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P. 12

               Wednesday 31 January 2024

                                                                      Millennial Money: The 4 longevity

                                                                      questions you should ask your financial


                                                                      By KATE ASHFORD of Nerd-     long  as  you  do.  Here  are   assumptions  you’re  mak-
                                                                      Wallet                       the  questions  to  ask  your   ing.  You  can  explore  vari-
                                                                      Only one-third of men cor-   adviser.                     ous scenarios together and
                                                                      rectly estimated how long    1. WHAT ARE YOU USING AS     decide  what  makes  the
                                                                      a  60-year-old  man  in  the   MY LIFE EXPECTANCY?        most sense.
                                                                      U.S.  could  expect  to  live,   No  one  can  know  when   “If  you’ve  got  longevity  in
                                                                      according  to  a  2022  TIAA   they’re  going  to  die,  but   your family, let’s boost it up
                                                                      Institute survey. And fewer   your health and family his-  to  (age)  97  or  even  100,”
                                                                      than  half  of  women  got   tory can help your planner   says Timothy Knotts, a CFP
                                                                      it  right  for  a  60-year-old   make  a  good  guess.  How   in Red Bank, New Jersey.q
                                                                      woman.                       long did your parents live,
                                                                      Advisers  call  this  under-  or  your  grandparents?  Do
                                                                      standing  how  long  you’ll   you have any health con-
                                                                      live in your retirement years     ditions?
                                                                      longevity  literacy.  It’s  a   “I’ve  started,  a  few  years
                                                                      crucial  part  of  your  retire-  ago, asking a lot of health
                                                                      ment strategy, and it’s im-  questions  of  my  clients,”
                                                                      portant that you and your    says  Mitchell  Kraus,  a  cer-
                                                                      financial  professional  are   tified  financial  planner  in
                                                                      on  the  same  page.  You    Santa  Monica,  California.
                                                                      should  be  talking  about   “They  should  let  their  ad-
                                                                      things like what your plan-  viser  know  of  any  health
                                                                      ner is using as your life ex-  concerns that might cause
                                                                      pectancy, how you’ll cov-    their life expectancy to be
                                                                      er future health care costs   shorter.”
                                                                      and whether you need to      Planners  often  work  with
                                                                      account for any spending     software  that  can  model
                                                                      related to aging parents.    what  will  happen  to  your
                                                                      Getting  this  right  means   finances  if  you  die  at  dif-
                                                                      your  money  will  last  for  as   ferent ages, based on the
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