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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 8 June 2023

            World Environment Day 2023

            ORANJESTAD – On June 5   governments  and  com-           community  must  be  more
            ,  we  celebrated  World  En-  merce  take  steps  to  com-  proactive  and  change  its
            vironment  Day  annually  bat plastic pollution.          consumption  habits  to  be
            to  encourage  worldwide                                  more  environment-friendly.
            awareness  and  action  to  In  2016,  Aruba  introduced  Demand  for  eco-friendly
            protect our environment.     a  law  that  prohibits  the  products  will  encourage
                                         use of plastic bags, and in  commerce  to  adapt  their
            The resolution to designate  2019  it  introduced  a  law  products  y  be  more  inno-
            June  5  as  World  Environ-  on  Environmentally  harm-  vative.
            ment  Day,  was  adopted  ful  products,  prohibiting,
            during the 1972 United Na-   among  others,  the  import,  Most  products  have  plas-
            tions  Conference  on  the  distribution, and use of sin-  tic  components,  common
            Human Environment. World  gle-use  plastic  products,  and  cheap  to  produce,
            Environment    Day    2023  like forks, plates, and cups.  flexible  and  easy  to  trans-
            theme  is  the  campaign  It includes an amendment  port, and derived from fossil  and well-being, and world-       plastic products;
            #BeatPlasticPollution, ‘Eco-  to  the  General  Police  Or-  fuel, one of the primary pol-  wide  economy.  It  is  the  ask  your  restaurant,  su-
            system Restoration.’         dinance (Algemene Politie  lution causes.                 reason  we  must  change  permarket,  and  importer
            Ivory  Coast  in  partnership  Verordening),  that  prohib-                            from  a  linear  to  a  circular  to  change  to  sustainable
            with the Netherlands, host-  its releasing balloons in the  If  we  do  not  take  action  economy that is more sus-  products;
            ed  The  World  Environment  open air.                    now to curb plastic produc-  tainable and healthy.        demand responsible waste
            Day 2023 celebrations with                                tion, in 2060, the amount of                              management;
            as theme ‘Beat Plastic Pol-  The  responsibility  for  the  plastic  in  the  circular  will  What can we do today to  encourage   and    sup-
            lution’.                     environment  is  not  only  triple. Plastic pollution hurts  combat plastic pollution?  port   circular   economy
            Because of human actions,  a  government  task.  Our  our  ecosystem,  life,  health  Choose reusable and non-      policymakers.q

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD — You are back and  Complete the sentence: Aruba to
            we  would  like  to  portrait  you!  By  me is ……. Send your picture with
            inviting you to send us your favor-  that text (including your name and
            ite vacation picture while enjoying  where you are from) to: news@aru-
            our Happy Island.           and  we  will  publish
                                                your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t  that
                                                a  special  way  to  keep  your  best
                                                moments alive? Please do note: By
                                                submitting photos, text or any oth-
                                                er materials, you give permission to
                                                The Aruba Today Newspaper, Ca-
                                                ribbean Speed Printers and any of
                                                its affiliated companies to use said
                                                materials,  as  well  as  names,  like-
                                                ness, etc. for promotional purposes
                                                without compensation.
                                                Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our  McIntosh from Marlton, New Jersey  ing  the  Caves  in  Arikok  National
                                                website, Instagram and Facebook  and Nancy Kukulinsky Bascom.           Park  with  Nila  and  John  Crouch
                                                page! Thank you for supporting our                                      and  Nancy  and  George  Bascom
                                                free newspaper, we strive to make  Michael McIntosh wrote to us say-    of Kentucky.
                                                you  a  happy  reader  every  day  ing; “Aruba to me is the pot of gold
                                                again.                              at the end of the rainbow.”         Thank you for sending us this won-
                                                                                                                        derful  message  sharing  what  Aru-
                                                For  today  we  received  a  lovely  Nancy Kukulinsky Bascom wrote to  ba means to you with us and our
                                                message  from  our  visitors  Michael  us saying; “Aruba means to us tour-  readers!q
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