Page 9 - AHATA_Neat
P. 9

                                                                                                           local Thursday 8 June 2023

            Rufo Wever Music School presents a concert week

            This  week,  Rufo  Wever  Music                                                                             a  concert,  but  this  one  will  focus
            School organized a concert week                                                                             more on jazz rhythms, and the oth-
            where  teachers  and  students  will                                                                        er piano teachers will also present
            be showcasing their musical talent                                                                          the folkloric part.
            in  various  instrumental  concerts.                                                                        The  last  day  of  this  concert  week
            Music  teacher  at  Rufo  Wever  Mu-                                                                        is  Saturday,  June  10th,  and  it  will
            sic School, Mr. Carlos Bislip, shared                                                                       be the concert by teachers Frank-
            some  information  about  this  con-                                                                        lin  Granadillo  and  Bislip  himself.
            cert week.                                                                                                  Granadillo  will  perform  with  his
                                                                                                                        brass instrument, and Bislip will play
            Bislip  mentioned  that  this  week,                                                                        percussion.
            the music school arranged a week                                                                            Throughout the week, the concerts
            filled with different concerts. Unlike                                                                      start at 5 p.m., and on the last day,
            previous  years,  when  the  school                                                                         Saturday, June 10th, the event be-
            would  hold  a  big  concert  in  the                                                                       gins  at  3  p.m.  The  concerts  take
            large hall of the Cas di Cultura Cul-                                                                       place in the small hall of the Cas di
            tural  Center,  this  time  they  opted  concert every day, each teacher  guitar  performances.  Yesterday,  Cultura Cultural Center. To get tick-
            for each group of teachers to have  can  have  more  children  perform.  on June 7th, the spotlight was giv-  ets  for  the  concert,  you  can  call
            their own presentation every day.   "That's something that the parents  en to two piano teachers with their  582-2888 or visit Rufo Wever Music
            Bislip  explained  that  the  reason  like  more  because  their  children  instruments for the children. Today,  School.
            they chose to do it differently this  get to play more than one song,"  Thursday,  there  will  be  a  concert  Rufo Wever Music School extends
            year is that when they have a big  Bislip emphasized.                   by a cuatro guitar teacher, togeth-  its invitation to the people and visi-
            concert,  not  all  students  get  to                                   er  with  the  children's  choir,  which  tors  of  Aruba  to  come  and  enjoy
            play  much,  as  the  teachers  usu-  As for the concerts, Bislip mentioned  will  have  a  more  typical,  folk-like  the  music  concerts  presented  by
            ally  allocate  one  or  two  kids  to  that the concert week started on  atmosphere.  On  Friday,  June  9th,  the teachers and students of Rufo
            play.  With  this  new  concept  of  a  Monday, June 6th, with violin and  another  piano  teacher  will  give  Wever Music School.q

            Prohibited by law: leaving the island with seashells, white sand or corals

            (Oranjestad)—Often  times,  the  customs  de-   face a fine that they have to pay before leav-
            partment  at  the  airport  intercepts  many  tour-  ing. This is surely not a pleasant experience for
            ists leaving the island with seashells, white sand  the tourist. This also leads to a negative reaction
            and/or corals as souvenirs.                     which can put our tourism in a negative light.
                                                            Though we love to accommodate our visitors,
            Conforming to the international treaty of CITES  let’s all give nature the respect it deserves by
            and  our  local  law  which  protects  our  Flora  &  protecting  our  environment.  Stop  collecting
            Fauna,  it  is  absolutely  prohibited  to  take  any  seashells, white sand and corals from our shores
            seashell, sand and coral outside of Aruba. This  and stop buying or accepting these from local
            is to protect our environment. The high number  sellers or companies.
            of seashells, coral and amount of sand confis-
            cated  is  very  strange  and  it  is  suspected  that  We want our future generations and visitors to
            our own locals are the ones selling these to the  enjoy  the  beauty  of  our  beaches,  shells  and
            tourists, which is unacceptable.                corals in a sustainable way, without destroying
                                                            or  disrupting  the  Aruban  ecosystem.  Help  us
            Upon confiscation at the airport, you can also  protect what is ours!q
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