the Al-Aqsa Mosque                                 of many grievances they point to in
            the mid-1980s, before he was banned,  compound, a site sacred to Jews and  "We got to his car, and we'll get to him  explaining  the  recent  protests  and
            Kahane  was  shunned  by  colleagues,  Muslims.                         too," he said, just weeks before Rabin  clashes with police.
            including  the  Likud,  and  frequently                                 was assassinated by a Jewish extremist
            gave speeches to an empty chamber.  A long-range Hamas rocket, fired at  opposed to his peace efforts with the  Diana  Buttu,  a  lawyer  and  analyst
            His racist agenda called for banning  Jerusalem on Monday, disrupted the  Palestinians.                     who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel,
            intermarriage  between  Arabs  and  Jerusalem  Day  parade,  which  cel-                                    says it's easy for Israelis to dismiss the
            Jews, stripping Arabs of their Israeli  ebrates Israel's annexation of east Je-  Israel  has  shifted  even  more  to  the  Kahanists as a fringe group.
            citizenship, and the mass expulsions  rusalem.                          right  since  then,  driven  by  the  fail-
            of Palestinians. At one point, he was                                   ure of peace efforts, repeated rounds  "But if you step back and look at this
            suspended for waving a noose at an  The  mob  violence  erupted  the  next  of  violence  and  demographic  shifts.  country  through  the  eyes  of  a  Pal-
            Arab lawmaker.                      day.  A  Telegram  channel  displaying  Ben-Gvir's  supporters  are  largely  estinian, you see that at every single
                                                the  Kahanist  emblem  —  a  yellow  religious  and  ultra-Orthodox  Jews,  political level, in every single political
            Kahane was banned from running in  fist  inside  a  black  Star  of  David  —  who tend to have large families.  party, there's been some form of anti-
            1988, and two years later, he was as-  swelled  from  a  few  hundred  mem-                                 Palestinian racism."
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